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This report is submitted to the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). In
partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Diploma in Electrical Engineering.

This report is approved by:


Supervisor’s name


Date: ………………………………

First and foremost, I would like to thankful to Allah S.W.T, which have helped and guided us
in completing our final year project. Without His blessing, none of this is possible.

Many people have assisted us in completing this Final Year Project thesis. We would like to
express our special gratitude and thanks to our supervisor, Madam Dayana Binti
Kamaruzaman. who in spite of being extraordinarily busy with her duties, took time out to
hear, guide and keep us on the correct path and also for taking part in useful decision &
giving necessary advices and guidance. We choose this moment to acknowledge her
contribution gratefully.It is our radiant sentiment to place on record our best regards, deepest
sense of gratitude to people interviewed Madam Yunita Binti Awang as a lecturer, Muhd
Badrul Hisham Bin Ghazali as a President of Cakna Alam Club and also from The Unit
Quality for their time spend with us and also shared their opinion and advice on our project.
Their careful and precious guidance which were extremely valuable for our project.

The support and encouragement from all the people above will always be a pleasant memory
throughout our life. May God bless them.

Nowadays with the increasing amount of waste generated and limited landfill space
for waste disposal of can, 3R is one of the important approaches to manage the waste
effectively. Based on the UiTMCTKD audience feedback, they get the information and know
the importance of 3R, however the implementation of doing 3R is still low. They think by doing
3R, do not even give them any direct advantages. The problem occurs due to the lack of
awareness in implementation of 3R especially in UiTM. To overcome such an issue, in this
project an automated recycle can with a reward feature is proposed that derived from a
reverse vending machine concept. The objectives of this project are to encourage recycling
habit by giving rewards to recyclers for every recycled item in terms of reward points. This
objective done by stimulate the reverse vending machine using proteus software. Besides,
this reverse vending machine is design and construct in hardware using PCB board. The
rewards are given after the process recycle are success that shown at LCD which is control by
the microcontroller that receive information from the input and sent the information to the
output device. The basic operations that involve in this project where the empty cans are put
in the bin lid one at a time. Each can is determined by inductive proximity sensor. When the
can is identified, the can move to storage by servo motor and LED, LCD, buzzer, are operated.
Then, users received a token as the reward.


ABSTRACT : Nowadays with the increasing amount of waste generated and limited landfill space for waste disposal of can, 3R is one of the important approaches to manage
the waste effectively. Based on the audience feedback, they get the information and know the importance of 3R, however the implementation of doing 3R is still low. They
think by doing 3R, do not even give them any advantages. The problem occurs due to the lack of awareness in implementation of 3R especially in UiTM. To overcome such
an issue, in this project an automated recycle can with a reward feature is proposed that derived from a reverse vending machine concept. Basically, the system is implemented
in a standard recycle bin provided by local municipal that equipped with microcontroller and collection of sensors. The basic operations that involve in reverse vending machine
where the empty cans are put in the bin lid which allow the user to insert can one at a time. Each container is identified by inductive proximity sensor. When the can are
accepted the servo motor send the can to output while the microcontroller will accept the information and also send the infor mation to output. Users will receive the rewards
which are merits after done using the reverse vending machine.

KEYWORDS: reverse vending machine,inductive proximity sensor,recycle bin,waste management,recycling

INTRODUCTION : The project is about to encourage the recycle campaign among people in the
campus. This is because to reduce the solid waste espescially around the campus and to ensure a healthy
environment. Most of the shop in the campus are selling dinking water in can so this project is
specifically to recycle the can only. The survey about recycle had done by questioning the staffs and
the students in the campus and do some research.
In our project, the machine is designed like vending machine that derive from a reverse vending machine
concept. The sensor detects either the item is can or not. The machine separate between can and not can
in different container. The LCD shows the number of the can inserted. To start the operation need to
ush the button and to get the rewad also need to push the button which is every three can and above
will get the reward.
The objective of this project is to encourage recycling habit by giving rewards to recycles. The people
more interesting to recycle the waste and the objective done by stimulate the reverse vending machine
using proteus software. Besides, this reverse vending machine is design and construct in arware using
PCB board. The rewards are given after the procees recycle are success that shown at LCD which is
control by the microcontroller that receive information from the input and sent the information to the
output device. The process of recycle become more interesting and simple with this machine so the
solid waste can be disposed correctly.
There are several problem that recycle campaign are not supported among people in the campus. Firtsly ,
the recycle bin in the campus does not attractive. UiTM must supply and upgrade the recycle bin that
already existed into reverse vending machine. Reverse vending machine is a device thar accepts used
beverages container which is empty and will returns the money or reward to the users. This system
could be the one to attract and at the same time increased the awareness to UiTM community. Then,
lack of response towards recycle bin in campus. A unique recycle bin with a reward feature is proposed
derived form the reverse vending machine concept. Staffs and students in UiTM not give support
towarsd recycle campaign that had launched because people not know the benefits of recycling. Besides,
by giving reward could increase the awreness and make the environment in the campus more clean and
METHODOLOGY : This project had do some survey on other project about recycle and reverse
vending machine concept that other people have done. This project requires more information and
knowledge to built the another reverse vending machine that recycle can only. The project conducted
by using two parts which is software and harware to built this project. It very important to know, identify
and survey the specification of the components that use in the project.

