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The moon has always been my mother

She was a pale figure in the sky

Watching over me as I cried
Every time a soft wind blew over me
It was as if she was hugging me
An embrace that spoke softly
"Hush child, your mother is here"
So I stayed silent and listened

She has seen it all

Her memory holding our shared history
Sometimes when I can't sleep I ask her for stories
She sends out winds to tell them to me
So I stay silent and listen once more

The moon knows my pain

She really cares
She once told me she shares it
Every tear I shed a storm rages
Every cry I repress is a hurricane
When I am in pain she feels it with me
She takes it in herself
Maybe someday my story shall be shared
with another like me
Someone who will hear her soft spoken voice and sit silent to truly

She saw me when I cried in my bed my sorrows spilling into the world
She saw me on the edge and wiped my tears
She saw all without uttering a word
Like a mother should
She accepted the wounds I caused upon myself
She staved silent and listened

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