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Torah is the holy book of this religion: Judaism

All are basic tenets of Buddhism EXCEPT for one: Stating The Faith
A civil war in your home country breaks out and you and your family leave to go to another
country. This is an example of pull factor: False
All are code of Ethics of politicians EXCEPT for one: Criticize the person, not the argument
A stage of cognitive development which children can not take another person’s perspective?:
A city of significance for jews, christians, and muslims: Jerusalem
It consists of social relations and the methods used to formulate and apply policy: Politics
Any specific attribute about the self is called: Self-Schema
A belief in Hinduism which states that all thoughts and actions result in future consequences:
The basis of children’s behavior during the first stage of Mead’s Development of the Staff:
The model version a person has about him/herself and is borne out of demands and standards
of society. This answers the question who do I want to be: Ideal Self
The written records and beliefs of the Jews: Torah
Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete-Operational, and Formal Operations were developed
by: Jean Piaget
All are signs of a self-absorbed person EXCEPT: They are secure
Believers of this religion worships in mosque: Islam
“Man is by nature a olitical animal” is a declaration by: Aristotle
What is Extremism: Any ideology considered to be far outside the mainstream attitudes of
a society
Cognitions during preoperational stage of development are dominated by: Egocentrism and
Magical Beliefs
The process of mentally assuming the perspective of another person according to Mead:
It is an organized system of beliefs and practices, often centered on one or more gods: Religion
This means “I”: Ego
The ultimate goal of this religion is Nirvana: Buddhism
Which is not right about Aristotle: None of the options mentioned is incorrect
Masculine or Feminine, Introverted or extroverted are examples of: Self-Schema
War, Poverty, and discrimination are all examples of pull factors: False
It is the cognitive representation of self-knowledge which includes the sum total of all beliefs that
people have about themselves: Self- Concept
It is the sum total of a person’s beliefs about his or her own attributes and is considered as the
cognitive component of the self: Self-Concept
Adolescent’s belief that others are as interested in them as they themselves are, as well as
attention-getting behavior motivated by the desire to be noticed, visible, and “on stage” is called:
Imaginary Audience
The religion is mostly concentrated in Europe and North and South America: Christianity
Who is considered to be the public originator of the view that politics is associated with public
affairs: Aristotle
Rig Veda is the holy book of this religion: Hinduism
“When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself a public property” is a
declaration by: Jefferson
This was given to Moses by God on Mt.Sinai and must be Followed: Ten Commandments
It refers to the worship of more than one god: Polytheism
This religion believes that there are four noble truths: Buddhism
One of the hallmarks of Mead’s Stages of Self-formation is the ability of the child to recognize
other people in the environment: Generalized Other
Adults appear to be less egocentric than children because they are: faster to correct their
previously egocentric behavior
Utilitarian is for greatest good for all while Aristotelian is for: Purpose of life, Action
All are characteristics of an egocentric person EXCEPT: Altruistic
The central theme of Buddhism: Suffering
What characteristic of HInduism describes this situation: Sharing some food and necessities
with a neighbor in need and receiving a call that day that you got the job that you’ve been
waiting for: Karma
All are pillars of Islam EXCEPT for one: Meditation
What is egocentrism: Seeing things only from a person’s own point of view
Any ideology considered to be far outside the mainstream attitudes of society: Extremism
The bases of communication during Mead’s preparatory stage constitute: Verbal and
non-verbal symbols
One of the 20th century’s most influential researchers who proposed the cognitive theory of
development: Jean Piaget
Young Children cannot imagine another person’s point of view. This is called: Egocentrism
It is a belief in one’s differences and invulnerability, that is an indicator of adolescent
egocentrism and might continue further into one’s adult life: Personal Fable
An approach to describe the power of the environment in shaping the human behavior: Social
Which of the following is the belief of Monotheism: God Created the Universe
This refers to the beliefs and actions of people who support or use ideologically motivated
violence to further radical ideological: Violent Extremism
According to him, the self cannot be separated from the society: George Mead
It is considered the world’s largest religion in the world today with respect to its members:
Which statement below explains the Game Stage in Mead’s Stages of the Self? The child of
about eight or nine years old no longer just play roles, but begins to consider several
tasks and relationship simultaneously
The stage where the child now has the ability to respond not just to one but several members of
his social environment: Game Stage
The art of science of running government or state affairs, including behavior within civil
governments: Politics
Considered to be the founder of Judaism: Abraham
All are solutions for religious extremism EXCEPT: Deviating from studying and learning
Which statement below explains the Preparatory Stage in Mead’s Stages of the Self? Children
imitate the people around them, especially family members with whom they continually
It is the overall evaluation that a person has of himself which involves a Positive and negative or
high and low dimension: Self Esteem
Considered to be a polytheistic religion: Hinduism
The inability of an adolescent to accurately assume or understand any perspective other than
one’s own is: Egocentrism
Which sociologist developed the theory of Role-Taking? George Mead
Which statement below explains the Play Stage in Mead’s Stages of the Self? The child begins
to pretend to be other people
This religion is mostly concentrated in Israel and North America: Judaism
It is the exercise of power, the science of government, the making of collective decisions, and
the allocations of scarce resources: Politics
Economic opportunities, religious freedom, and political and social equality are all examples of
push factors: False
The person will experience dissatisfaction and may see himself as failure or a loser if there is
_________ between the real self and the ideal self: Incongruence
This religion believes in the concept of reincarnation: Hinduism
It is the process by which a person comes to adopt increasingly extreme political, social, or
religious ideals: Radicalization
One of the eightfold paths of Buddhism: Right Action
In which of Mead’s stages of the self do children merely imitate the people around them:
None of the above

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