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There's is no constant n this universe except for change. Change is an inevtabel part of life, and yetr
many peoiple grow to fear change and would rather stay put in a comfort zone onc ethye have settled in
one. Reluctant though we ay be towards change, we must embrace it in order to enjoy life as it is, and to
allow oursleves to constantly become a better version of ourselves.

LIfe is disorderly. The second law of thermodynamics states that a system would tend to grow towards
disorder, to wards increased entropy, as time passes. This applies not only towards chemistry, but to our
life in general as well. In order to keep our life in order, we have to put in the work and energy to the

We should also take a more balanecd view towards change, and undersrabd that change is not always
necessarily towards a negative direction. a  lot  of  chnage

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