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(Submission Date: By Feb 13, 2023)

Given that at midnight of March 1, 2000, the Local Sidereal Time and the longitude at Cape-3-Points were
8h 45m and 2°48'W respectively, and that the Right Ascension, R. A., of a given star of interest, called
“Betel”, was 5h 55m;

(a) Find the Local Hour Angle of Star Betel at the time of observation (midnight)

(b) Find the time on which Star Betel was on the meridian passing through Cape-3-Points

(c) Find the time at which Star Betel was on the Greenwich meridian?

NB 1: Provide all the sources or references of information such as internet, text book and handouts that you
use for doing the assignment both within and at the end of the work (Reference List).


1. This is a group assignment to be done and submitted within the period for field astronomy on the time table
for each week.

2. This should be done manually on A4 sheets or in your group note book. The finished assignment should be
scanned or captured by a camera in clear legible manner and saved as one file in pdf format.

3. The pdf file in point 2 above should be sent by email to the course instructor or lecturer and a copy uploaded
onto the UMaT VLE platform for the course. (

4. The cover sheet of the assignment submitted should indicate your Dept., Class, the Course code and name,
and the Name, Date, Index Number and Signature (phone number may be included) of every member in
the group that participated in doing the work.

5. The originals of A4 sheets on which assignments are done should be stapled to your group field books that
will be submitted at the end of the semester for final assessment.

6. Points 1-5 above apply to all group assignments and field work in the course (unless new instructions are

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