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Personnel Research and Change

What is research?
Research- is a systematic and purposive investigation of facts with the object of determining
cause and effect relationships among such facts.

What is personnel research?

According to Michael J. Jucius, Personnel Research is the task of searching for analyzing facts
to the end and that personnel problem may be solved or that guideline governing.
Personnel Research is an effective mean by which we can able to know all about the personnel Through
the personnel research, we know some very much important information which is essentially needed in
providing data for making organizational decision so that the organization can achieve its goal.

General Types of Personnel Research

1. Basic or Exploratory
Intends merely to explore the research questions and does not intend to offer final and conclusive
solutions to existing problems. This type of research is usually conducted to study a problem that
has been clearly defined yet. Small amount of information is available about the topic but want to
explore in details for better understanding of the problem and its solution.
The purpose of exploratory research
 To refine and understand the problem
 To know basic facts
 To generate new idea
 To develop the theories

2. Operational or applied research

-It is directed toward the solution of particular problems.
-Can be elaborate, expensive and carefully controlled.
-Analytical method of problem solving and decision making that is useful in the management of
organizations. In operation research, problems are broken down into basic component and then
solved in defined steps by mathematical analysis. It can be conducted by the business manager,
social engineer or scientist.

The researchers:
1. Colleges and Universities
Are set up to operate in both pure or applied phases of personnel research. It is common
to see bureaus of business research that engage in personnel projects as well as
investigations in the other fields of business management.
2. Private research organizations
Take a number of different forms. Some are employers’ associations that accomplish particular
projects of special interest to an industry.
3. Individual Companies
They also do personnel research, particularly of the operational or applied type.

Research Methods
All research involves the application, in some manner, of the scientific method. There are various specific
forms that individual research projects can take, among them are:
1. Controlled experiments
Relatively rare as conducted by private concerns.
2. Surveys
Commonly used research method. It usually takes the form of questionnaire or structured
3. Historical Studies
There is wealth of useful information in the files of most firms, including valuable records about
4. Case studies
This approach is considered by many to be a separate method of research.
Quite frequently, however, case studies result only in the creation of further hypotheses requiring
additional research to validate.
5. Simulation
Widely used term and refers to role gaming as well as computer supported calculations to project
past and future outcomes.

Research Needs in Personnel Management

The six operative personnel functions are fundamental and inescapable. Among the many items of
information needed are the following:
1. Procurement
It is concerned in procuring and employing people who possess necessary skill, knowledge and
aptitude. Under its purview you have job analysis, manpower planning, recruitment, selection,
placement, induction and internal mobility.
2. Development
Its function is concerned with organizational activity aimed at bettering the job performance of
individuals and groups in organizational settings.
3. Compensation
It is an act of providing monetary value to an employee for the work they do by means of a
company process or policy. Some types of compensation include salary, bonuses, and benefit
packages. Companies sue compensation management in order to find, keep, and motivate
employee to do quality work.
4. Integration
Integration between human resource management and businesses strategy is amongst the most
important demands that are put forward by modern day organizations.
5. Maintenance
It is a general process for improving communication, effectiveness and safety in operation
6. Separation
It is a sensitive issue for any organization. Usually, an employee leaves the organization after
several years of service. An employee may be separated as consequence of resignation, removal,
death, permanent incapacity, discharge or retirement.

Two Basic approaches can be taken in effecting organizational changes:

1. Structure and/ technology
This change can be introduced, which brings pressure to bear upon organizational members.
For example, the content of job is altered a new machine purchased for use, or a new form
designed for collecting control information, participants must respond in some manner to
these objective changes.
2. Therapeutic approach
Can be taken where organizational members are counseled and encouraged to alter their
behavior in line with the proposed model.

As outlined by Lewin The Personnel Manager as a change agent must move through the basic
stages of change introduction:

1. Unfreezing the status quo

The first step in the process of changing behavior is to unfreeze the existing situation or status
quo. The status quo is considered the equilibrium state. Unfreezing is necessary to overcome the
strains of individual; resistance and group conformity. This is the stage that involves preparing
the organization to accept that change is necessary, which involves breaking down the existing
status quo before you can build up a new way of operating.
2. The Action Plan (Moving to the new level of change)
It is a document that lists what steps must be in order to achieve a specific goal. The purpose of
this is to clarify what resources are required to reach the goal, formulate a timeline for when
specific tasks need to be completed and determine what resources are required.
3. Refreezing the New Status Quo
When the changes are taking shape and people have embraced the new ways of working, the
organization is ready to freeze.



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