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Webster’s third new international dictionary of the English language,

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p. cm.
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1. English languageDictionaries. I. Gove, Philip Babcock,
1902-1972. II. Merriam-Webster, Inc.

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t,i satire apecres as a rue, al crry ci creatures wit,, cunrpara- uumtuANr uss.cor.cias]

disconcerting ad] : causing loss of composure or self-posses- tively large discontinuities between their ranks S.F.Mason) discording ad] [ME, fr.
Sian : nisrIJtiiiiNG, EMBARRASSING (this ’-’ stare often caused 3 math : a point or value of the argument at which a function DISCORDANT
people to falter nervously in their speech Jean Stafford> (a is not continuous 4 : the boundary between two layers within ’dis-count \di,skaOmit\
habit of greeting friends ferociously and strangers charm- the earth which display different physical properties made Icount) of F dØcompte, f
ingly ---Herb Cacti) adv - disconcert- known by analysis of earthquake records 5 : a rapid change abatement or reduction r
ingness fl -ES in meteorological elements in a short distance or a short time of anything: as a (I)
dis.con.cer.tion \,diskan’ssrshan, -s5sh-,-sish-\ a -s : the dis-continuous \dis+\ ad] [ML disconfinuus, fr. L dis- Idis specific customer or class
action of disconcerting or state of being disconcerted : DIS- + continuus continuous - more at CONTINUOUS] 1 abs : caus- (2) : a proportionate de(
COMPOSURE, PERTURBATION ing discontinuity : GAPING (with ’-’ wound John Milton> made for cash or prom
dis.con.cert.ment \-’sartmant, -sgt-,-ssit-\ n -S : DISCON- 2 a not continuous : marked by breaks or gaps (a ’-’mosaic b : a deduction made fu
CERTION of better watered and settled territory, embedded ... in wide or purchasing a bill or ii
dis.confirm \:dis+\ Vt [’dis- + confirm] : to establish as expanses of and or semiarid land Geog. Jour.> (the interest upon money 2
untrue or invalid : DISPROVE (’’ a philosophical assertion by boy received a very jumbled and ’-’ schooling Louis Kronen- counting 3 : the act or a
appeal to sense experience> - opposed to confirm berger> not continued : DISCRETE, SEPARATE (here and there bank funds in the of Is

dis.confirmation \:dis, dbs+\ n : the act, process, or an were conspicuous elevations . . but they were ’-.’ features, billiards of one point frc
instance of disconfirming not useful as regional boundaries R.H.Brown> : lacking point made by his oppon
dis.con.form \:diskan:fo(arm\ ad] [ldj,c.. + conform] : not logical or organic sequence or coherence (a series of events> ance made (as for the spe’
conformable usu. used with to (the tone poem is gay and always entertaining, but a trifle --’> that qualifies the truth o
dis.conformable \dis+\ ad] [’dis- + conformable] 1 archaic h math : having one or more discontinuities - used of a vari- make very heavy , or e
not conformable : DISAGREEING - used with from or to able or a function c of a linguistic form : consisting of parts conclusions altogether -

2 : of or relating to a disconformity ( contact of Middle that are separated by other linguistic units of the same order taken, timeliness remain,
Devonian on Middle Silurian limestones CODunbar> or by parts of such units (as French ne ... pas "not" in ]e ne F.L.Mott>; also : an
dis.conformity \:dis+\ a [Idis + conformity] 1 archaic sais P05 "I do not know") (’’ morphemes> ( phonemes> HINDRANCE (he does - - n -

lack of conformity or correspondence : NONCONFORMITY - - discontinuously adv - discontinuousness n -ES pleasant day Times Lit
used with to or with 2 a break in a sequence of sedimentary discontinuous easement n an easement or servitude that par : below the nominal
rocks all of which have approximately the same dip indicating requires an act of man for its exercise or enjoyment (as a 2 : out of favor : poor
