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Activity 4

Measures of Central Tendency

(Solve problems 2 and 3 for ungrouped data)

A. Ungrouped Data

1. A sample of households that subscribe to the United Bell Phone Company revealed the
following numbers of calls received last week.

52 43 30 38 30 42 12 46
34 46 32 18 41 15 39 37

Solve for the mean, median, and mode

2. From the following data, Determine the mean, median, and mode

16 15 17 15 15
15 14 9 16 15
13 10 8 18 20
17 17 17 18 23
17 15 20 10 14



∑𝑋 16+15+13+17+17+15+14+10+17+15+17+9+8+17+20+15+16+18+18+10+15+15+20+23+14
𝑋̅ = 𝑛 = 25

= = 𝟏𝟓. 𝟑𝟔


Data set:
16, 15, 13, 17, 17, 15, 14, 10, 17, 15, 17, 9, 8, 17, 20, 15, 16, 18, 18, 10, 15, 15, 20, 23, 14

- 15 is the mode because 15 occurs six times in the data set.


8, 9, 10, 10, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18,
20, 20, 23

- Since the array contains 25 terms, (an odd number of terms), the median is the
middle number or 15.
3. The following data are shaped roughly like a normal distribution. determine the mean,
median, mode
61.4 27.3 26.4 37.4 30.4 47.5
63.9 46.8 67.9 19.1 81.6 47.9
73.4 54.6 65.1 53.3 71.6 58.6
57.3 87.8 71.1 74.1 48.9 60.2
54.8 60.5 32.5 61.7 55.1 48.2
56.8 60.1 52.9 60.5 55.6 38.1
76.8 46.8 19.9 27.3 77.4 58.1
32.1 54.9 32.7 40.1 52.7 32.5
35.3 39.1



𝑋̅ = 𝑛
= +71.6+48.9+55.1+55.6+77.4+52.7+47.5+47.9+58.6+60.2+48.2+38.1+58.1+32.5

= = 𝟓𝟏. 𝟗𝟐𝟐


Data set: 61.4, 63.9, 73.4, 57.3, 54.8, 56.8, 76.8, 32.1, 35.3, 27.3, 46.8, 54.6, 87.8, 60.5, 60.1,
46.8, 54.9, 39.1, 26.4, 67.9, 65.1, 71.1, 32.5, 52.9, 19.9, 32.7, 37.4, 19.1, 53.3, 74.1, 61.7, 60.5, 27.3,
40.1, 30.4, 81.6, 71.6, 48.9, 55.1, 55.6, 77.4, 52.7, 47.5, 47.9, 58.6, 60.2, 48.2, 38.1, 58.1, 32.5

- Data set is bimodal because, 32 and 60 has the same number of values in the set
and these data appear four times in the data set.


19.1, 19.9, 26.4, 27.3, 27.3, 30.4, 32.1, 32.5, 32.5, 32.7, 35.3, 37.4, 38.1, 39.1, 40.1,
46.8, 46.8, 47.5, 47.9, 48.2, 48.9, 52.7, 52.9, 53.3, 54.6, 54.8, 54.9, 55.1, 55.6, 56.8,
57.3, 58.1, 58.6, 60.1, 60.2, 60.5, 60.5, 61.4, 61.7, 63.9, 65.1, 67.9 71.1, 71.6, 73.4,
74.1, 76.8, 77.4, 81.6, 87.8

54.6 + 54.8 109.4

= =
2 2

= 𝟓𝟒. 𝟕

*Since the array contains 50 terms, (an even number of terms), we’ll get the median by
getting the average of the two middle values, 54.6 and 54.8. The resulting median is

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