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A job interview is one of the most terrifying situations for me because I am not confident

when it comes to speaking in English. I am terrified that I might answer it in the wrong way or that

the interviewer might not understand what I really wanted to say. Another is that I am more

comfortable when talking Tagalog with other people, especially Filipinos. I can only talk in English

when I am talking with people from other countries, as it is necessary to talk to them in English

as they do not judge my English. But doing the mock interview with my FLJ instructor eases my

mind, and I am really comfortable talking with her, but I just cannot really talk in straight English.

I still push myself to reply in English during our mock interview session. I have learned a lot, such

as the dos and don’ts to say in a job interview and tips to say in order to be hired by that

organization. I also learned that it is much better to be more specific in describing skills when

answering the interviewer's questions in order to avoid giving too vague answers and to be able

to share with them my knowledge about the job they are looking for and to ensure that I am

perfectly qualified to do the job itself with proper knowledge and sets of skills. While for career

goal setting, it allows me to keep track of what I need to accomplish and ensure that I am

improving my skills and achieving the goals I set for myself. I will do this even after I graduate, as

it will help me to know if I am really aiming for the goals that I set and if I am still on the right track.

It is similar to doing an assurance or consulting engagement in internal audit activity, as it is

indeed needed to ensure that the actions of management are on the right track in achieving their


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