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Unit 4 Study Guide

Mod 26 How Do We Learn and Classical Conditioning

is a relatively permanent change in behavior resulting from
experience or practice
- Some changes are not learned, but a temporary
biological change (drugs, etc…)
Learning theorists - behaviorists (behavioral perspective)
- Mind not part of behavior, only observable behavior
- Didn’t accept Freud’s views on the unconscious mind

Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior

resulting from experience or practice
John Locke and “tabula rasa” - our environment shapes
every aspect of who we are - environmental determinism
- John Watson and behaviorism
___________________- experimental

support for behaviorism

- With dogs 1849-1936
- Studied digestion and salivary reflex
in dogs
classical conditioning Conditioning -
type of learning that links a neutral
stimulus - one that evokes no special
response except to call attention to it -
to another stimulus that elicits a natural
or involuntary response
Classical Conditioning
Association between the two stimuli is one form of
associative learning learning - ideas and experiences are
mentally linked as thereby reinforce each other
Working definition:
- Type of learning that happens TO someone
- Person learns to respond to a stimulus
- Previously the stimulus meant nothing
- Now it means something IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN.
Stimulus-Response Learning
Conditioning is based on the premise that behavior can be
learned or modified through a stimulus and a response
- This is stimulus-response learning
When there is a formation of a learned association, this is
called ___________________-
Stimulus-Response Learning
Unconditioned stimulus (US or UCS)
Stimulus that elicits (produces or causes) an
autonomic/automatic/reflexive response in an organism
___________________- response (UR or UCR)
Behavior that is a reflex or autonomic response (blinking of
the eyes, nausea, muscle tension, salivation, blood pressure
or heart rate, or other physical response)

conditioned stimulus
Stimulus-Response Learning
conditioned stimulus stimulus (CS)
Neutral stimulus paired with the US that becomes part of a
new stimulus-response association (anything we can
perceive, hear, smell, feel, see, or taste)
Stimulus-Response Learning
___________________- response (CR)
Behavior that is considered a reflex or autonomic response,
now paired with a CS (similar to UR) - anything that can be a
UR can become a CR after being paired with a CS
- For the purposes of
this class, the UR is
always the same as
the CR
Stimulus-Response Learning
Have you ever lost your taste for a food after having a bad
experience with it?
- Food poisoning
- Onset of stomach bug
taste aversion
This is called ___________________-(aka - Garcia effect)
- Named after John Garcia - did study on rats and radiation
Write down US, UR, CS, CR, NS
US = drug

UR = naseua

CS = waiting room

CR = nausea

NS = waiting room
Stimulus-Response Learning
Stimulus discrimination - response to only the specific
stimulus that has been conditioned
Stimulus ___________________- - response to another
stimulus that is similar to the original conditioned stimulus
EX: dog conditioned to respond to plastic bowl and you
replace it with a metal one
- If the dog does not respond to the metal bowl -SD
- If the dog does respond to the metal bowl - SG
Stimulus-Response Learning
___________________-- process that leads to the gradual
weakening and eventual disappearance of the CR to the CS
- This happens when the CS is repeated without pairing it
with the UCS
- Over time, this will break the association of the two
Stimulus-Response Learning
Sometimes, after extinction, the stimulus-response will recur
without any obvious reason - this is known as
spontaneous recoveryrecovery
- Even if the organism did not
respond to a previously
learned stimulus
- Shows that the learning did
not disappear, but has been
A young woman listening to a popular song
while driving is suddenly hit by another car,
pushing her headlong into oncoming traffic.
Although she survives the crash, the song later
elicits an emergency response of the SNS,
mimicking her experience in the accident.
Write down US, UR, CS, CR, NS
US = driving
UR = crashing
CS = song dawg idk
CR = anxiety from crash
NS = song
A college professor was robbed at gunpoint by a young man
who gave him the choice, “Your money or your life. The
unexpected and frightening experience occurred at just
about dusk, and for a long time thereafter the professor
experienced moments of dread in the late afternoons as he
walked around campus. Even though he was quite safe, the
lengthening shadows of the day were so strongly associated
with the fear experienced in the robbery that he felt the
emotion over and over again.
Write down US, UR, CS, CR, NS
US = being held at gunpoint

UR = dread

CS = dusk

CR = dread

NS = dusk
Alcoholism is sometimes treated medically by
administering a drug called disulfiram (trade
name, Antabuse). If the individual being treated
ingests any alcohol at all, serious vomiting will
develop. The objective or treatment is to pair, or
associate, the vomiting with drinking alcohol,
and thus prevent or eliminate alcohol abuse.
Write down US, UR, CS, CR, NS
US = antabuse

