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Chapter Exercise

1. Make a matrix of the different theories of intelligence.

Highlight each salient feature.

Theories of Components Description

-Analytic -Ability to define,
Intelligence plan, monitor, and
(Componential evaluate the
Intelligence) problem

THEORIES Intelligence -Ability to use
(Experiential experiences in order
Intelligence) to formulate new
ideas in solving
-Practical problems
-Ability to adapt and
(Contextual adjust to new
Intelligence) contexts to
opportunities for
acquiring knowledge
and information.
-Linguistic - This refers to the
Intelligence ability to use written
or spoken language
in the expression of
feelings and

MULTIPLE - - It deals with our

INTELLIGENCES Logical/mathematica ability to manipulate
l intelligence abstract symbols.

- Ability to move
-Spatial intelligence freely from here to
there and the ability
to reason well
regarding spatial
relations is known

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as spatial
-Musical intelligence intelligence.
- Ability to compose
and understand
-Bodily- kinesthetic music.
- Allows us to
establish an
important link
between the mind
and body, thereby
allowing the body to
-Intrapersonal manipulate objects
intelligence and create

-Interpersonal -Ability to relate with

intelligence ourselves and draw
insights from
intelligence - Ability to
understand people
and how we relate
well with them.

- Ability to observe
and understand the
patterns in nature is
called naturalist
-Operation - Composed of five
thinking skills
(cognition, memory,
divergent thinking,
convergent thinking
STRUCTURE OF and evaluation).
-Contents - Content comprises
of five different
features (visual,
auditory, symbolic,
semantic, and

-Products -Products include six

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presented in
hierarchy (units,
classes, relations,
transformations, and
- The ability to -Knowing an
recognize an emotion when it
emotion really happens.

- The ability to - People with high

handle emotional
interpretations intelligence can
create and maintain
EMOTIONAL relationships.
-The ability to use - Has something to
emotions to do with motivation.
motivate oneself It means that for
them to remain
focused, they must
- The ability to
recognize emotions - Is concerned with
in others people’s capacity to
be aware of and
read other people’s
-The ability to
manage one’s - Refers to the use
emotions and regulation of
their emotions in
order to deal with
problems effectively.

2. Which theory do you think has created a greater impact on

your intelligence? Why?

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A theory that has a greater impact on my intelligence is the Theory of
Multiple Intelligence by Howard Gardner. This theory allows me to realize my
strengths in learning. Because this theory helps me to discover more about
what are the abilities that I can do better.

3. Do you think that creativity and intelligence are interrelated or

separate entities? Prove your answer.

Creativity and Intelligence are quite related. Some will say yes they’re
related but if we just deepen our understanding about creativity and
intelligence, we can say that they’re different from each other or they’re
separate entities.

For me as a student, they’re separate entities. A person does not need to

be intelligent to be creative because everyone has their own strength.
Sometimes, an intelligent person has weakness likewise to a person who is
creative. Like for example, a painter. A painter does not need to be intelligent
to produce an artwork, but he will just use his skills and experiences. A
person who doesn’t know how to dance can be good about it by just
practicing. Another example is a child. We all know that if we talked about
child they’re imaginative. A child has a relatively low level of intelligence, but
children are often prime examples of creativity because of originality and
valuable thought in action. I got an example from an article, it quoted there
like this:

“To quote Sir Ken Robinson in his famous TED talk on creativity:

I heard a great story recently — I love telling it — of a little girl who

was in a drawing lesson. She was six and she was at the back, drawing, and
the teacher said this little girl hardly ever paid attention, and in this drawing
lesson she did. The teacher was fascinated and she went over to her and she
said, “What are you drawing?” And the girl said, “I’m drawing a picture of
God.” And the teacher said, “But nobody knows what God looks like.” And
the girl said, “They will in a minute.”

So, we see here that we don’t need to be intelligent to be creative. We

just discover and learned it through our experiences and imagination.

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Let’s proceed to Intelligence. I can say that intelligence is different
from Creativity. This is my opinion about it. An intelligent person requires a
lot of effort. Why I said this? Because to be intelligent you need to study. An
intelligent person for me is that who have high grades, high scores in exams
or quizzes like that. A person who had wide vocabulary, good in any fields of
academics, and that who knows everything. Like for example, Aristotle who
made important contributions to logic, criticism, rhetoric, physics, biology,
psychology, mathematics, metaphysics, ethics, and politics. Like Dr.
Jose Rizal who is an intelligent man who wrote novels to express his ideas
about the government and wrote the newspaper so people can be aware.
This is what an Intelligence means of for me.

In general, I can say that creativity and intelligent sometimes

connected. But I will stand on my opinion that creativity and intelligent are
separate entities. Those I mentioned above are all my opinion and not my
intention to hurt other feelings. 

4. How do you express your creativity and intelligence?

Everyone has their own talent or skills. For me, this is how I express my
creativity like through participating in dancing, making scrapbooks, making
macramé bracelets or handicrafts, drawing, sewing or embroidery and
talking to people.

I express my intelligence through reviewing, during exams and quizzes,

answering questions, solving and playing board games and cards.

