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Școala: Școala Gimnazială Petelea Tipul lecției: Developing Skills

Profesor: Orban Alex Ionuț Manual: -
Data: 08.02.2023 Unitatea de învățare: Activities!
Clasa: a III-a Lecția: Outdoors Activities
Număr elevi: 18 elevi Timp: 45 minute
Nivel: Pre-A1 Language Skills: Speaking, Reading,

Competențe specifice:
 1.1. Identificarea semnificației globale a unui mesaj oral clar articulat în contexte familiare
 2.2. Participarea la interacțiuni în contexte de necesitate imediată/ pe teme familiare
 3.3. Descifrarea unor mesaje simple familiare primite de la prieteni, colegi, profesor

Teacher’s aims:
1. Students will be able to identify and name different types of outdoor activities in English.
2. Students will be able to explain how to participate in a specific outdoor activity in English.
3. Students will be able to discuss their favorite outdoor activities in English.

Strategii Didactice:
 Flashcard activity
 Discussion

Resurse materiale:
 Whiteboard or blackboard.
 Chart paper and markers.
 Flashcards with different types of outdoor activities written on them (e.g. hiking, camping, fishing,
biking, etc.).

Probleme anticipate: Este posibil ca elevii să fie distrași sau neinteresați de subiectul lecției.

ACTIVITY 1: Warmer
Aim: Students will be able to identify and name different types of sports in English.
1. The teacher will write the word "Outdoor Activities" on the whiteboard or blackboard and
ask students if they know what it means.
2. The teacher will write examples of outdoor activities on the chart paper (e.g. hiking,
camping, fishing, biking, etc.).
Timing: 10 minutes

Aim: Students will be able to explain how to play a specific sport in English.
1. The teacher will hold up the flashcards one by one and ask students to identify the
outdoor activity and explain how to participate in it in English.
2. The teacher will write the students' responses on the chart paper.
3. The teacher will encourage students to provide additional details about each outdoor
Timing: 20 minutes
Aim: Students will be able to express their favorite activities in English.
1. The teacher will ask students to share their favorite outdoor activities in English.
2. The teacher will write the students' responses on the chart paper.
3. The teacher will encourage students to ask each other about their favorite outdoor activities.
Timing: 15 minutes

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