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Rationale of Studying Anthropology,

2 Sociology, and Political Science

Most Essential Learning Competency

● Discuss the rationale of studying anthropology, sociology, and political science.

What is the rationale of studying Anthropology, Political Science, and Sociology?

There are different ways of understanding social reality.

Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science are areas of studies that provide us important
ideas in analyzing and creating a productive society. These fields are significant, because they give
us a glimpse of man’s early development including his or her collective memory and identity.

Early forms of art show something about man’s social experience vis-à-vis a man’s relationship
to his or her environment, which is essential in analyzing his or her way of life. Hence, anthropology
as a field of study is important in seeking answers about man’s social experiences. Additionally,
anthropology is a significant field of study due to the following:
● provides insights into “strange aspects” of the past or even present societies which historians
and sociologists find difficult to comprehend and explain (ex. conflict and violence, superstition
and witchcraft, fashion, myths and legends, and rituals concerning rites of passage, courtship
and marriage, human sacrifice and others (Banaag, 2012 p.6);
● gives us information concerning man’s behavior in relation to his social environment;
● allows us to reflect on various ways of being humans;
● teaches respect for other ways of life, while using a variety of cross-cultural human behavior
as a mirror from which we can reflect on the things we do in our own culture;
● broadens our perspective on how we value our own and others’ culture;
● gives us a background on how diverse and complex others’ customs, traditions, and cultural
practices are; and
● teaches us the value of religious tolerance, respect for different race, gender, and political

According to Joseph Fichter, Sociology is a scientific study of patterned and shared human
behavior. It analyzes human interaction which is essential in understanding man’s cultural makeup. It
may focus its attention on all kinds of social interactions: social arts, social relationships, social
organizations, social structures, and social processes (Palispis, 2009). The social relationship provides
sociological information that will help in understanding the society objectively through the use of
scientific investigation or methodology.
The outcome of sociological investigations is essential for leaders, businessmen or
entrepreneurs, and government officials in maintaining social stability and creation of programs and
policies for political, economic, and social development. Moreover, studying sociology is important
because of the following:
● increases our understanding of ourselves and our society by providing us with concepts that
describe and explain our social creations and how they influence us;
● broadens our experience as we learn to discard prejudices and become more understanding
of the customs of other people;
● opens our minds, prompts us to review the taken-for-granted, and encourages us to entertain
● gives meaning to the importance of the relationship of oneself to others;
● provides understanding on how social groups affect our thinking and behavior;
● describes how and why we belong to a bigger global society that is composed of nations and
states, international institutions, and transnational companies working together and sharing
resources to solve common problems like climate change, poverty, inequality, etc.

Political Science
Political science is the systematic study of a state and its government, with the relationships of
men and the community, with relations of men and groups to the state itself, and with the relations of
a state with other sovereign states abroad (Palispis, 2009). It emphasizes the use of power, interest,
influence, and diplomacy which is important in creating a well-ordered society. Political scientists
analyze how people attain political position in society, how they maintain their position, and the
outcomes of their policy implementation within a definite social territory.
According to Ricardo Lazo, a professorial lecturer in Political Science, the primary goal of
political science is citizenship education. It requires the students to understand and appreciate the
duties and obligations of being members of a society. The following are also some of the importance
of political science as a field of study:
● provides students the knowledge and understanding of a government, with all its component
curricula like public law, political theory, public administration, political philosophy, and political
● inculcates the objectives and underlying principles of the state that should be abided by the
officials and its citizens;
● prepares the students for future career paths, be it in legal profession, government service,
politics, teaching, etc.
● educates us on the importance of exercising rights and maximizing our political participation to
sustain, maintain, or change a society;
● examine the power-relations in the society and how these affect the recognition and affirmation
of our identity, rights, and duties as citizens;
● provides a bigger context on how the government works and how rules, regulations, and laws
help in maintaining social order, cohesion, unity; and
● gives us an overview of political leadership, duties and responsibilities of public servants.

Process Questions:
1. How are culture, society, and politics interrelated with one another?
2. How do anthropology, sociology, and political science contribute to the better understanding of
the man’s environment and experiences?
3. What is the relevance of understanding culture, society, and politics during pandemic?

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