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It was a Nicaraguan student who on the morning of

April 20, two thousand and eighteen left his house

in the Monsignor Lezacno neighborhood with two
of his friends to go to the National University of
Engineering Uni, to leave two bottles of water to the
students who were facing with the police for said
protest that they were against the reform of the inss
near the cathedral of managua, when he was
wounded in the neck by a bullet that was fired by a
sniper hitting him in the throat he was transferred to
the nearest hospital blue cross where he was He
denied attention and was immediately taken to the
Baptist hospital where he died

fue un estudiante nicaraguense que el veinte de abril del dos mil dieciocho por la mañana salio de
su casa del barrio monseñor lezacno con dos amigos suyos para ir a la universidad nacional de
ingenieria uni, para dejar dos botellas de aguas a los estudiantes que se enfrentaban con la policia
por dicha protesta que fueron contra la reforma al inss cerca de la catedral de managua,cuando
resulto herido en el cuello por una bala que fue disparada por un francotirador impactandole en la
garganta fue trasladado al hospital mas cercano cruz azul donde se le nego la atencion e
inmediatamente se lo llevaron al hospital bautista donde murio

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