RESULT AND DISCUSSION : After the implementation of the system successful, the results are
following below:
i. The inductive proximity sensor detects the items is can or not and the IR sensor detect the
existence of the items while the item inserted in the machine.
ii. If the item inserted is a can, the green LED and the buzzer will turn on and the motor will
push the item into the container.
iii. If the item inserted not a can, the red LED and the buzzer will turn on with different tone
and the motor will push the items into another container.
iv. The LCD will show the amount of the can inserted.
v. Push the button to get reward which is three can and above will get the reward.
vi. The LCD and the push button not function need to check the connection on the breadboard.
vii. During to finish the project, we had faced some difficuties which is the push button
connection has problem so we had fixed it.

CONCLUSION : As this project is not just for Final Year assignment, but it is also for the
development of UiTMCT towards 3R university concept and especially for build the recycling manners
in people. With the conceptof technology that used in this upcoming project, we really hope that people
will start to love recycling and at the same time will make our capus become cleaner. Then, we also can
help the cleaners by reducing the trash that they need to be clean. We also can conclude that our project,
use the same concept as the other countries which use sensor to sense the items, use motor to move the
reward and give rewards on every three items that the users insert. And there are still some speciality
in our project compare to our researches project.

[1] The Environmental Importance of Recycling Aluminium
aluminium-cans/, Residential Waste Systems, December 29th, 2014.

[2] The 3R Concept and Waste Minimization,

, Hari Srinvas, Concept Note Series E-093, June 2015.

[3] Beardsley, D. (1985). The Impact of Recycling on the Environment. Conservation & Recycling Vol
8:387-391, Retrive October,14,2012.

[4] Maofic Farhan Karin, Khandaker Sharif Noor, (2016) IEEE Conforence onSystems, Process and
Control ( ICSPC ) Page(s): 43-46.

[5] Razali Tomari, (2017). Development of Reverse Vending Machine(RVM) Framework for
Implementation to a Standard Recycle Bin, Procedia Computer Science, Vol 105,2017, Pages 75-80.



1.1 Background of Study 1
1.2 Problem Statement
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Scope of Study

2.1 Theoretical Background
2.1.1 A brief overview

3.1 The Methodology Process
3.2 System Specification
3.3 Circuit Testing and Troubleshooting
4.1 Software Simulation Result
4.2 Hardware Implementation Result
4.3 Data Analysis


5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Recommendation
Appendix A

1.1 Background of Study

Solid waste can be defined as the useless and unwanted products in the
solid state derived from the activities of and discarded by society. Just as children depend on their
parents for shelter and sustainability, mankind depends on the environment to sustain their lives.
The environment consists of every single living being on Earth, from the smallest microorganism
to the giant whale that swims in the depths of the ocean. Solid waste is one of the three major
environmental problems in Malaysia. It plays a significant role in the ability of Nature to sustain
life within its capacity. Currently, over 23,000 tonnes of waste is produced each day in Malaysia.
However, this amount is expected to rise to 30,000 tonnes by the year 2020. The amount of waste
generated continues to increase due to the increasing population and development, and only less
than 5% of the waste is being recycled.

The popular and well-known concept of "3R" refers to reduce, reuse and recycle,
particularly in the context of production and consumption. It calls for an increase in the ratio
of recyclable materials, further reusing of raw materials and manufacturing wastes, and overall
reduction in resources and energy used. These ideas are applied to the entire lifecycles of
products and services - from design and extraction of raw materials to transport, manufacture,
use, dismantling/reuse and disposal. We also can conclude that reducing is try to reduce the
amount of waste we produce, as this is the best way to help the environment. Reusing is think
of ways we could reuse something, like shredding paper for hamster rather than buying bedding
or saving glass jars for storage. Recycling or composting is enables the materials that throw
away to be used again by making them into new product.

The benefit to UiTMCT if recycling is implement are it can reduce the size of landfills.
One of the biggest reasons why recycling has been promoted is that it does reduce the strain on
our environment. By utilizing waste products in a constructive way, we can slowly decrease
the size of our landfills. As the population grows, it will become difficult for the landfills to
hold so much and trash. When this happens, our campus and beautiful landscapes will face
pollution, poisoning and many health problems. The benefits of recycling are that it helps to
keep the pollution in check and decrease it little by little. Then, it also can offer cash benefits.
Recycling is not all about being charitable and doing what is good for the environment. If it
were so, everybody would recycle out of the goodness of their hearts. Most governments have
policies in place which give financial benefits to those who recycle. People that take the
aluminium cans or glass bottles to the recycling plant, get a cash benefit in return. In fact, many
teenagers can pick up recycling as a way to make extra money on the side. Old newspapers,
appliances, plastic, rubber, steel, copper and even beer cans can be sold for money.
In Campus Dungun, there is a recycling project at the academic block done by the Cakna
Alam club. In their view, their project does not get any support from students. One of the factor
of this problem is, students lack of awareness about the important of recycling. The other factor
is the items have to be dry because it will cause bad smell if the items is wet. For some people,
it difficult for them.

