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Walking for 5, 30, or even 60 minutes a day will do this to your body...



Did you know that walking is one of the most effective medicines in the world? Despite this,
many people overlook the benefits of walking because they rely on various forms of

Today, so many means of transport have taken the place of walking — they allow us to take
fewer steps each day, and that's not good. The chemical changes in our body while walking
create numerous health benefits you may not realize until you experience them. 

Right now, we're going to explore how walking for 5, 30, or even 60 minutes can positively
impact your health and leave you feeling fantastic. Sounds good? Let's get to it!


What happens when you walk for:

1 to 5 Minutes 
The moment you step outside to begin your walk, your body releases energy-producing
chemicals that prepare you for the activity. As you start walking, your heart rate will increase
from 70 to 100 beats per minute, warming up your muscles and improving blood flow, which
is beneficial for your health.

You may notice that any stiffness in your joints reduces. This is because your joints start
producing a lubricating fluid that makes movement smoother and easier. This fluid helps
reduce friction in the joints and provides cushioning to protect them, which can be helpful for
your overall mobility.

When you start walking, your body will start burning calories as it uses energy. At this stage,
your body can burn up to five calories per minute, using fats and carbohydrates as fuel. This
can help you maintain a healthy weight and improve your metabolism.

According to a study conducted in 2015, taking five-minute walking breaks every hour can
counteract the adverse effects of prolonged sitting by enhancing muscle activity and
promoting better blood circulation.

That's right! Taking short walks throughout the day has been shown to have many health
benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disease, lowering blood pressure, improving mood
and cognitive function, and even reducing the risk of certain types of cancer. 

So, if you need help setting aside large chunks of time for exercise, incorporating short walks
into your daily routine can greatly improve your health and well-being.

6 to 10 Minutes
During this particular period, your heart rate ranges from 100 to 140 beats per minute, and
you can burn up to six calories per minute. Although your blood pressure may slightly
increase, your body will counteract it by producing chemicals that cause your blood vessels
to expand, providing your working muscles with more blood and oxygen.

As you increase your walking, your body, heart, and cardiovascular system will become more
resilient, which can lead to a long-term reduction in your blood pressure.

A study published in the American Journal of Health Promotion in 2018 found that taking six
10-minute walks throughout the day was more effective for improving overall fitness and
reducing sedentary time than taking three 20-minute walks.

Incorporating several 10-minute walks throughout the day on a daily basis can have a
significant impact. This not only benefits your physical health but also has a positive effect
on your mood and mental well-being.

Establishing a routine of taking 10-minute walks is an excellent strategy for individuals who
have been inactive or lack the strength for extended or challenging workouts. It is also ideal
for those who are pressed for time and cannot dedicate longer durations to exercise.

Even short walks can positively affect your physical and mental health. Consider taking a
short walk during your lunch break or after dinner to incorporate movement into your daily

Keep watching as some SHOCKING RESULTS will soon be revealed, which may capture
your attention. So, stay tuned, and don't go away. 

Now, let's move on to -

11 to 20 Minutes 
Currently, your body temperature is rising, and this is beneficial. Why? The reason is that you
start to sweat, and the blood vessels near the surface of your skin dilate, allowing for the
release of heat.

As your walk becomes intense, you can burn up to seven calories per minute and take deeper
breaths compared to your previous level of exertion.

According to research conducted by the University of Georgia and published in the Journal
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, engaging in a 20-minute walk for three days a week over
six weeks can lead to a 20% increase in energy levels and a reduction in feelings of fatigue.

Upon reaching this stage, your body releases two hormones, epinephrine, and glucagon, to
provide energy to your muscles. Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, is a hormone used to
treat asthma attacks and allergic reactions and can be purchased from drug stores. 

The good news is that you can naturally stimulate its release without any cost by taking a 20-
minute walk!

But that's not all; if you have a sweet tooth, especially during your menstrual cycle, walking
can effectively reduce those cravings. A 2011 study revealed that taking a 15-minute walk
can decrease chocolate consumption by 50%. Fortunately, the same result applies to
individuals who indulge in stress-eating. 

Instead of giving in to your cravings immediately, taking a walk is advisable. (If you still feel
hungry after the walk, choose a healthier snack alternative.)

21 to 45 Minutes 
At this point, your body tends to release more tension and achieve deeper relaxation, which is
often attributed to the secretion of endorphins in your brain.

The advantage of reaching this stage is that your body can burn more fat and experience a
significant drop in insulin levels, making it beneficial for individuals who want to lose excess

Additionally, engaging in a brisk 30-minute walk three times a week can effectively increase
the level of "good" cholesterol (HDL) and reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol (LDL) by a
few points.

Studies have demonstrated that this level of exercise can enhance your cholesterol profile,
even without weight loss. However, if weight loss is one of your objectives, shedding a few
pounds can lead to further reductions in LDL cholesterol levels.

If you're one of those people, make sure to maintain the level of intensity to continue reaping
these benefits.


Sit tight because there is ONE more on the way. I promise you won't be waiting for long
because, in a minute, I will reveal the surprising result of walking under 60 minutes!

45 to 60 Minutes 
By reaching this point, you surpass all the previous benefits for an extended period, such as
enhancing blood flow, burning more calories, and increasing oxygenation throughout your

It's worth noting that walking can also strengthen your heart, aid in shedding unhealthy fat,
boost your immune system, increase your Vitamin D levels (since you're exposed to the sun),
and leave you feeling great.

A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine in 2019 found that walking for 45
minutes a day can help to reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart
disease, stroke, and diabetes.

Additionally, there is also a study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research in 2018
found that walking for 45 minutes a day can improve cognitive function and reduce the risk
of developing dementia in older adults.

A study revealed that individuals who engaged in 10 to 59 minutes of moderate exercises,

such as brisk walking, per week had an 18% lower risk of death during the study period than
those who were inactive. Walking can increase your life span, and the good news is that it
only requires a little effort to see the benefits.

Overall, these studies suggest that walking for 45 to 60 minutes a day can have various
benefits for physical and mental health and can help reduce the risk of developing chronic
diseases, improve mood, and enhance cognitive function. 

Also, it has been demonstrated that walking can be as effective as taking antidepressant
medication in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety while promoting relaxation.
Who wouldn't want to enjoy these remarkable advantages?


The bottom line is that walking offers numerous benefits that can be experienced by turning it
into a daily routine. By walking regularly, you will feel great and maintain good health. So go
out and take a walk!

So what do you think of the results? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. 

If you liked this video, I'm sure you will LOVE our next one.
Make sure to watch it! Thank you for sticking until the end, and see you next time!

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