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Literary Devices

Allegory Irony
Alliteration Juxtaposition
Allusion Kennings
Amplification Litotes
Anagram Malapropism
Analogy Metaphor
Anastrophe Metonymy
Anecdote Mood
Anthropomorphism Motif
Antithesis Negative Capability
Aphorism Nemesis
Archetype Onomatopoeia
Assonance Oxymoron
Asyndeton Paradox
Authorial Intrusion Pathetic Fallacy
Bibliomancy Periodic Structure
Bildungsroman Periphrasis
Cacophony Personification
Caesura Plot
Characterization Point of View
Chiasmus Polysyndeton
Circumlocution Portmanteau
Conflict Prologue
Connotation Puns
Consonance Rhyme Scheme
Denotation Rhythm & Rhyme
Deus ex Machina Satire
Diction Setting
Doppelganger Simile
Ekphrastic Spoonerism
Epilogue Stanza
Epithet Stream of consciousness
Euphemism Suspense
Euphony Symbol
Faulty Parallelism Synecdoche
Flashback Synesthesia
Foil Syntax
Foreshadowing Theme
Hubris Tone
Hyperbaton Tragedy
Hyperbole Understatement
Imagery Verisimilitude
Internal Rhyme Verse

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