We had decided to make cans recycling vendor machine because the impact from
mining. Aluminium is extracted from the bauxite ore. This ore is obtained by mining from the
ground which means that huge pits have to be dug into the ground through a process called
stripping. These pits are afterwards left open and useless. Recycling aluminium cans ensures
that the impact that comes from mining is reduced significantly. Then, reduction of greenhouse
gas emission. After the bauxite ore that contains the aluminium metal has been obtained,
aluminium is extracted through the Hall process which gives off carbon dioxide as a by-
product. It is estimated that aluminium and carbon dioxide are produced in equal proportions,
which means a ratio of 1:1 to the ton. When released to the atmosphere, carbon dioxide and
other gases are detrimental. Just think of how much of the environment you could be saving
since recycling aluminium only releases 5% of the same gas released in the Hall process. Next,
it will save energy. It is much cheaper to recycle existing aluminium than it is to extract it from
bauxite ore. About 90% energy is saved when recycling is done. The energy used to produce 2
aluminium cans is equivalent to what can be used to produce 60. It’s a time when the globe is
going green and there is the need to look for energy saving alternatives. Recycling means that
there is less strain put on the environment in regards to energy. After that, aluminium as
alternative roofing material. The more aluminium cans can be recycled, the more material there
is for the construction industry to be used in roofing. This means that other materials that can
be toxic to the environment are done away with. Asbestos for instance is poisonous and poses
more risk than good to the environment. When cans are recycled, there is more metal for
roofing. This means more water tapped from rainfall and more durable roofs. Lastly, is about
the safety of aluminium. Aluminium is a less reactive metal and therefore has one of the least
threshold with water. When properly used, it contaminates the environment less. The world at
large needs this metal and therefore recycling it would only serve well in protecting the
environment from metallic contamination.

1.2 Problem Statement

The problem statement of this project are the recycle bin in UiTM does not attractive .
UiTM must supply and upgrade the recycle bin that already have in UiTM into reverse vending
machine. Reverse vending machine is a device that accepts used(empty) beverages container
and returns money to the users. This system could be the one to attract and at the same time
increased the awareness to UiTM community.

Furthermore, lack of response towards recycle bin in UiTM. A unique recycle bin with a
reward feature is proposed that derived from a reverse vending machine concept. Staffs and
students in UiTM do not give a support towards recycle campaign every time the campaign
had launched. They do not know the benefits of recycling and they also do not understand the
concept of recycling. Besides, by giving reward to UiTM community who are involve in
recycle could increase the awareness and make the university environment more clean and

1.3 Objectives of Research

The purpose of this project is to encourage recycling habit by giving rewards to recyclers
for every recycled item in terms of reward points by using reverse vending machine concept.
The objectives of this project are to design and construct in hardware using PCBboard. The
rewards are given after the process recycle are success that shown at LCD which is control by
the microcontroller that receive information from the input and sent the information to the
output device.

1.4 Scope of Study

For this project, the scope is around in the campus in UiTM since the concept is ‘Smart
Campus’. Arduino microcontroller is used to control the process of the reverse vending
machine. The machine will recycle the can that had been insert by the users. The LED and
LCD will show the result whether to continue insert the can or to get the reward.

This machine had specific to can only. So the other material that inserted will be rejected
by the machine. After the can inserted the users can select to continue or not. Minimum three
can had inserted the users will get the reward. This machine will placed around in the campus
only because it focussed on ‘Smart campus’ concept.


2.1 Theoretical Background


Recycling basically involves turning used materials that are labeled as recyclable over
to the local waste facility designated in a disposal container as “recyclable” materials to be
taken and reused as material for a new purpose. A recyclable product is turned back into a raw
form that can be used to create a new and different product. Not only are natural resources
limited, but recycling efforts can significantly reduce additional waste that will not only harm
the planet today, but future generations as well. The natural resources on our planet earth are
limited so we must make the most to conserve, recycle and reuse whenever possible.
The purpose of recycling is to conserve energy, help the environment, reduce pollutio n,
slow global warming and reduce waste products in landfills. By recycling, people can greatly
contribute to the earth’s overall health and keep the air, water and land clean. Recycling is a
simple and easy way to help save the environment.
Recycling saves and conserves energy because it takes far less energy to reprocess
recycled materials into new materials than to process virgin materials. For example, recycling
paper to make new paper products takes less energy overall than creating new paper products
from trees.
Recycling also helps reduce global warming and reduce air pollution by reducing the
industrial production of new goods. Recycling goods to make new goods saves energy and
reduces the amount of industrial work that must be completed to create a new product. This
reduces greenhouse gas emissions and, thus, reduces global warming and air pollution.

Recycling also reduces the amount of waste products in the world’s landfills. Products
that are recycled will not go to landfills and will, in turn, not contribute to the amount of waste
materials there are on Earth. Through recycling, less materials are placed in the landfills, and
there is more room in the landfills for non-biodegradable garbage materials.

In our campus, a traditional recycle bin had been introduce since 2017. It was located
between block 9 and block 10, which are a strategic way that people always use They only
located at one place to observe the attititude of students and lecturer in Campus Dungun. The
size of the bin also only ain a small size because it is in the testing period. The blocks normally
used by lecturer and students because there are academics block. In our view, the trashes are
not putted in the right bin, although the recycle bin had been mark properly. For example,
bottles put in the paper recycle bin. Normally the place busy, when the lecturer and students
buying foods at the food court area blolck 9 and block 10 which around 7 a.m. until 8 a.m. and
also around 12p.m. until 2 p.m.. They more prefer to use the normal dustbin, instead of recycle
dustbin. The normal types of waste are plastic bottles, transparent plastics to put food and
packet drinks. The range of student’s age are start from 19 years old until 23 years old. There
are no board about recycling. There are no such recycling campaign since 1year back.