UR = naseua

CS = alcohol Text

CR = nausea

NS = alcohol
little albert (a baby) was taught to fear a white
rat when it was paired with a loud sound that scared

- US - loud noise
- UR - scared of loud noise (we all are)
- CS - rat paired with loud noise
- CR - scared of rat (and later other furry objects)

This probably would not be approved as ethical in by

today's standards
Higher Order Conditioning
_________________ order conditioning (second order
Classical conditioning with an extra conditioned stimulus
- Grandma makes me feel loved
- She smells a certain way
- CS - loving behavior and smell
- CR - feeling loved
Classical Conditioning
Mod 28 Operant Conditioning
Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior
resulting from experience or practice
BF Skinner
_________________ - took over the
study of behavior when Watson left
the field
- Considered the founder of the
modern behavioral perspective
- Viewed study of the mind as
unworthy - should study
observable behaviors
- Classical conditioning was too
Operant Conditioning

Skinner hypothesized organisms “operate” in their

environment, exhibiting some behaviors that are inborn and
some that are learned
- Every behavior has a consequence, pleasant or
- Pleasant responses = more likely repeated
- Neutral or unpleasant = less likely repeated
Operant Conditioning
_________________ conditioning - type of learning in which
voluntary behavior is modified by subsequent consequences
- Behavior is strengthened when followed by reinforcement
- Behavior is diminished when followed by punishment
Also known as instrumental conditioning (Skinnerian
Edward Thorndike - the
law of effects states that any
behavior followed by pleasant
consequences is likely to be
repeated and vice versa
- Skinner built upon the theory
Thorndike created a “puzzle box” by placing cats in a locked box
with a fish outside
- Used trial and error - attempting various ways to escape the
box until one worked
- Over and over until the cat
pressed the lever quickly
- Superstitious behaviors - actions
are only incidentally tied to results
- Same pen on test
Operant Conditioning
Reinforcing stimulus (reinforcement) - consequence that
increases the likelihood of a behavior occurring again
Punishing stimulus (punishment) - consequence that
decreases the likelihood of a behavior occurring again
Reinforcement and Punishment
_________________ reinforcement - innately valued
reinforcing stimulus
- One that satisfies a biological need (food, drink)
Secondary reinforcement (conditioned) - learned through
- Money or good grades
Reinforcement and Punishment
Positive reinforcement - this is a pleasant consequence
(reinforcing stimulus) that increases the likelihood of
repeating a behavior, whether intentional or not
- Reward occurs after desired behavior
- Birds hovering around people
Reinforcement and Punishment
Negative reinforcement - the removal of an
unpleasant/aversive stimulus to increase behavior
- Goal is still to increase specific behavior
- Eliminate something painful or annoying
- “Say uncle”
Reinforcement and Punishment
_________________ reinforcement - the removal of an
unpleasant/aversive stimulus to increase behavior
- This can sometimes be an avoidance behavior - a
behavior that prevents an aversive event
- Take out trash to avoid getting yelled at
- Use umbrella to avoid getting wet
Reinforcement and Punishment
_________________ punishment - adding an unpleasant
stimulus to reduce behavior
- Officer giving a speeder
a ticket
- Shock collar on a dog
- “invisible fence”
- Flag in football
Reinforcement and Punishment
_________________ punishment - removal of a pleasant
stimulus to decrease or eliminate a specific behavior
- Taking toy from fighting brothers
- Ground(take away freedom) for
missing curfew
Escape Conditioning
Escape conditioning - operant conditioning that occurs
when an organism learns to perform an operation to
terminate an ongoing aversive stimulus
- “Get-me-out-of-here”
- “Shut-this-off”
- Happens after a
stimulus has occurred
Escape Conditioning
_________________conditioning - operant conditioning that
occurs when an organism learns to perform an operation to
terminate an ongoing aversive stimulus
- Shock occurs and the
dog jumps over wall
to get away
- Happens only after
stimulus occurs
Escape Conditioning