an interruption in sedimentation generally by an interval of right of way or right to draw water) - compare CONTINUOUS visionaries were at a disc
erosion - compare DIASTEM 3, UNCONFORMITY EASEMENT with reservations (his
dis.congruity \:dis+\ n [’dis- + congruity] : INCONGRUITY discontinuous phase a : DISPERSED PHASE taken . . . at a discount --

ldis.connect \:dis+\ vb [’dis- + connect] Vt : to sever the discontinuous variation a, biol abrupt variation in which 2 djs.count \"also d/’s-\ V
connection of or between DETACH (’’ the fuse from a bomb> there are few or no intermediate forms fr. OF desconter, fr. ML
SEPARATE, DISUNITE (’’ church and state) Vi: to terminate ldis.convellience \dis+\ it [ME, fr. LL disconvenientia fr. putare to reckon, compu
a connection L disconvenient-, disconveniens (pres. part. of disconvenire to deduct esp. from an accoi
2 djsconnect \"\ n -S [by shortening] t DISCONNECTING SWITCH disagree, be inconsistent, fr. dis- ldis- + con Venire to come ment of ( a bill for ear
disconnected ad] : not connected : DISUNITED (Congress together, agree) + -ia -y - more at CONVENE] dial : INCON- a discount : sell at a disc
gives the impression of a confusing sum of - local forces VENIENCE year’s unsold models>
Samuel Lubell> : lacking logical or organic connection 2 disconvenience \"\ vt, dial: INCONVENIENCE the discount or allowan
DISJOINTED (throwing down her pen after having written a dis.convenient \:dis+\ ad] [Idis + convenient] now c/ia! paper) 3 a : to leave on
few ’-’ lines H.A.Overstreet> - disconnectedly adv - INCONVENIENT influence of Hawaii on
disconnectedness a \disks,fil\ a -s [disc- + -phile] : one who is de- the spectacle ...of flat
disconnecting switch a : a switch that isolates a circuit or voted to the study and collecting of phonograph records flora T.H.Robsjohn-G
one or more pieces of electrical apparatus after the current has dis.coph.o.ra \dbskSf(s)ra\ or dis.coph.o.rae \-fs,rb\ it p1, in evaluating the significal
been interrupted by other means cap [NL, fr. disc- + -phora, -phorae] in some classifications : a 1 MINIMIZE, DISPARAGE,
dis-connection \dis–\ n [ 1 dis- + connection] : the act of group of jellyfishes: a : a group coextensive with Scyphozoa offense as a pardonable
disconnecting or state of being disconnected : SEPARATION, b : a group coextensive with Discomedusae mature judgment and lont
DETACHMENT (a curious feeling of loneliness or - from the dis.copli.o.rous \da’sktif(o)ras, (’)dis-\ ad] [in sense 1, fr. (never the fellow’s c
busy crowds about him> disc- + -phorous,- in sense 2, fr. NL Discophora + E -ous] LESSEN (the value of his \"+\ a : DISCONNECTING SWITCH 1 zoo! : bearing a disk or disklike structure 2 : of or relating of the subject> c (1) :10
dis.consider \:dis+\ Vt [Idis + consider] : to deprive of to the Discophora truth or validity of : makr
consideration or esteem (it was the sort of exploit that --’ed \diskE+\ n [NL, fr. disc- + placenta] tion) in (he ed sevenl
a young man for good with the more serious classes R.L. a discoidal placenta - \"+\ ad] - dig- Gerald Beaumont) (-
Stevenson> : view without regard or respect (when humanity co.placentalian \"+\ ad] made for the new drug>
is ’-’ed the public is not protected, nor is the professional \"+\ ap/, cap [NL, fr. disc- + Placentalia] DISBELIEVE (I the st
code honored Spectator> mammals having discoidal placentas McCormick . . . because - .late \dbskn(t)s(a)lbt, ’di s- USU -Jd.+V\ ad] dis.cop.o.dous \da’sktipodos, ()dis-\ ad] [disc- + -podous] d : to anticipate or take
[ME disconsolat, fr. ML disconsolatus, fr. ’L dis- idis.. + con- zoo! : having the foot disk-shaped present calculations or pis
sola tus, past part. of consolari to console - more at CONSOLE] ’dis-cord \’di,skOrd, -O(o)d\ n -S [ME descord, discorde, partly organized groups whose
1 : lacking consolation : deeply dejected and dispirited : hope- fr. OF c/escort (fr. descorder); partly fr. OF desecrate, fr. L Time> (businessmen hat