The recycling bins are located near the food court and also near to the toilets, so there
are reachable The recycle bin area had been decorate nicely by the responsible staffs. The
cleaners, change the dustbin plastic oftenly, which a full dustbin may not be the reasons why
students or lecturer do not use the recycle bins. The recycle bins also located at the open area,
which not in the classes or offices, which can only entered by permission. The recycle bin also
are un-cap dustbin. The dustbins are already opened, so students or lecturer did not need to care
to open the dust bin cap with their hands.
From these situation, show that our people, not really care about recycling. There are
some reasons why people do not like to recycling. Firstly, recycle is inconvenient. This seems
to be the number one reasons, why people do not recycle because they do not want to put in
the extra effort. Then, some people need paid in every things they recycle. Furthermore, people
do not see how recycling can make changes. Misinformation about overflowing landfills,
depleted resources and climate change has convinced some people that recycle does not make
a difference. They believe there is no problem. After that, for some people, thy find that it is
hard to do. Since there are so many facets to recycling which is bottle, plastic and paper, its
hard to decipher which kinds go where.

Other reasons why people do not want to recycle is lack of personal incentive, unlike
refundable bottle returns, recycling does not come with any financial pay outs. Unless there is
personal gain involved, most people don’t feel compelled to recycle. These people need to be
understand that dumping everything in the trash can is a hazard for everyone. Certain metals,
electronic waste, printer cartridges, foam, rubber, and other materials contaminate ground
water and landfills. Then, there is no motivation for living a ‘green’ life. There are some cities
or municipalities that don’t even offer a recycling service. Also, some people don’t have
recycling bins in their apartment complexes. As a result of this, students and lecturer have to
take out time just to find out about and where the recycling centers in this campus. Most people
see this as an unnecessary trouble and thus, decide against recycling.

Next, it is because of lack of time. Some people see washing out items, bagging
recyclables separately and dropping them off at a recycling center as a time consuming activity.
This serves as another reason for them not to recycle on a regular basis. Students and lecturer
need to understand that by dedicating half an hour each day to recycling, they can help make a
big impact. The paper takes five months to break down in a landfill, milk cartons take five
years, plastic bags take 10-12 years, and a glass bottle takes about a million years. Furthermore,
inappropriate knowledge in our communities.

Another major reason people don’t recycle is because they have been misinfor med
about certain things. Most people have incorrect information about the urgency of the growing
waste problem in the world which includes the challenge of limited space and its impact on the
Earth. Most of them believe that Earth’s resources are in abundance. Therefore, they don’t feel
the need to recycle.
You need to make these people understand that the need for recycling is growing with
each passing day. There’s plenty of room for improvement as the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) estimates that 75% of trash is reusable/recyclable.
As we concern about the recycling behaviour among our people, we would like to
introduce a recycle vendor machine in our campus. Our recycle bin is not an ordinary recycle
bin. This recycle bin, can attract and develop our people to appreciate the trashes like a gold.
The only way to build the responsibilities to recycle is by attract them to start recycling by
using this excitement bin. We named our recycle bin as Unican Bin. Our bin can detect all
types of metal and if other than metal been insert into the Unican Bin, our bin can automatica lly
separate the object. Our project really suitable, to be put in the campus, especially for students,
because for every 3 cans that they insert will get a rewards which is a coin. From this, it seems
that this recycle bins really can help students not only to add on their pocket money, but also
to build attitude to love recycling. The unique things about our project, which is our bin can
divided the can and non-can materials.
To make sure, that students’ and lecturers’ recycling behaviour can be develop, we will
varies the location of our Unican Bin. It is because, to develop an attitude, we need to
consistent, so, students and lecturer will always courage to throw cans into our Unican Bin. At
the same time, can develop the attitude to recycling. When, it become their behaviour, they will
apply it, where ever they go. Other than this, with this kind of bin, it will relate to the IR
development. Smart industry or Industry 4.0 refers to the technological evolution from
embedded systems to cyber-physical systems.
As we know, in other places, especially in other country, the reverse vending machine
had become normal to them. Their reverse vending machine is had been upgraded. They had
their own application so that people can easily find recycling places. In our country Malaysia,
a reverse vending machine is still a rare things and still not been practice. There are still people,
who do not even know about reverse vending machine method. It is grateful when there are
some people, who practically recycle for a long time, before reverse vending machine been
introduce. As we can see, the reverse vending machine is created to attract people to recycle.
It is really necessary in our time right now, because many natures’ property had been used such
as the quantity of the trees decreasing because many trees had been cut. The reverse vending
machine really give a big transformation to starting to use alternatives source to create ne w
things. At the same time, this can go forward to the 3R ideas that had been introduce by the
government. Before we decided to continue to this recycle project, with the help of technology
we managed to searched at least 5 projects about recycle, and they were really helpful in our
project. Many of our researched is based on the other country since they had practically
performed it in their country. We managed to study about their flow chart, how a vendor
machine operate, the suitable design based on the application and how to build a reverse vendor
machine coding. That projects are The 3R ( Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) Program that performed
in Malaysia, Packaging Deposits System for UK by Environment Resources Manageme nt
(ERM), Recycle and Reward Project Pilot Projects by ZERO WASTE Scotland, Implementing
a Deposit Refund Scheme in the UK by Eunomia Research and Consultancy and Reverse
Vending Machine Framework for Implementation to a Standard Recycle Bin by Procedia
Computer Science. These are the projects that we had referred before we build our projects
basic ideas.
As had been stated in the previous paragraph, we do some research by survey from the
other countries by online researches. We go through all the reverse vending machine that had
been introduce in each country nearby especially Asia’s country as had been stated before. At
the same time, we also do some interview from the staffs and student from our campus.
In Australia, the reverse vending machine called return and earn has their own
application in the website. This application shows us where the location of the vendor machine
nearby the users. It also provide barcode that will use when recycling using the machine. This
machine can recycle three types of material which are can, bottles and paper. Then it will give
voucher as exchange. In this research, we just use website to search some details and
smartphone to record interviews. we had find out that our campus really need a new method to
develop the recycling behaviour in our students and staffs.



