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Benemérito Instituto Normal del Estado de Puebla

“Gral. Juan Crisóstomo Bonilla” Licenciatura en Enseñanza y

Aprendizaje en Telesecundaria
Inglés. Hacia Nuevas Perspectivas Globales
Mtra. Marlene Proskawer Espinosa
Docente en formación: Brenda Betsaida Hernández Alonso.

I. Introduction

A. Notes (funnel model)

Curiosity and progress have been the formula that explains how humanity has made use of a

whole set of essential mechanisms to help us to develop as species. Ancient and modern civiliza -

tions have benefited from inventions, innovations, and human progress. These advances have not

only changed the course of history but our way of life.

B. Hook

What would our world be like without inventions?

C. Thesis Statement

The role of inventions in our daily life is inexorable because they have provided remarkable

benefits to society. Some of the most important innovations of all time are innovations in communi-

cation, which allow us to keep in contact with our world; the improvement of transportation that

permit us to get to a destination very quickly and inexpensively, and innovations that saved our

lives that helped to develop and improve the fields of healthcare.

II. Body paragraph 1

A. Topic Sentence

Communication, as we know it today, would not have been possible without satellites. The

use of satellites create a communication channel between a source transmitter and a receiver at dif -

ferent locations on Earth.

B. Details

Radio, Television, smartphones and the Internet revolutionized the way we entertain, con-

nect in a globalized world. Technology is facilitating communication among individuals, it provides

alternatives to establish more effective and instant feedbacks.

C. Concluding Sentence

Therefore as the technology progresses so will communication. We will be seeing more in-

novative ways of how we can share information and interact with each other.

III. Body paragraph 2

A. Topic Sentence

Innovations in transportation technology has made or live more efficient, easy and safe. The

advent of trains, buses, cars, airplanes and boats has made possible for people to travel to and from

their destination in less time.

B. Details

Technology and communication help to optimize transportation systems, the evolution of

both systems helped to shape the modern world. The Internet influence many aspects of daily driv-

ing, the best example are sensors in the vehicle which can communicate with GSP services to deter -

mine the best route for us, even if we do not know how to get

C. Concluding Sentence

New tools, technologies, innovations and engineers will continue to improve existing trans-

portation systems, some of which were invented centuries ago, according to new society

requirements and necesites, making or life easier and more confortable in short periods of time.

IV. Body paragraph 3

A. Topic Sentence

Medical science is one of the most progressive fields of innovation. Medicine is constantly

changing to improve new methods to diagnose and treat diseases, which have made great

contributions in health and quality of life.

B. Details

One of the most relevant inventions that changed hospitals forever is anesthesia, which is a

medical treatment that prevents patients from feeling pain and freeing the patient from suffering.

Also, antibiotics revolutionized medicine in the treatment and prevention of some types of


C. Concluding Sentence

Medical inventions are a result of innovation. Thanks to these brilliant ideas, hospitals can

operate for preserving patient’s care and safety by creating new devices, methods and treatmests

to heal people.

V. Conclusion

A. Summary Statement

Communication, means of transportation, and medicine will continue to evolve thanks to

innovative ideas that make our world a healthier, safer and an enjoyable place for everyone.

B. Notes (main ideas in the essay)

• The importance of innovation in our lives.

• Innovations in the field of telecommunications.

• Innovations improving means of transportation.

• Medical advances and innovations.

C. Final thought

Innovation is making a big difference in our lives. Though the pass of the time humanity

has witnessed radical changes in lifestyles, ways of entertainment, learning and communicate and

as long as problems and creative ideas exist invention will be there.

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