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NAME: Madoc Luis B.



DATE: 2/2/22

Formative Assessment 1.1 (LC 1-2)

Phase Change Diagram

Directions: Analyze the given graph below and answer the questions that follow.


1. At point A, the substance exists in a Solid state.

2. At point B, the substance begins to Freeze.
3. At point C, the substance is completely Melting or Liquid in a state.
4-5. Material in this phase (point C) has no volume and no shape.
6. At point D, the phase change that can happen is Condensation.
7. At point E, the substance is in a Gas state.

For nos. 8-10, write the phase change that happened in the numbered points on the
8. Freeze
9. Melting
10. Evapouration

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