Figure 1 : Arduino Uno R3

Arduino is a microcontroller located on a circuit board that makes it easy to accept

driver inputs and outputs. Microcontroller is an integrated computer on the chip. For the inputs,
temperature sensors, motion sensors, proximity sensors, switches and others are examples of
inputs and the outputs would be a light, a screen, a motor and so forth.
On the op edge of the board there are two block rectangles with several squares in
that called headers. The function of headers make it easy to connect the components to the
Arduino Uno and they connect to the board that’s called pins. Pin must connected to the
essential for programming an Arduino Uno and the pin numbers are listed next to the headers
on the board in white.
To program the Arduino Uno while offline, the Arduino Dekstop IDE needed to
install. The Arduino Uno Software (IDE) are use to programmed the Uno. The Uno board need
to connect with an A B USB cable and it’s sometimes called USB printer cable. To necessary
to program the board and not just to power it up it’s need to connect the USB with the PC and
the Uno automatically draw power from either an external power supply or the USB. After
connect the board to your computer using the USB cable, the green power LED (labeled PWR)
should turn ON.

Figure 2 : IR Sensor

IR sensors are used in various Sensor based projects and also in various electronic
devices which measures the temperature that are discussed in the below. An infrared sensor is
an electronic device, that emits in order to sense some aspects of the surroundings. An IR sensor
can measure the heat of an object as well as detects the motion. These types of sensors
measures only infrared radiation, rather than emitting it that is called as a passive IR sensor.
Usually in the infrared spectrum, all the objects radiate some form of thermal radiations. These
types of radiations are invisible to our eyes, that can be detected by an infrared sensor. The
emitter is simply an IR LED (Light Emitting Diode) and the detector is simply an IR photodiode
which is sensitive to IR light of the same wavelength as that emitted by the IR LED. When IR
light falls on the photodiode, The resistances and these output voltages, change in proportion
to the magnitude of the IR light received. An infrared sensor circuit is one of the basic and
popular sensor module in an electronic device. This sensor is analogous to human’s visio nar y
senses, which can be used to detect obstacles and it is one of the common applications in real
time. This circuit comprises of the following components.

2.2.3 Inductive Proximity Sensor

Figure 3 : Proximity sensor

A proximity sensor is a sensor able to detect the presence of nearby objects without any
physical contact. A proximity sensor often emits an electromagnetic field or a beam of
electromagnetic radiation (infrared, for instance), and looks for changes in the field or return
signal. The object being sensed is often referred to as the proximity sensor's target. Differ e nt
proximity sensor targets demand different sensors. For example, a capacitive proximity sensor
or photoelectric sensor might be suitable for a plastic target; an inductive proximity sensor
always requires a metal target. Proximity sensors can have a high reliability and long functio na l
life because of the absence of mechanical parts and lack of physical contact between the sensor
and the sensed object. Proximity sensors are also used in machine vibration monitoring to
measure the variation in distance between a shaft and its support bearing. This is common in
large steam turbines, compressors, and motors that use sleeve-type bearings. Internatio na l
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 60947-5-2 defines the technical details of proximity
sensors. A proximity sensor adjusted to a very short range is often used as a touch switch.



From the flowchart, firstly, the object will be insert. The IR sensor will detect whether
there are object or no object inserted. If there is no object inserted, so automatically the
proximity sensor will not detect any can and the process end. If there is an object insert then
the proximity sensor will detect whether it is metal or not. Then, there will be two option. If
non-metal is detected, so the LED red will turn on and servo motor will release can to the left.
The process then, end. If the proximity sensors detect metal object, so the LED green will turn
on and the servo motor will release the can to the right. The LCD will, display the amount of
can inserted. If there are 3 cans and above, when push button is pushed, then reward will
released. For every three cans there will be one reward. If there are less than 3 cans, so there
will be no reward released, even though push button is pressed.


Figure 2: Circuit and PCB Board connection for Unican Bin

The main components in this circuit are Arduino Uno. This component act as
microcontroller, which control the process of the system. Next, LED in this circuit are needed
for indicate whether any metal is detected or not. We also used a IR sensor in this project for
detect the object motion.

In this project we use 2 servo motor which are used to released can and also to released
rewards. We had set the servo motor with the suitable angle, so that they can operate well.
Lastly, we used proximity sensor to detect the object that been inserted meal or non-metal.


