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Activity No. 1.1.

Name: Jerard M. Balala Grade:

Course: BSABE Date:
Professor: Myrna Tan

Instruction: Paste a photo of a jeepney in the box and answer the question below.

1. Will you consider this an Art? Explain your answer.

Yes, I consider this jeepney as an extraordinary piece of an art. Jeepney is a unique type of
public transport in Philippines. Through this vehicle, art was created to express the classic
work of visual art to a simple portrait painting of their family, to cultural symbols and flashy
decors. While others are based on colorful traditions and memories of either artist or practices
of the community like fiestas, festivals and other occasions. Some of the jeepneys was a
personalized design and added some accessories. And that is how jeepney became an iconic
part of the Filipino culture.

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