_________________ conditioning - similar to escape
conditioning but with a CS and is preventative
- If a tone goes off (CS) -
then dog jumps before
the shock
Escape Conditioning
Skinner invented the operant conditioning chamber called
skinner box
the __________________________________
- Rats would push a
lever and get food
- Positive reinforcement
Schedules of Reinforcement
Skinner developed a set of principles called the schedules of
- Systematic consequences

continuous reinforcement - every instance of a desired

behavior that occurs in reinforced (every time)
Partial (intermittent) reinforcement - not reinforcing every time
- Slower acquisition
Schedules of Reinforcement
_________________ (intermittent) reinforcement - not
reinforcing every time
1. Ratio schedules - based on number of behaviors
2. Interval schedules - based on passage of time
3. Variable reinforcement - not consistent
4. Fixed reinforcement - every time
Schedules of Reinforcement
Partial (intermittent) reinforcement - not reinforcing every
1. Ratio schedules - based on number of behaviors
2. Interval schedules - based on passage of time
3. Variable reinforcement - not consistent
4. Fixed reinforcement - every time
Schedules of Reinforcement
Ratio schedules - can also be fixed or variable
- _________________schedule - specific number of behaviors
- Commission for selling item
- Get candy when pick up toys
- Buy 10 drinks and get 1 free
- Variable ratio schedule - after a
variable number of behaviors
- Most powerful
- Gambling
- Dating
Schedules of Reinforcement
Interval schedules - can be fixed or variable
- Fixed interval schedule - every 30 seconds
- Weekly lessons
- _________________schedule - unpredictable
- Check your phone for text messages
Schedules of Reinforcement
Formula to help you with practice...
- Do they know when the reinforcement is coming?
- Yes → fixed
- No → variable
- Is it an amount of time or a number?
- Time → interval
- Number → ratio
_________________ is a technique using a series of positive
reinforcements to create a more complex behavior
- Do you this by rewarding successive approximations -
steps toward a target goal
- Hot and Cold kids game
Studies seperate to help understand - they almost always
occur within the same sets of behaviors
Mod 28/29 Bio, cognition and Learning
Biology limits what an organism can be classically
conditioned to learn
- We are going to look at how conditioning principles and
biological factors work together to treat
_________________ - irrational fears (and anxiety)
Mary Cover Jones - wondered if
classical conditioning could be used
to reduce fears or phobias
- Became known as “the mother of
behavioral therapy”
desensitization therapy -
- _________________
designed to reduce sensitivity to a
feared stimulus
Biology and Cognition
Peter (three year old) was afraid of rabbits
- Exposed Peter to a rabbit and as she moved them closer
together, she would give him his favorite sweet
- Eventually he was able to touch the rabbit without a fear

Joseph Wolpe - built on her
original work
- _________________ inhibition -
process of extinguishing an
undesired response to stimuli
by evoking a desired response
in its place
- Put cat in a box and shock it
- Now it is scared of boxes
- Feed it while moving food closer to box
- No longer scared of box
Biology and Cognition
Wolpe helped come up with a phobia treatment that is still in
common use
systematic desensitization - process that first trains
- _________________
individuals with phobias in relaxation techniques and then
exposes them to progressively more anxiety-provoking stimuli
while they are relaxed
- Come up with a list of least to most feared objects
- Picture of a dog, followed by dog in cage, then in same
room, and finally petting
Biology and Classical Conditioning
An organism’s autonomic responses help regulate body
- The environment also influences our ANS
- Taste aversion is a great example
Cognition and Classical Conditioning
People can learn something and not show it at first - this is called
latent learning
_______ Edward Tolman
- Rats run a maze
- learned but didn’t do 1886-1959
- Food provided at the end
- Ran the maze easily
- Lacked motivation
- Cognitive map - mental representation
that allows an organism to acquire,
store, and recall information
Robert Rescorla
- _________________ theory - for
learning to take place, a stimulus
must provide the organism with a
reliable signal (signal relations)
that certain events will take place
- EX: bell in Pavlov’s experiment
- Picture of bell would not work
Biology and Cognition in Operant Conditioning

Animals can only be trained to adopt those behaviors that

are consistent with their biological predispositions
- Rats can’t walk backwards
- Racoons can be taught to put a coin in a metal box put
not to put two in...they just rub them together
This reversion to a natural behavior is called instinctive drift
Cognition in Operant Conditioning
Behaviorism largely ignored the thought process as a factor
in their work
- Abstract learning
- Insight learning
- Learned helplessness
- Locus of control
Cognition in Operant Conditioning
Abstract learning
Understanding complex cognitive concepts or qualities such as
- Same or different
- Love or hate
- Honesty or dishonesty