This is the picture of circuit after been implement from the schematic diagram.
This is how, the connection of Arduino when be zoom in.
This the moment, when we want to try out the functionable of LED red when no object are
This picture shown that, the LED green turn on, when a metal is detected.

4.1 Software Simulation Result

Coding Descriptions
float metalDetected Measure the value of detected metal
int monitoring; Variable to monitoring the program
int metalDetection= A1; Analog pin used to connect the metal detection
const int red = 7; Sets pin 7 to connect the led red
const int green = 8; Sets pin 8 to connect the led green
#include <servo.h> Include servo library file of the coding into
Servo servo1; Create servo object to control servo 1
int pos1 = 90; Variable to store the servo 1 position
Servo servo2; Create servo object to control servo 2
int pos2 = 90; Variable to store the servo 2 position
Const int button1 = 14; Pin 14 used to connect the push button 1
Int buttonState1 = 0; Variable to state the button 1 to 0
Const int button1 = 17; Pin 17 used to connect the push button 2
Int buttonState2 = 0; Variable to state the button 2 to 0
const int buzzer = 13; Pin 13 used to connect the buzzer
const int songspeed = 1.5; Setting the speed of te song, the bigger the number
the slower the song
#define NOTE_E4 330 Define the note E4 frequency in the melody

#define NOTE_G4 392 Define the note G4 frequency in the melody

#define NOTE_A4 440 Define the note A4 frequency in the melody
Int notes[] = { Variable to store the notes
NOTE_E4, NOTE_G4, NOTE_A4 Define the notes into the notes library
Int duration[] = { The duration for the each note
125, 125, 250 Define the number of the note’s duration
Const int ir = 16; Define the variable for ir library at pin 16
Int condition1; Creates a variable integral called condition 1
Int cans=0; Creates a variable integral called cans
Int start=0; Creates a variable integral called start
Int halt=0; Creates a variable integral called halt
#include <LiquidCrystal.h> Initialize he library with the numbers of the
interface pins
Const int rs=12, en=11, d4=5, d5=4, d6=3, d7=2; The pins are used to connect the lcd pin to the
LiquidCrystal lcd (rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7); Initialize the library with the number pin
Void(*resetFunc) (void) = 0; Declare reset function @ address 0
Void setup(){ Built in initialization block
Serial.begin(9600); Open serial port, sets data rate to 9600 bps
pinMode(button1, INPUT); Sets the button 1 as input
pinMode(button2, INPUT); Sets the button 2 as input
pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT); Sets the buzzer as output
Lcd.begin (16, 2); Set up the lcd’s number of column and rows
pinMode(red, OUTPUT); Sets the led red as output
pinMode(green, OUTPUT); Sets the led green as output
pinMode(ir, INPUT); Sets the ir as input
Servo1.attach(9); Attach the servo 1 to pin 9
Servo2.attach(10); Attach the servo 2 to pin 10

Lcd.print(“Push to Start”); Print a push to start message to the lcd

Void loop() { Main loop auto-repeats
buttonState1 = digitalRead(button1); Read the value of button 1
If (buttonState1 == HIGH) { Tell the lcd when push button in state high
Start=1; Sets the push button start at high
Lcd.clear(); Clears the lcd screen and positions the cursor in
the upper-left corner
For (int i=0;i<3;i++) { 3 is the total number of music notes in the song
Int wait = duration[i] * songspeed; To calculate the variable wait in terms of
duration(i) and songspeed
Tone(buzzer, notes[i], wait); Tone(pin, frequency, duration)
Delay(wait); } Delay is used so it doesn’t go to the next loop
before tone is finished playing
noTone(buzzer); Tell the buzzer to stop the tone playing
Else { Executed the condition depends on if statement
digitalWrite(red, LOW); Sets the led red to low, it will turn off
digitalWrite(green, LOW); Sets the led green to low, it will turn off
If (start ==1) { If the push button start is pressed, the button state
is high
Lcd.setCursor(0,0); Set the cursor to column 0, line 0
Lcd.print(“Number of can:”); Print the number of can message to the lcd
Condition1= digitalRead(ir); Read the ir at condition 1
buttonState2=digitalRead(button2); Read the button 2 at state 2
IF (buttonState2 == High) {
If the push button is pressed, the button state is
high and it will play the music for (int i=0;i<3;i++
Halt = 1; Sets the push button halt at high

If (halt == HIGH) { If the push button halt is pressed, the button state
is high
Lcd.clear() ; Clears the lcd screen and positions the cursor in
the upper-left corner
Lcd.setCursor (0,0); Set the cursor to column 0, line 0
Lcd.print(“Thank you”); Print the thank you message to the lcd
For( cans; cans>=3; cans=cans-3) { Sets the cans for can is equal to 3 or cans more
than equal to 3 to get the reward
Servo2.write(90); Set servo 2 to mid-point (90°)
Delay(500); Waits 0.5s for the servo 2 to move 90°
Servo2.write(0); Sets the servo 2 position to 0°
Delay(500); Waits 055s for the servo 2 to
Start=0; Sets the push button start at low
Lcd.clear(); Clears the lcd screen and positions the cursor in
the upper-left corner
resetFunct(); Call reset function
If(condition1 == LOW) { Switch the condition 1 to low
Delay(1000); Waits 1s to sensor read the condition
Monitoring = analogRead (metalDetection); Read the metal detection
metalDetected = (float) monitoring*100/1024.0; Monitoring or adc has the ability to detect 1024
discrete analog levels to get the percentage value
Delay(1000); Delay 1s to metal detect and calculate
If(metalDetected <10) {
Serial.printIn(“metal detected”); Print the metal detected message to the lcd
digitalWrite(green, HIGH); Sets the led green to high, it will turn on
digitalWrite(red, LOW); Sets the led red to low, it will turn off
Cans=cans+1; Sets the cans to insert one by one