5. What is your Grade Point Average (GPA) in high school or last

year in college? Are grades really a reflection of your

My General Weighted Average in my second year college first semester is


I don’t believe that grades are really a reflection of my intelligence

because that grades are the combination of my creativity and intelligence.
It’s not, because what is being intelligent if you can’t apply the learnings in
real life situation. Like what is being good in academics if doesn’t know how

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to work. Grades just show about our efforts but never be a reflection of our
intelligence. For me, learnings are very important rather than a grades.
Having high grades are bonus for me because of the hard work I give.

6. Do you believe when Gardner says, “Everyone is a genius?”

Explain your answer.

Yes, I believe that everyone is genius. No person is stupid unless they will
let that happen. We are wise and resourceful, that is being genius. Even
we’re not a degree holder as long as we are hardworking and gumptious we
can make our lives better and that is being genius.

Action Station: Developing Students Casebook

Teacher Isabel starts the class with a simple song. This stimulates our
thoughts and encourages us to participate. Then, in discussion proper, she
usually provides participatory activities such as group stimulation, role –
play, choral reading, thinking – a- loud, among others. Her class is always a
class we anticipate because she brings a lot of surprises and challenges. In
the learning process, we see the relevance of group work with synergy and
collaboration. Sometimes, our parents are invited to share in our schoolwork.
She allows us to discover our talents and showcase the best in us.

Case Study Activities:

1. What feeling is developed among the students of Teacher


Teacher Isabel class is a very fun and knowledgeable. That is why

students may felt excitement, enjoyment, eagerness to learn, have the
courage to participate, confident, and full of energy.

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2. How does Teacher Isabel promote creativity and intelligence?

Teacher Isabel promote her creativity through her different

strategies used in the class like provides participatory activities such as
group stimulation, role play, choral reading, thinking-a-loud and also,
inviting the parents of her students to share in schoolwork. By that it
can be seen that they may think critically and that they may use their
creativity to widen their imagination.
Also, Teacher Isabel consider the differences of her students
wherein she used different activities so that students will show their
skills and talents. She used different activities because as a teacher we
should consider that every student has their own strength and
weaknesses. Not all students are intelligent and that they use their
creativity. Teacher Isabel did that successfully to promote her student’s
creativity and intelligence.

3. How does she provide the learning opportunities for students

to learn according to their needs, interest, and motivation?

Teacher Isabel uses different strategies or activities in order to

show the skills and talents of her students. By the activities she used,
students able to show what they got. We all know that every student is
different, and Teacher Isabel prepared for that. Teacher Isabel does not
stand for only one activity, but she used more to consider every
student’s capabilities with respect to her students need and interest by
that they were became motivated.

Reflective Activities

1. Look back at the Student Portrait. Answer the following:

1.1 What is the belief of Samantha’s teacher about Howard

Gardner’s theory?

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Teacher Isabel believe that every learner shows exceptional talent in a
specific area. She believes that every student has different abilities, has their
own way of learning and has strength and weaknesses. As for Teacher Isabel,
every student has multiple intelligence. From the theory of Gardner, she
believes that this theory will serve as her framework for thinking about the
students we teach, how to teach them, and help them learn reflectively and
creativity. And also a framework for developing intellectual activities.

1.2 Does Samantha believe in the idea that she too can learn,
remember, perform, and understand in different ways? Why?

Yes of course, because her teacher allows them to discover their

talents and showcase the best in them. Their teacher makes their class
fun and that they will not hesitate to show their capabilities. Their teacher
used different activities and surprised them, because of that Samantha
will able to realized that she can do everything.

2. If you were already a teacher, how:

2.1 can your students see that you recognize, accept and
respect the differences in their backgrounds and capabilities?

As a teacher, we do not discriminate our students, we accept

them whatever race they have. We recognize their differences by
giving them not just one activity but more activities that able to show
their capabilities. We accept them by having awareness in their
background, that we are not offensive about our class discussion about
sensitive topic. Like for example, a discussion about religion. We all
know that in a class there are different religion. So, as a teacher we
should be careful about the statement we talked about. We should be
fair to everyone and open for opinion with respect to each other so that
others will not be offended because of the religion they have.

Also, as a teacher if we are going to use strategies in a class, we

should make sure that it is open to everyone. Make sure that no one is
left behind because as a teacher we make sure that they’re
comfortable and confident.

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2.2 can you identify with the different backgrounds,
experiences, and capabilities of your students?

We, as teacher should be able to know our students by just

observing them. We use our eyes and ears in knowing them better. We
can also know them by their actions or behaviors in school. Also by
talking to them, or having time with our class about knowing each
other. By that, we would be able to identify their different backgrounds,
experiences, and capabilities of our students. With that, we can make a
strategy in our class that everyone will fit and will feel that they’re not
out of place where no one is left behind.

2.3 do you consider the differences in backgrounds,

experiences, and capabilities of your students in designing
different learning activities for them?

As a teacher, we should consider the differences of our student

by using a strategy that suitable for everyone where no one is left
behind. We should be able to know them better, so that we can plan
some activities that will catch their attention and will not hesitate to
participate. We can consider their differences by having an open-mind
where we are open about their opinions. By being sensitive so that we
can’t offend our students.

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