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7 C’s of Communication 


The 7 C’s of Communication is a checklist that helps to improve professional

communication skills and increases the chance that the message will be understood in exactly
the same way as it was intended.

To compose effective written or oral messages, we must apply certain communication

principles. These principles provide guidelines regarding purpose, style, receiver, etc. their
number is seven. Each of them begins with the letter “C”. So, so these are called “Seven

These are:

● Clarity
● Correctness
● Completeness
● Concreteness
● Conciseness
● Consideration
● Courtesy


Clarity means communicating the exact message on the first reading.  The message should be
clear and easily understandable to the receiver. The purpose of the communication should be
clear to the sender then only the receiver will be sure about it. The message should
emphasize a single goal at a time and shall not cover several ideas in a single sentence.

Aristotle said: A good style is, first of all, clear.

Clarity comes In a message through these ways:

● Use short, easy, and familiar words.

● Avoid words with double meanings.
● Avoid old phrases.

The message should be correct, i.e. correct language should be used, and the sender must
ensure that there are no grammatical and spelling mistakes. Also, the message should be
exact and well-timed. The correct messages have a greater impact on the receiver and at the
same time, the morale of the sender increases with an accurate message.

Correctness comes in a message through these ways:

● Use the right level of language.

● Check the accuracy.


The message should be complete, i.e. it must include all the relevant information as required
by the intended audience. Complete messages bring the desired results without the expense
of added messages. The complete information gives answers to all the questions of the
receivers and helps in better decision-making by the recipient.

Completeness comes through these ways:

● Provide all necessary information.

● Answer all questions asked.
● Check five W's: what, when, where, who, and why.


George M said: "Don't tell them___ Show them". Concreteness means choosing words that
show definitely what you mean. Concrete and specific information is more informative, but
also more convincing. The communication should be concrete, which means the message
should be clear and particularly such that no room for misunderstanding is left. All the facts
and figures should be clearly mentioned in a message so the reader can understand whatever
the sender is saying.

Concreteness comes through these ways:

● Choose image-building words.

● Provide solid figures.
● Use words that appeal to five scenes.


 The message should be precise and to the point. The sender should avoid lengthy sentences.

Southey said: If you want to be sharp, be brief.

Conciseness comes through these ways:

● Include only relevant material.

● Avoid needless repetition.


Consideration means preparing a message with the receiver in mind. Try to put yourself in
his or her place. The sender should aware of the receiver's problems and emotions in order to
have effective communication.

The consideration comes through these ways:

● Focus on "you" instead of I and we.

● Show benefit to the reader.


Where courtesy reigns, everyone gains.

Courtesy show love and respect for the reader. Courtesy makes life pleasant. The message
written in a Courteous way seems to be smiling. Please and thank you are Courteous words.

Courtesy comes in a message through these ways:

● Use expressions that show respect.

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