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Before I am going to answer the question “Write concluding statements, arguments or perspectives to

express why you should not forget this subject” I am going to discuss what the three major parts of the
subject are.
The first part will allow the learner to comprehend the self from several disciplinary perspectives,
sociology, anthropology, and psychology.
The second part explains the several components of the self, including the biological, material, and
digital self.
While the third part tackles issues that are of relevance to young students, such as stress management.
The subject understanding the self teaches us several things for example, The most crucial thing
someone can learn is self-awareness since it leads to a deeper understanding of who we are.
To answer the question “why you should not forget this subject” I should not forget this subject because
I have learned a lot about what my strengths and weaknesses are, and what I like and dislike, and I am
now more aware of my moods and how to control it.

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