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awal Chauhan
Sap Sooo86302
Roltno- R142201576 Date:
Batch B3 Hons. (AIN) Page No:

Cpb grephy Netook Seurty

7 W

J Expla Shot notu on olowrgr-

Zabuders au ahte alermd te s harkers anad ast mest
hasntulacters conmhubng t2 th ullirabiliay op se uusuty
Thiny hau Îinmen Knoeltdga adh-dupthe wndirstandfhg
oTchnolegy_ardLLusity trudius biuach he y
usus_amd aa-at_stealng he Conhdiniul infamootiior
sesh sblen nomahbn u Îhtbseid t thid
paa whick_ain_at misusingit forthiis persanal
Thiy LAL diidid into 3 CategomA
MAsqueradia Mis teas0 ClandusteUser
LNet author'sd erplot Authom'sed mis Lsypyriion /aclnanat.
us privary h granftad atcus Control Oun systn

(u) htnuson Pteton

TntruionDt ion System ('DS) i a systn Tht nonitrs nehok Trah
Ar supiiu auhiuit, suy altr uhu such avóiuity a discound
a soruane applaation that scans nutwok
haungul acthuty o poliy buachrg Ay malictors entune oz
eleton novmally Jepotid ecm do an admfni sárator
coltetud cuntraleg euhg a ecuruly kemation ewnt

manggtet (StEM)YSfem
clahd whto S ypes
Netwok Intnus fon Pele chon systm (NIAS)
Host Ztnusiohy Detucho Dete Sy stm lHIDS)
3 Protocol hasd ntbrusion Detechon Syskm ( PIDS)

Appliiato Pratocod-b4cd Inbuslon Detechon Syskm (APj DS)

Hybnd ntnusfon Petecton Systm

Page No:
(ii) V/ru Worms
code atachuol t o a o h u
vdms i malisous e»ecutable
eAecutrble il hat can h asmlis
ouli data. J h i h tomptu rogram Alung atathiod
with a pums omi auton uch as
Contolliad by
a p Compuu systm: 7huy Cant u
Amei -Creepn, Blastur.
not hodiku h e
Hons uu sfmilan o a u s butit adets
t v cause low down
reram A replicats itselj m o n d mon
Compuuter system alom COn he contro lld by rott.
s mat objecthu t o ea the $ystem OULA
Cn-MomsWom, Stm Uom

Vns Counte Heau

The idral soutio o r Ihueat o veuse.s Prukio le.
onob allouh a wrp got dto th sytum r e zmt placa
a slock h abiluky of a uirus to rodi any f s contouh-
eeutokle ceele ol macros.

The nest best proach . :-

dekion- One h etion has occud, ctetemBre that i has

Occmed locate da urus
Telertihcaion- 0nta dcteb has hecn aclleved, identiiy he
speufr wuy That ka juctd a progprai
Rurnova- Onu e speu nus has besn ioltntskrred,
bocs O kyus from mRud prgrm ustore
it is oiginal stat.

( DDO S 4ttack
A Dercal-of-Serure (bos) atlack ah attak meat to ghut down
a machfne or ntoosk, makipg it accemibl to iti ntnded
uurS. Pos attacks a copl'sh kPleodhg h tagat uih trasre
Page No:

cending * imonotion hat tiages a cosh

Pistibuted Denio Smuu CDDoS) attack_cccus whe mulbipe
4ystems echestrali a yncronizecd DoS atiack to a 4ihsle
taiget.The esnbal clnunce a t nstead of behng
attatkelkrom On Locabon, arget ui attatked from
many ocatb ns e onu.
Th locahon thu atack d i u u l t do d t e t eluu to h u

Aandomdiutnbion o attackbg Mystems

t moc e l i u t to shut down multple machihs hon One

The uu atalkhg_paly w cifh'uult to ncndiy» as

h ae cdisgquised bihhd man systes

Fuall Desa hg
Deulaph Sew PoligSewty_poliy io wuy eswnba
paut o fruweli oduson. Seunty_polag i _dsuod accordS4
D he ALquremi Compang c cliert so knou whtA
Rihd o rathit iu alloutsd to pas.
SimplL Soution Desían -
Complex, hn dt uuill be cltult to implement t
the solubon eagy, hn dt will se easter o împlemet
Comple aestipu a Conzuaton emov hat opem
p a t fear estenal attuik.
Chostng th eght Dauic - un nutook uAy oluurce
has pnpase Ly a mplementatbon uu s
e wrong dust F wrong_ fprob lm , u netivoR
hiloms ulnmable. ru outdatted
%or dshn a wal, eposes i nete iuk
e almost st uusolis
Layured Detnse- A ntoo olesense mut be multipl-
Aeuynel t h e moein- oord bea
ne seuz

Page No:

eposee o
etemal atituuks.
r o K e n , du hitook will e
4t to dial
Mulr'layu secuuh dufg cah e
olttenut uuls Zhreat, t_gruus n ege
a_natl neubalizus Du attack on r e ystem
vcat lot C attenb'On
Constu Intemal Threats-While_tring a
u cluuru o m etemal
C a of dhtema attacks
ty AU betomis mak in 4 eay
am donw intemall as
most o mu attuvks
oCCI destgd ueakly,

) usttd Systems a
to sem
Sustms am speial yiems duslged
uose of_prouiding Cut Saes ensuud
sted Aystem a a
b proteutih
aganst malitious dogtoanrs a 7hdd_pay mbudirs
uMsto accs thu
rusted Systen allos ondy veuikad
OLL spon6l_ for prouidhg sueun
compute syytem 7h o
ku pomaunetrs.
a oliNunt l u l e bamd

uttd Sysem O L basd on dW)ut uwlo- Suury

Hleltu serty
Se uby4 maitadmecd at d)event Luly
system enstuu h a t hfmahon uu p wttol fom bunes
a k.
Data ACces Control

Helps n settlih a_pemissibns_fo e7pnent dusns, Giung

Thum lsmtrcd accy tnct hg any oddifona l aecermns

Relernc Monitor
hanoluoove wul seunby.
Venptaboh, sagety
Tnusktcl Syskim-int
Jn n anie oA

Matahuel and lneh4 Accs

8 Disans Elptie Cuue Cyptography detatt.

ELph Cune Cryptography CECc) u a ey baseel technituu

f r nrptng datu Eccocusg on_soas o_puble
piivat Ryko1 elecrHpson amd entHpton

=_ a oe tb

ECC ah altemnatie techniau o RsA, a_pouweful cuptpr-_

aph approack.E guneroteg deeuit betwen ky paiu
publl R encryphon byusthg hu mathemahts g-
vlpie u
eCC Lates ry tha cue o dhult, malhematrally to
Cack. r hu NLasOn, ECC u conmolned o be thu nest
enerat inpltnentatiOK O_pubiu ey Ciypttgrap
m o Mun h a n RsA.
m ponton t h mimeud guL
he me
Qme Ah hon -

v t tal uell tunct t e e plaes

An elliph cunw cuyptegraphy Ruy e 384 bi Cichius

A a m e l u l of seunil, as an RSA G 680 btl.
Page No:

eatms 4mallen oiphstess, euys 4natuny and

t Pmeroton Keys and imatues. 7 deypbos
and entrption dpuds one moduradtely fost.
Th main duadvartase o ECC That tIsn* eas O Mdy_
Tnple t
Si Chennal ataces muddhg ditheuntial pou ataiks,
aalysis, 4mple_pown attaeRs, and simpe tnig
attuks pttally unuttb mhomaton aks. Snpte
coiLmeasney e s t fr all types O Stde chahnil atfucks.
Zremahs a m a seun opbon.

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