lessly sad : being beyond consolation (a ’--’ parent> 2 : in- discordia, fr, discord-, discors discordant + -ia -y] 1 a (1) of the price increase> 4
spiring dejection : SADDENING, CHEERLESS (set up a wall lack of harmony or agreement between persons : DISUNITY, vi: 1 : to lend or make
to shut off the - hills and the monotonous sea M.R.Cohen> DISAGREEMENT, DISSENSION (must we fall into the jabber and the discount (banks for
indicating or suggestive of dejection (retired ... with a babel of ’-’ while victory is still unattained Sir Winston alice (’ing for Richard’s
step T.L.Peacock> syn see DOWNCAST Churchill> (2) : CONFLICT, STRIFE (’-’-’ among the barons of the \ s"sbsl
2 djsconsolate Vt -ED/-ING/-S obs : to make disconsolate border country reached the point of daily raids, ambushes, and discounted (a note> (th
dis. con. so . late. ly ad] : in a disconsolate manner (gazed’-’-’ kidnappings> b : lack of harmony or agreement between apart for discounting (wit
at the smoking ruins of his house) (rows of cypresses standing things or ideas 1 CONTRAST, DIFFERENCE, OPPOSITION (the glar- discount broker a one v
beside the brooding river> ing between the architecture of the two buildings> (the commercial paper usu. as
dis.con. so . late .ness a -s : the quality or state of being dis- between the idealist and materialist philosophies> 2 a : a discount company n : a c
consolate DEJECTION, DISPIRITEDNESS combination of musical sounds which strike the ear harshly accounts receivable : COM .tion \db,sktin(t)so’lSshon, ,di-\ n [’dis- + due either to an unprepared dissonance or to an effect of false discount day it : the we(
consolation] : the state of being disconsolate intonation or tuning b : the interval between two discordant ’dis-countenance \dss, (
dis.consonant Vas, ()dis+\ ad] [’dis- + consonant]: not notes; also : a discordant note c : DISSONANCE 3 : any harsh 1 : to put out of countei
agreeing DISCORDANT, DISSIMILAR - or unpleasant sound (the braying of automobile horns and CONCERT (the republic
ldis.content \dis+\ ad] [’c/is- + content (adj.)] : DISCON- other daily ’-’s of city life> discountenanced its few frit
TENTED - usu. used with with ( with his prospects and syn STRIFE, CONFLICT, CONTENTION, DISSENSION, VARIANCE: to look with favor upon
station in life> DISCORD may indicate sustained inharmonious disagreement courage by evidence of d
2discontent \"\ n : one who is discontented : one who has marked by quarreling, factiousness, antagonism (the meeting discountenanced the teach
a grievance : MALCONTENT (his following had diminished to broke up in discord> (the discord among the brawling barons> working classes Helen t
less than a dozen - s> (the controversies arising from this situation are bitter, and the 2 djscountelsance \"\ a I
3discontent \"\ Vt [’dis- + content (v.)] : to inspire feelings discord is ominously apparent H.AWagner) DISCORD indi- discountenancing (Anseric
of grievance or dissatisfaction in : make discontented : DIS- cates the fact of existent disharmony, perhaps pointless; STRIPE to the Bolshevik and
PLEASE (inflation . . . corrupted the civil service . . . , ed and may designate competition in a hectic struggle for victory or \’di,skaOnta
disheartened the soldiers C.P. Fitzgerald> supremacy (all must live together in harmony as good neigh- counts; specif : the operat
4discontent \"\ n [1dis- + content (n.)] : lack of contentment bors or in strife as bad neighbors Saturday Rev.> (as the war discount house a 1 a
a sense of grievance or thwarted aspirations or desires drew to its end he, like Lincoln, sought to heal the wounds sunser durables) at a disc,
DISSATISFACTION (abolitionists encouraged agitators to come caused by internecine strife H.A.Bridgman> CONFLICT indi- BROKER
south and stir up Helen B. Woodward> (unless such cates existence of opposition or rivalry with desire or impetus discount market n : an
aid reaches down to the masses will not be effective In to victory or mastery but not necessarily with the surging instruments (as acceptanc.
