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Grimório – Detoner

Fogo Água Luz e Trevas

Procurar Fogo NH 12 Procurar Água NH 7 Luz NH 7
Ingnir Fogo NH 7 Purificar Água NH 7 Cores NH 7
Criar Fogo NH 7
Moldar Fogo NH 7
Bola de Fogo NH 13
Bola de Fogo Explosiva NH 13

Controle de Corpo Encantamento Conhecimento

Escalada+ NH 7 Encantar NH 6 Detectar Magia NH 7
Ímpeto/Haste NH 7 Pequeno Desejo NH 6 Procurar Magia NH 7
Might NH 7
Boost Strenght NH 14 | Especializada

Cura Terra Comunicação e Empatia

Emprestar Fadiga NH 7 Procurar Terra NH 7 Sentir Vida NH 12
Emprestar Vida NH 7 Moldar Terra NH 7 Sentir Inimigos NH 7
Recuperar Energia II Sentir Emoção NH 7
Veracidade NH 7
Leitura da Mente NH 12

Ar Alimentos Meta Mágica

Procurar Ar NH 12 Testar Comida NH 7 Contra Mágica NH 7
Purificar Ar NH 12

Mind Control Portal

Visão Aguçada NH 7 Procurar Portal NH 7
dull vision nh 7 Controlar Portal NH 7
keen smell nh 7

Magias Principais

Boost Strenght NH 14
Gasta -3 de fadiga, mínimo de 1
Não gasta turno para conjurar
Dura 2 turnos

Throw a ball of fire from one hand. This has 1/2D 25, Max 50, Acc 1. When it strikes something,
it vanishes in a puff of flame. This spell is likely to ignite flammable targets.
Cost: Any amount up to your Magery level per second, for three seconds.
The fireball does 1d burning damage per energy point.
Time to cast: 1 to 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 1, Create Fire, and Shape Fire.

Explosive Fireball
Creates a fireball that affects both its target and things nearby. This has 1/2D 25, Max 50, Acc 1. Can be
thrown at a wall, floor, etc. (at +4 to hit) to catch foes in the blast. The target and anyone closer to the
target than one yard takes full damage. Those further away divide damage by three times their distance
in yards (round down).
Cost: Any amount up to twice your Magery level per second, for three seconds.
The fireball does 1d burning damage per full 2 points of energy.
Time to cast: 1 to 3 seconds. Prerequisite: Fireball.


Criar Fogo (Create Fire)

Fills the area of effect with fire that requires no fuel (if cast in midair, it produces a sphere of flame,
which falls to the ground). This is real fire, and will eventually ignite any flammable objects it touches.
Cannot be cast
within rock, foes, etc.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base cost: 2. Half that to maintain.
Ordinary fires set by this spell do not require maintenance.
Prerequisite: Ignite Fire or Seek Fire.

Cores (Colors)
Changes the color of any light. The spell must be cast on the source of the light. If the caster concentrates,
multiple color-changes are possible with the same spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain (but the change is permanent on a Continual Light spell).
Prerequisite: Light.

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