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As a student, I can assist them by sharing my knowledge with people who have
been covered by RA 9262, which can help them be informed of their rights as women
and protect them under this act. Allowing them to know will let them realize that they
may be heard, and this law will safeguard women who have been physically and
sexually abused by their relationships, as well as children who have been exposed to
sexual activity by their father, stepfather, or mother's partner.

It is important to note the covered person for this activity to determine if the VAWC
act is right for you. It is also important to know what steps to take when you want to
report your live-in partner or husband as such to have a common understanding of the
proper steps to have your rights as a woman. Another thing to keep in mind is that
VAWC is not only for women who have been physically abused by their relationships,
but it also encourages them to engage in any sexual behavior that is harmful to women.
As a result of this legislation, even if you are married or partner, you do not have the
right to force your partner to do anything she does not want to do, and being married to
her does not give you the power to force her to do things she does not want to do.

As a student, I can raise awareness about RA 9262 by sharing videos and

information about the law on social media. As we all know, social media is a very strong
medium for reinforcing your position, and as such, it is critical for women to understand
their rights and to understand that they can be protected under this act to be heard.
Another is to share it with individuals I know, particularly those who are suffering and
need to be protected. It may be too intimate, but expressing it can help them realize that
they do not deserve such behavior in their relationships.

As an example of a circumstance under this statute, I have witnessed numerous

instances of women being physically violated. One of my experiences is when we have
a family member residing with us temporarily. Ate was pregnant at the moment, and her
husband was inebriated by alcohol that night. We just heard some loud noises outside
their door, and Kuya is trying to go inside while Ate is crying inside. From this, it is not
about physical violence but emotional violence which according to Atty. Ejercito is
covered by the RA 9262 VAWC.

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