preventing social ’--’s Dexter Perkins> : restless yearning or activity associated with STRIFE (the medieval conflicts between - compare BANK DISCOUN
aspiration for improvement or perfection : inquietude of mind England and France> (the age-old conflict between city and discount rate n : the inter
(though yet young, he had sunk into a groove extremely deep, village A.R.Williams> (the conflict of passion, temper, or advance for a bank or o
and had apparently lost all divine - Arnold Bennett> appetite with the external duties T.S.Eliot> (the union and by central banks for advar
discontented ad] : DISSATISFIED, UNSATISFIED, MALCONTENT conflict of two very different human impulses, the one urging discounts p1 of DISCOUNT,
uneasy in mind (hardly a ’-’ face to be seen Thomas Gray> men towards mysticism, the other urging them towards science dis.cour.age \dRskor.Iij,
( with his position> - discontentedly adv - discontented- Bertrand Russell> CONTENTION may suggest bickering -ED/-1NG,/-S [MF descoragi
ness n -ES quarrelsome altercation in words; it usu. does not apply to fr. des- ’dis- + corage coin
discontenting ad] 1 : causing discontent : DISSATISFYING, physically active strife (contention about the new zoning laws> deprive of courage or con
DISPLEASING (a most ’-’ kind of activity> 2 abs : DISCONTENTED (contention between free trade and tariff groups) (the conten- of the bastion greatly c/is,
dis-contentment \,dis+\ a : DISCONTENT tions and turmoils preceding Kentucky’s admission into the succession of failures discoi
dis-continuance \dis+\ n [ME discontinuaunce, fr. 1,/is- + Union E.M.Coulter> DISSENSION is likely to stress the seek to check, hinder, or
continuaunce continuance - more at CONTINUANCE] 1: the existence of disharmony and noisy truculent antipathy be- by legislative enactment>
act or an instance of discontinuing the use or practice of tween groups, with or without strife (the party was split by feudal anarchy discourager
(there were no automobiles to cause a ’--’ of walking Morris internal dissension on religious, racial, and intellectual ques- of the soil discouraged agri
Fishbein> (an appeal for the ’--’ of the electoral college> : the tions Amer. Guide Series: N. Y.> (reports of internal dis- from some action : dampe
State of being discontinued (’’ of dueling had changed the sension in Venezuela: a "moderate" group in the Venezuelan for some action (discourag
pattern of German university life) : CESSATION, SHUTDOWN, army threatened to revolt against the Gallegos government career> (a table-high platf ,
CLOSURE (a ’--’ of bus service between the two towns > (the site Current Biog.> VARIANCE may indicate a clash of opinion, souvenir snatchers Gree
of the state fair until its recent ’’> (almost 40 percent of temperament, or character that make for strife, discord, or cold or heart (I don’t easily
small business ’--’s involve simply a change of ownership hostility (sectarian variances in the town had delayed the erec- syn DISCOURAGE, DISHEAV
Nation’s Business> : INTERRUPTION (an intercourse renewed tion of a house of worship Amer. Guide Series: Vt.> (the un- implies loss of courage, cot
after many years’ ’-’ Jane Austen) 2 obs : temporary ab- willingness of young men interested in the ministry to accept the sapping effect of fear
upset in feelings : AGITATION, PERTURBATION <his trembling sence 3 [ME discontinuaunce, fr. AF, fr. MB dis-, des- ’dii-
voice and flushed cheeks revealed his profound ’-j> 3 obs + Continuance - more at CONTINUANCE] a : a breaking off
derangement of health or interruption of an estate upon an alienation made esp. by .cete \diskmT,st, -,mist\ n, p1 dsscomyce.tes a tenant in tail of a larger estate than he was entitled to
\mIsº\ [NL Discomycetes] a fungus of the group b the termination of an action by the failure of the
Discomycetes plaintiff to properly continue it or by the entry of a discon-
discomycetes a pi, cap [NL, fr. disc- + -niycetes] in some tinuing order on his motion - compare DisMiss Vt 4b c : the
classifications 1 a group of fungi of the class Ascomycetes in interruption of the proceedings in an action that follows
which the fruiting body is disklike or cup-shaped (as in Pezi- where a party does not answer all the material allegations of
zales) - \’mI,sd.s, misºd.os\ ad] the previous pleading and the opposite party fails to take \diskanan,th\ a p1, cap [NL, Ir. disc- + judgment for the part unanswered
connective -n- + -anthae (Cr. Gk anthos flower) more at dis-continuation \"+\ n [ME, I r. ML discontinuation-, dis-
ANTHOLOGY) in some classifications : a division of Siphono- continuatio, Cr, discontinuatus (past part. of discontinuare) +
phora comprising jellyfishes with a round flat many-cham- L -ion-, -10 -ion] I DISCONTINUANCE.