Delay(1000); Waits 1s to lcd displayed

Lcd.setCursor(0,1); Set the cursor to column 0, line 1
Lcd.print(cans); Print the cans message to the lcd
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH); Sets the buzzer to high, it will on the tone of
Delay(50); Waits until the buzzer on
digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW); Sets the buzzer to low, it will off the tone of
Delay(50); Waits until the buzzer off
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH); Sets the buzzer to high, it will turn on the tone of
Delay(100); Waits until the buzzer on
digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW); Sets the buzzer to low, it will turn off the tone of
Servo1.write(180); Move the servo 1 to 180°
Servo1.write(0); Sets the servo 1 position to 0°
Delay(1000); Waits 1s for the servo 1 move
Servo1.write(90); Set servo 1 to mid-point (90°)
Delay(2000); Waits 2s for the servo 1 move
Else{ Executed the condition depends on if statement
Serial.printIn(“metal not detected”); Print the metal not detected message to the lcd
digitalWrite(red, HIGH); Sets the led red to high, it will turn on
digitalWrite(green, LOW); Sets the led green to low, it will turn off
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH); Sets the buzzer to high, it wil turn on the tone of
Delay(1000); Waits 1s until the buzzer off
digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW); Sets the buzzer to low, it will turn off the tone of

Servo1.write(180); Move the servo 1 to 180°

Delay(1000); Waits 1s fo servo1 spin 90°
Servo1.write(90); Set servo 1 to mid-point (90°)
Delay(2000); Waits 2s for the servo 1 back to the 0°

4.2 Hardware Implementation Result

The reverse recycle bin system consists of a arduino uno and proximity sensor. Arduino
receives the input from the sensor circuits, perform summation of point that cans have been inserted by
users and writes to the lcd. Pc is needed to create the source code or database as well as to provide a
staff platform for the redemption of points. Proximity sensor is to detect the metal and send the data to
lcd display. So that the lcd can display the points that the user got from the used can that have been

For the connection of this reverse recycle bin, the breadboard are used to connect all the
connection. For lcd connection, pin rs is connected to pin 12 at arduino, pin en is connected to pin 11
at arduino, pin d4 is connected to pin 15 at arduino, pin d5 is connected to pin 4 at arduino, pin d6 is
connected to pin 3 at arduino, pin d7 is connected to pin 2 at arduino. For the push button 1 is connected
to pin 14 at arduino and push button 2 is connected to pin 17 at arduino. For the buzzer connection, pin
13 from arduino is connected. Song speed from the buzzer is set at 1.5 and for the song that are used in
the buzzer are nte E4, nte G4 and note A4. The duration of the buzzer are Note E4 is set to 125, Note
D4 is set to 125 and note A4 is set to 250. For the LED connection, LED red is connected to pin 7 at
arduino and LED green is connected to pin 8 at arduino. Then, for the servo connection, servo 1 that is
used to move the used can into the bin inside the machine is connected to pin 9. Meanwhile servo 2 that
is used to push the token out is connected to pin 10 at arduino.

Figure 4.2.1 Breadboard connection

4.3 Data Analysis

Objective of reverse recycle bin project are achieved and the program developed are tested to
ensure the function desired. The main reason of testing is to ensure that the data was sent correctly
through the programs written so that arduino program in the pc and arduino uno can communicate well.
Arduino uno is also programmed to display user prompts and messages on LCD. It is very important to
ensure that the sequences of the display follows the event and user input. The testing of LCD is done
by representing sensor inputs with wires and outputs for LCD, LED and reward system.

During idle mode before the recycling takes place, there will be a Push to start message as
shown in Figure 4.3.1 displayed on LCD.

Figure 4.3.1 LCD displayed Push to Start message

Users must to push the button start that is located in front the reverse recycle bin that is shown
in Figure 4.3.2. After the push button is pushed, users inserted the used can into the bin.

Push button

Push button end

Figure 4..3.2 Location push button at Unican bin

After the used cans are inserted, the proximity sensor sensed the item that are inserted. If the
item that inserted is can, the ‘metal detected’ message on LCD display will appeared and the LED green
will turn on. Figure 4.3.3 is shows that the LCD displayed the summation the number of can after the
user inserted the used can.
Figure 4.3.3 Summation the number of cans

User can insert any amount of used can that they want to recycle and the amount of the item will be
displayed. The used can will be inserted to the right bin inside the machine as shown in Figure 4.3.4

Right bin
Left bin

Figure 4.3.4 Location of the bin inside the machine

For the items that are not recognized by sensors, input send to enable LCD to inform user that
it is a not detected item but the items are accepted and have been inserted into the left bin as shown in
Figure 4.3.4. The lcd are not displayed the amount of the items because the item are not the metal and
LED red will turn on as shown in Figure 4.3.5.

