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:Reflection to

Research Traditions in Applied

Supervised by: prof. Ahmad Atawneh
Sara Dababseh
In this presentation, Rasha explained what research is and how to conduct a successful

:research, and she clarified the questions she relied on and the most important of them

What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative research .1

?What does a state of knowledge mean .2

What does the term reliability and validity mean and its importance in the research .3

?What is action research .3

The research is defined as linking a set of data in a specific field, and this process

depends on defining the problem and defining the goal in order to form the hypothesis,

and the research depends on developing a set of specialized skills and sciences, and the

research depends on evaluation, asking questions, interpretation, analysis, forming

hypotheses, public opinion, and forming and analyzing data.

Rasha explained why people do research in order to support their point of view, reveal

what is unknown, obtain a scientific method, solve problems, enlighten people and push

them to a new vision. She clarified the limits relied upon in the research, which are a

question, problem, hypothesis, data, analysis and interpretation of data .

It also mentioned the classifications associated with the search term: inquiry, knowledge,

hypothesis, information, classification, analysis, interpretation, structured investigation,

understanding, problem, prove, theory, evaluation, asking questions, analyzing data,

scientific method, insight, prove/disprove, solution.

It showed the difference between quantitative and qualitative research Quantitative

research is characterized as: Obtrusive , it is characterized as generalizable, objective, and

.assumes the existence of facts that are independent of the researcher and the observer

.Qualitative research is characterized by the fact that all knowledge is relative

There is a subjective element to all knowledge, research, and unpublicized studies that

are justified and that the insights and results resulting from the research cannot be applied

.to contexts or situations that go beyond those in which the data was collected

As she said, Chodron (1988) argues that there are four research traditions in applied


Psychometric tradition: It seeks to determine the gains of language from different .1

methods and materials through the use of the empirical method

Interaction analysis: In classroom settings, it investigates such relationships as the .2

extent to which the learner's behavior is a function of the interaction defined by the

teacher, and uses various monitoring systems and schedules to code classroom


Discourse Analysis: It analyzes classroom discourse in linguistic terms through the .3

study of classroom transcripts which typically assign utterances to predetermined

Ethnography: He seeks insights into the classroom as a cultural system through .4

."undisciplined" natural observation and description

She explained Van Leer argues that applied linguistic research can be analyzed in terms

:of two parameters

.Intrusive and selective teacher. A

:B.The intersection of these two parameters creates four semantic spaces

The control of space: It is characterized by a high degree of intervention and a high .1

.degree of control

It contains studies in which experimenters focus their attention on a limited number of

.variables and try to control them in some way

.Space measurement: It involves a high degree of choice but a low degree of control .2

asking/working space: It contains studies in which there is a high degree of -3

intervention, but a low degree of control. One investigates specific problem areas by

experimenting with subtle changes, asking participants' opinions and concerns. After a

while, it may be possible to pinpoint the problem so that a controlled environment can be

created in order to conduct an experiment. Thus moving from question/action through

.viewing to control

A space to watch: It is characterized by a lack of selectivity and a lack of interference. -4

The researcher observes and records what is happening without trying to interfere with
the environment. In addition, the researcher does not decide which variables are of

.interest or of potential interest before engaging in research

She also reported the classification of Brown Research He is mainly concerned with

.quantitative research

.Distinguish between primary and secondary research

Secondary research consists of a review of the literature in a particular field, and a -1

synthesis of the research done by others. Usually, this is a necessary prerequisite for

.preliminary research

Primary research: It is derived from primary sources of information (eg, a group of -2

students learning a language) rather than secondary sources (eg books about students

learning a language). Hence, it has the advantage of being closer to the primary source of


Then the meaning of the status of knowledge :The research function is to add to our

knowledge of the world and prove the truth of logical concepts about the world, and that

.the basis of research is discussion

According to Winograd and Flores (1986), the state of research based on "scientific"

experiments, and certainly on the rational orientation on which it is based, depends on the

.success of modern science and I believe that modern science plays a large role in it

And I think Statistical analysis tool refers to the evidence of statistical analysis, reliable

.measure evidence, the same analysis under the same conditions

Example: The tool of the study tool on a sample of 100 male and female teachers in a

particular school, and under certain conditions, in a year, two years of conducting the

study, an application This study is applied to the same second image, and under the same

.conditions. Study results, timely, education tool

According to credibility refers to the extent to which actual results are measured

compared to actual results and existing theories, and it also refers to the validity of the

measure compared to what will be measured. If the research has high credibility, it means

that it will yield results consistent with real characteristics and changes in the physical or

.social world

Example: If the results of the study show that unemployment is the main cause of high

crime rates in a country, this means that the results are true, as there is agreement

between the results and reality, although the results of the study may reveal minute

details about the phenomenon that cannot be known through observation. only

phenomenon. But if the results show that the high crime rates are mainly caused by the

human desire to be a criminal, then this is illogical, and indicates that the credibility of

the results is low, especially if the study did not provide sufficient evidence to justify this


:And she mentioned Intuitivism and didacticism

According to the University of Utah, inductive research is the opposite of deductive

research, in which inductive research is made by making specific observations,

.essentially, and then aided by inductive research

Deductive research approaches usually begin with a hypothesis-driven theory, which

guides the analysis of the data and the ensemble. According to California State

University, deductive reasoning is a fundamental form of valid reasoning. Deductive

reasoning, or deduction, begins with a general statement or hypothesis, and examines the

.possibilities of arriving at a specific logical conclusion

I mentioned internal and external factors and how they affect the research. I believe

.internal reliability refers to the consistency of data collection, analysis and interpretation

External reliability refers to the extent to which independent researchers can reproduce a

.study and obtain results similar to those obtained in the original study

She mentioned action research, which is a form of research that has become important in

.language education

:Kemmis (1988) argues that it has three properties

.It is carried out by practitioners, not by outside researchers -1

.It is collaborative -2

.Aim to change things -3

What sets him apart is that those affected by changes have the responsibility to decide *

on informed courses of action that lead to improvement. It explained the strategies to be

.followed in action research

In the end, I agree with her opinion that there is a difference between quantitative and

qualitative research, which is simple but philosophical research that is not always

.reflected in the actual behavior of experimental research

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