Rat pushes level in Skinner Box when it sees picture of dog but
not a picture of cat because it will get food for the dog picture
Cognition in Operant Conditioning
Insight learning
The same man that brought us Gestalt psychology helped
demonstrate insight learning
- “Just came to you”
- The “light bulb” moment
David Premack
- _________________ principle -
person will perform a less
desirable activity in order to
perform the more desirable
activity as a consequence
- “No dessert until you finish
your dinner”
Martin Seligman 1942-
laerned helplessness - mental
- _________________
state in which an organism
continues to experience a
painful, unpleasant, or aversive
- Dog shocked and lever does not stop
it so they just sat down and
- Become helpless because they have
learned that they have no ability to
change the outcome
Cognition in Operant Conditioning

Learned helplessness in real life

- I can’t control the outcome of an election so I just won’t
- Student experiences failure in school and now they stop
trying in class
- Unemployed people search for jobs for a time and
eventually give up because they feel they are not
Coping Mechanisms
Approaches to deal with stressors and challenges
Problem-focused coping - attempt to take control of
situation either by changing our behavior or changing the
Emotion-focused coping - belief that we do not control
over a situation
- Seek support of others
- Find the positive
- Taking your mind off of the problem
Locus of Control

Locus of control - perception of where control over life

events resides
- _________________ locus of control - people have the
ability to control their lives, choices, and the world
- They direct their lives
- Proactive in handling life’s stressors
- Also tend to blame themselves for circumstances beyond their control
- Self-Control - ability to delay the satisfaction of
immediate desire for long-term benefit
Locus of Control
Locus of control - perception of where control over life
events resides
- _________________ locus of control - believe they have
little or no control over their lives or over what people do
- Life is a function of chance, luck, or fate
- Is under the control of powerful other
- Is simply unpredictable
- Tend to be passive and accepting
Mod 30 Observational Learning
Albert Bandura - influenced
both behavioral psychology and
social cognitive theory with his
social learning theory
- People learn behaviors
through observational
learning (watching and
mimicking others - “monkey
see-monkey do”)
Observational Learning
_________________ - showing how something is done
- Just watch YouTube and you can learn how to do
- Someone exhibits a behavior
- An observer views and models
- This is called vicarious learning
- Can also see the consequences of a behavior - vicarious
- A toddler sees sibling getting praise for picking up toys so they help
Reciprocal Determinism
Bandura says that organisms that operate within its
environment is not passive, but as an active creator of the
So, the environment influences the organism which in turn
influences the environment - this is called _________________
reciprocal determinsism
Bobo Doll
bobo doll
_________________ - punching bag
Kids played in room while adult played with the bobo doll
- Some adults were nice to it and other were aggressive towards it
- Bandura found that the children exposed to the aggressive model were more
likely to act in physically aggressive ways than those who were not exposed
to the aggressive model
- Children exposed to the aggressive model were more
likely to act in physically aggressive ways than those who
were not exposed to the aggressive model. (Boys
averaged 38.2 with 12.7 for girls)
- Children exposed to the aggressive model were more
likely to engage in novel hostile acts
- Children are more influenced by same-sex models
- Results showed that boys exhibited more aggression
when exposed to aggressive male models than boys
exposed to aggressive female models. When exposed to
aggressive male models, the number of aggressive
instances exhibited by boys averaged 104 compared to
48.4 aggressive instances exhibited by boys who were
exposed to aggressive female models
Social Cognitive Theory
Bandura expanded his research on human behavior beyond
social learning
Social cognitive theory - part of what people know results
from observing others
1. Attention - noticing something is happening
2. Retention - recall of what was noticed
3. Reproduction - mimic what was noticed
4. Motivation - reinforcement or punishment
Social Cognitive Theory
self efficacy
_________________ - degree to which a person believes in
his or her own ability to complete tasks or reach goals and
influence situations
- Real-life
- Navigating social situations
- Finding a job
- How will an individual respond to a challenge?
- Weak self-efficacy - not sure I can do that/how can I possibly do that
- Strong self-efficacy - I got this/I will figure this out
Social Cognitive Theory
mirror neurons
__________________________________ - nervous system cells that
fire both when an organism itself is doing a behavior and also whn
observing another organism doing the behavior
- Neurons are “mirroring” what is happening in the environment
- Why we feel pain when we see someone else get hurt
- You know what I mean boys
- Repeated exposure can show decreased activity -
Social Cognitive Theory
The Army uses this idea by using first-person shooter games in
virtual reality to desensitize soldiers and prepare them for the
violence of combat
Social Cognitive Theory
Prosocial effects
- positive and helpful
Antisocial effects
- negative and hurtful
There is little evidence that playing violent video games lead
to real-life violence
- There is evidence that exposure to violence affects our
brains and behavior in undesirable ways
- May make us less willing to help someone injured in an
- May make us quicker to incorrectly interpret others’
behavior as hostile to us

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