Figure 4.3.5 Amount of number of can are not displayed

After every used can recycled, the user can press the button end that is located in front the
reverse recycle bin that is shown in Figure 4.3.2 to end the process of reverse recycle bin. After a while,
the LCD returned to the splash screen displaying a message as shown in Figure 4.3.1.

A printed circuit board (PCB) mechanically supports and electrically connects electronic
components or electrical components using conductive tracks, pads and other features etched from one
or more sheet layers of copper laminated onto and/or between sheet layers of a non-conductive substrate
as shown in Figure 4.3.6. Components are generally soldered onto the PCB to both electrically connect
and mechanically fasten them to it.

Figure 4.3.6 Printed Circuit Board (PCB)


5.1 Conclusions

As this project is not just for Final Year assignment, but it is also for the developme nt
of UiTM towards 3R university concept and especially for build the recycling manners in
people. The aim and objectives of this project has been achieved. The prototype of Reverse
Vending Machine is successfully built and the whole system can function successfully. The
display of messages and user prompts for the display system on the Reverse Recycle Bin was
successful implemented by arduino microcontroller board to receive the data from sensor
circuits and control the LCD. C programming was used to write the program using arduino
software for the microcontroller. The program written includes all messages and user prompts
that follows the conditions of events. Also, the program enables the summation of points
throughout the recycling process. Proteus Design suite 8.0 software is used to schematic
capture, run the simulation and PCB (printed circuit board) layout design. . The Visual Basic
program for managing the reward system serves its function well by displaying staff details,
details of recycled item and points rewarded as well as enable the redemption of points. The
reward system has achieved its intended function of storing reward points into the coins. The
database records the activities such as date of recycling process, the items recycled and points

However, there are some limitations of the prototype. The system itself is still imperfect
with certain shortcomings. Possible recommendation will be discussed later in this chapter.
Overall, the system can be implemented successfully. The system as a whole provides a cost
effective and simple solution for the implementation of Reverse Vending Machine in our
5.2 Recommendation

Being a prototype for the Reverse Vending Machine, the system is still at its infanc y
stage and further development should be made to enhance its reliability, increase its accuracy
and functions. From an overview of our project, there are many obstacles hindering the
optimization of the system. The impact of litter was seen as a small benefit by most users (but
was identified, unprompted, at all sites, even those where the logic of the site would suggest a
litter impact might not be expected). There was some evidence that the schemes had reduced
litter at the university sites, though other factors may have contributed and further work would
be needed to understand variations in littering. In some cases the machines may have reduced
the burden on site staff in terms of litter picking.

None of the pilots noted any noticeable effect on footfall or retail sales (either positive
or negative) as a consequence of the pilots. In schemes that are well used, where the reward is
a significant driver, it may well be that (all else being equal) purchasing behaviour tend to
favour the outlets that are linked to the reward. There was no clear evidence to support this,
however. There are some concerns around deposit and return where this is applied at only one

The primary stated motivations across schemes were the desires to recycle and to try
out the have machines. The reward was seen as a bonus rather than a primary motivator at most
sites, although at the university the reward seemed to be a stronger driver than recycling and
environmental benefits. generally the reward were popular, regardless of their type or value;
however, the size and type of reward do appear to an impact on use and redemption rates, a
large reward seemingly motivating greater redemption rates. The general view that the reward
were ‘appropriate’ despite their diversity may also reflect the fact that most respondents will
have had little experience for comparison

The timing of communication is important; for example it needs to be repeated at the

start of every university year, when new students arrive. Potential improvements to future
communications would include:

 clearer use instructions as part of the machine branding;

 clearer information on the rewarda and wider benefits;
 greater transparency about how recycling vending maching operate (where they are
 clearer information about what material are accepted and why some material are not
 better staff training on how to use the schemes and how to explain the benefits more
clearly to potential users;

Greater communications around the principe of the recycling vending machine would be
beneficial to the students and staff. Some people thought there were getting a reward and did
not understand they were getting their deposit back.

Most machines were very reliable, although some models and servicing arrangements
were less reliable than others, with considerable downtime at a small number of sites. Material
rejection was a significant problem in some cases. Reasons for this varied. In some cases,
machines were specified to accept a very narrow range of container; in others, they proved
temperamental. Finally, the machines did of course consistently reject incompatible items.
Whether they are rejected rightly or wrongly, this can cause a problem for user, especially they
did not understand the reason. It is important to ensure that machines are of the correct
specification, are very reliable and accept the required materials from the outset to prevent
users from being put off after an initial try.

Convenience and hence machine location, was identified in the social research as very
important. Location needs to be based on a balance of key criteria. Machines should ideally be
placed, not just where there is good footfall or where drinks are purchased, but where people
are most likely to consume drinks and /or need to dispose of the cans. It is worth noting that
the machines are more constrained in possible locations than regular recycling bins, since there
is a need for a power source. At universities, the machines ideally need to be well spread and

 near to areas where people may consume beverages ( e.g. have their lunch)
 at major crossing points and thoroughfares.

This may be difficult in practical terms because power supply requirements and the need for
the machines to be covered, which may add to the cost. It also seems important that the
machines stand out rather than being hidden among a wide range of other waste and recycling

[1] The Environmental Importance of Recycling Aluminium

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[2] The 3R Concept and Waste Minimization,

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