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Universidad Juárez Autónoma De Tabasco

División de académica de ciencias económico administrativas

¨Estudio en la duda acción en la fe¨
Bachelor's Degree in Public Accountin
Describe with your own words what an entrepreneur is and which are the main
characteristics that someone who is considered an entrepreneur must have, then tell if you consider
yourself one , yes/no. why?

Oscar Dominguez Cruz


It presents:
201B38021 Jiménez López Cristofer Alexander

Licenciado en Contaduría Pública

Semester and group:


Delivery date:
February 08, 2023

Villahermosa, Tabasco
What is an entrepreneur?

For me an entrepreneur is a person who has ideas to start a business, which applies

those ideas, carrying out a series of activities and plans to make your idea a reality. This

person is someone who wants to be your boss and have your business.

Characteristics of an entrepreneur:

➢ Perseverance

➢ Ambitious

➢ Security

➢ Skill

➢ Capacity monetary

➢ Motivation.

Do I consider myself an entrepreneur? Of course, if at one point in my life I have had ideas

to start a business and be my own boss manage it well and generate profits, not receive order,

I hope in the not-too-distant future I can implement my idea I have.

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