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Types of line used to dimensions

1. The dimension line is a fine, dark, solid line with arrowheads on each end
3. The line used in dimensioning is a fine , dark and solid line, not a line without arrowhead.
5. dimension line indicates the direction and extent of a dimension
7. In machine sketches and drawings, in which fractions and decimals are used for
8. dimensions, the dimension line is usually broken near the middle to provide open space
9. for the dimension numerals.

12. An arrowhead is placed at each end of a dimension line. Its pointed end touches an
outline or extension line. The size of an arrowhead should be proportional to the
thickness of the outline.
13. . When you create a dimension, the block is inserted where the arrowheads would
normally go. Arrowhead sizing relies on the overall dimension scale factor

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