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Educational Philosophy

My obligation as a teacher is to make a protected and productive space for

my students to come and learn. I will do everything possible to educate and
prepare my students for the future. Regardless of how many times my
students want to give up, it is my responsibility as a teacher to assist them.
I want my students to be able to ask questions, take chances, make
friends, accomplish goals, and enjoy themselves at the same time.
Because I know that my students will learn differently, I will reward good
behavior, hold classroom parties before breaks, show them that I see the
hard work and effort they put in, and always encourage them. I am
confident that each of my students will accomplish extraordinary feats and
even greater objectives. I want to foster mutually beneficial relationships
with each child. Students should be able to push themselves and not let
their failures hinder their development. I want each of my students to be
able to talk to me about anything and everything because having that
connection makes for a better learning environment. I will strive to make
students know that I am always on their side and here for them however
and whenever.

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