bered float (as members of the genera Veletta and Porpita) dis.continue \"+\ vb [ME discontinuen, Cr. ME discontinuer, \diskanan(t)thas\ ad] fr. ML discontinuare, fr. L dis- Idis + con tinuare to continue
lths.cou.cert \dh’skttn(t)ss(r)Jt, -n,snrj, -n,sj, -n,ssi; ’di s, more at CONTINUE] Vt 1 a : to break off give up 1 TERMI-
kttn(t)sa(r)j; usu d+V\ a [ 1 dis * concert] lack of concert NATE <found it necessary to ’-’ her course in Spanish) (dis-
the state of being disconcerted (there was a brief ’-’ of the continued bus service between the two points> : end the opera-
whole gay company E.A.Poe> tions or existence of (the school was discontinued after a sharp
2 clis.con.cert \:diskan:sarlt, -:5i, -sail, usu jd.+V\ Vt -En/ drop in enrollments) <disconti,Iued the business after the death
-1NG/-S fobs. F disconcerter, alter. (influenced by L dis- Idis) of his partner> : cease to use <discontinued the pattern after
of ME desconcerter, fr. des- idis + concerler to concert it proved unsatisfactory> Is ohs to cease to attend, frequent,
more at CONCERT] 1 : to break up the concert or arrangement or occupy C : to break the continuity of 1 SEVER < in regard to
of throw into confusion DISARRAY, UPSET, FRUSTRATE, the mountains it was contended that a gap does not ’-’ the gen-
DISTURB <’’ing enemy plans by a sudden offensive> (confessed eral line of the range Encyc. Americana> d (1) : to cease
that the eerie howls ’’ed his slumbers Rex Ingamells> 2 : to to publish <-’-’ an unprofitable journal> (2) to cease to sub-
disturb the composure or shake the complacency of : RUFFLE, scribe to < the morning newspaper> 2 : to abandon or
EMBARRASS <’--’ ed his academic cronies by confessing that in- terminate by a discontinuance or by other legal action ’ vi: to
spiration was most often induced in him by a pint of beer cease to continue come to an end; specif : to cease to be
Herbert Read) On an interview with Washington, he suc- published <the magazine will - after the next issue) syfl see
ceeded chiefly in ’--ing that most just of men A.L.Kroeber> STOP
Syfl see EMBARRASS dis-continuity \dbs, dis+\ si [ML discontinuitas, fr. discon-
disconcerted ad] marked by loss of self-possession or com- linuus + L -itas -ity] 1 : lack of continuity or cohesion : dis-
posure I PERTURBED, EMBARRASSED <look at each other dumbly, union of parts <from chapter to chapter . . . there is a sense
quite ’-’ G.B.Shaw> <was somewhat to learn that her of ’-’, of failure on the author’s part to ’follow through"
daughter was a suffragist Margaret A. Barnes>: put out Carlos Lynes> 2 a break in continuity : GAP <micro-
(was a little ’-’ not to find the missing book> - disconcert- scopic discontinuities in the foil NA.Cooke> (conceived of
edly adv - disconcertedness a -ES the organic species as a hierarchy of creatures with compara-
disconcerting ad] causing loss of composure or self-posses- tively large discontinuities between their ranks SF.Mason>
sion : DISTURBING, EMBARRASSING <this - stare often caused 3 math : a point or value of the argument at which a function
people to falter nervously in their speech Jean Stafford> <a is not continuous 4 : the boundary between two layers within If
habit of greeting friends ferociously and strangers charm- the earth which display different physical properties made
ingly Herb Caen> - adv - disconcert- known by analysis of earthquake records 5: a rapid change
inguess n -ES in meteorological elements in a short distance or a short time
dis.con.cer.tion \,diskansarshon, -s5sh-,-saish-\ n -s the dis-continuous \dis+\ ad] [ML discontinuus, Cr. L dis- 1 dss
action of disconcerting or state of being disconcerted : DIS- + continuus continuous - more at CONTINUOUS] 1 obs : caus-
COMPOSURE, PERTURBATION ing discontinuity I GAPING (with ’-.’ wound John Milton>
dis.con.cert.ment \-’sartmont, -st-,-sait-\ a -s : DISCON- 2 a not continuous : marked by breaks or gaps <a ’mosaic
CERTION of better watered and settled territory, embedded ... in wide
dis.confirm \:dis+\ Vt [Idjs + confirm] to establish as expanses of arid or semiarid land Geog. Jour,> (the
untrue or invalid I DISPROVE <’-’ a philosophical assertion by boy received a very jumbled and ’-’ schooling Louis Kronen-
appeal to sense experience> - opposed to confirm berger> not continued 1 DISCRETE, SEPARATE <here and there
dis.confinnation \dis, ds+\ ,i the act, process, or an were conspicuous elevations . . - but they were - features,
instance of disconfirming not useful as regional boundaries R.HBrown> lacking
dis.con.form \diskan:fO(s)rm\ ad] (Idis + conform] : not logical or organic sequence or coherence <a series of events>
conformable - usu. used with to <the tone poem is gay and always entertaining, but a trifle ’-’>
dis.conformable \dis+ \ ad] [Idis. + conformable] 1 archaic Is math : having one or more discontinuities - used of a vari-
not conformable I DISAGREEING - used with from or to able or a function c of a linguistic form : consisting of parts
2 of or relating to a disconformity <’--’ contact of Middle that are separated by other linguistic units of the same order
MrId1p Silurian limestones C.ODunbar> or by parts of such units (as French ne - . - pas "not" in je ne
"1 do not know") < morphemes> (’-’ phonemes>

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