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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 121 (2002) 373–382

Cold plasma treatment of polypropylene surface:

a study on wettability and adhesion
Luigi Carrinoa, Giovanni Moronib, Wilma Polinia,*
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università degli Studi di Cassino, via G. di Biasio 43, 03043 Cassino, Italy
Dipartimento di Meccanica, Politecnico di Milano, P. za Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano, Italy
Received 29 February 2000; accepted 15 November 2001


The increasing use of polymeric materials in high technological fields, such as automotive, has forced the need to overcome some of their
limitations by means of innovative processing. In the automobile industry a complex and critical process is used in order to enhance both
wettability and adhesive properties of polypropylene bumper surfaces. Cold plasma treatment represents an efficient, clean and economic
alternative to activate polymeric surfaces.
The present work deals with air cold plasma treatment of polypropylene surfaces. Particularly, the influence of AC electrical discharge cold
plasma parameters on wettability and adhesion of polymeric surfaces was studied. Also, the nature of the relationship between wettability and
adhesion was investigated. Owing to the complexity of plasma–workpiece interaction, an experimental approach was followed. A set of
process variables (voltage, time and air flow rate) was identified and used to conduct some experimental tests on the basis of design of
experiment techniques. The experimental results show that the proposed plasma process may considerably increase polypropylene wettability
and adhesion properties. These outcomes represent the first step in trying to optimise the polymeric adhesion by means of this non-
conventional manufacturing process. # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cold plasma; Polypropylene; Wettability; Adhesion; Car bumpers

1. Introduction surfaces. A plasma is an ionised gas containing both charged

and neutral particles, such as electrons, ions, atoms, mole-
Polypropylene is heavily used to manufacture bumpers in cules and radicals. There are two kinds of plasma: cold and
the automotive industry because of its lightness, its resis- hot. The difference is the temperature of the heavy species: it
tance to both air agents and impact. It is formed by long is similar to the electrons (104–105 K) in a hot plasma, while
saturated hydrocarbon chains that contribute to its chemical it is lower than 773 K in a cold plasma (or non-equilibrium
inactivity and prevent anchoring of paints. This is the cause plasma). Moreover, the working pressure of a cold plasma is
of bumper black colour. However, to meet aesthetic require- generally lower than the one of a hot plasma or atmospheric
ments of the automotive market, polypropylene has to pressure: this allows the production of chemical reactive
become more suitable for painting. In the automobile indus- species at low temperatures.
try a complex and critical process is used in order to enhance Many applications of cold plasma exist nowadays: hard-
both wettability and adhesive properties of polypropylene ening of tools, dies or metals, manufacturing of semicon-
bumper surfaces. It consists of three steps: (1) acid solvent ductor integrated circuits, coating (anti-corrosion, thermal or
cleaning to remove grease and dust from surfaces; (2) electrical). The treatment of composite materials by means
flaming to increase surface energy; (3) primer application of a cold plasma allows both the increase of their surface
to reinforce adhesion of the coat on the bumper surfaces. wetting properties and the improvement of their mechanical
Cold plasma surface treatment is known as a powerful strength in terms of adhesion between fibres and matrix, as
process used to modify surface characteristics of both metal- shown in [1,2]. An important characteristic of cold plasma
lic and polymeric materials. Therefore, it represents an effi- deposition is the possibility of obtaining coatings with
cient, clean and economic alternative to activate polymeric different compositions along the thickness by changing
the process conditions to minimise the interface between
Corresponding author. metal and coating, as reported in [3,4]. The use of cold
E-mail address: (W. Polini). plasmas for surface activation of polymers allows the

0924-0136/02/$ – see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 4 - 0 1 3 6 ( 0 1 ) 0 1 2 2 1 - 3
374 L. Carrino et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 121 (2002) 373–382

modification of surface characteristics to obtain improved Some examples of the described phenomenon can be
bonding without affecting bulk properties [5–9]. The inter- observed with oxidising plasma, which uses oxygen, air or
action between a polymeric surface and a cold plasma flow nitrogen oxides. As a matter of fact, polymers such as poly-
can be an ablation, a cross-linking or a surface activation, ethylene and polypropylene, are constituted by long hydro-
depending on the gas and material tested [10]. carbon chains with high chemical inertness. In these cases,
Ablation consists of the removal from a surface of both cold plasma represents an alternative to warm mixture of nitric
molecular layers and organic residues. This effect is due to and chromic acid, which are prohibited by legislation.
the continuous bombardment of a surface by plasma parti- The present work aims to study the relationship between
cles and by electromagnetic radiation, as well as by fluid the cold plasma variables and polypropylene wettability and
dynamic interactions between the gas flow and the surface. It adhesion. The nature of the relationship between wettability
also produces an increase in surface’s roughness [11]. This is and adhesion was investigated too. Owing to the complexity
a very important phenomenon that can be exploited for of plasma–workpiece interaction, no validated theory cur-
adhesive purposes: roughness increases the number of che- rently exists to predict the changes in these properties with
mical links between coating and substrate. process variables. Therefore, the hereinafter experimental
Cross-linking is due to the interaction between two or approach was followed. A set of process variables was
more radicals to establish covalent links. The bombardment identified and used to conduct some experimental tests on
and the radiation given out by plasma particles causes the the basis of design of experiment (DOE) techniques. In
breakage of polymer macro-molecules and the concurrent Sections 2 and 3, plasma equipment and an experimental
creation of free radicals. In this way a cross-linked poly- plan are presented. In Sections 4 and 5 the methodologies,
meric layer is rapidly formed, which is characterised by a instruments and results related to wettability and adhesion,
molecular weight and by a melting temperature higher than respectively are reported.
the one of a non-treated polymer.
Activating a surface by means of a cold plasma flow
means to increase the layer energy and this is determined by 2. Experimental apparatus
the capture of polar groups by the surface. The polymer
superficial critical tension can be increased 4–5 times, A plasma is generally obtained by an electrical discharge
corresponding to a strongly increase in wettability. passing through a gas. It is generated by either direct current

Fig. 1. Cold plasma equipment.

L. Carrino et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 121 (2002) 373–382 375

(DC with 50–60 Hz), or radio frequency (RF with 1.5– and 60 dm3/h, and the corresponding pressure inside the
50 MHz), or microwave (MW with 150–104 MHz) power reactor was 1300, 1600 and 2000 Pa. The use of a flow rate
applied to a gas. over 60 dm3/h would involve a very high pressure and
In our case, the plasma is produced using an AC electrical temperature inside the reactor which would be not consistent
discharge with a 50 Hz frequency. The transformer clamps with polypropylene thermal stability. The time levels were
are connected with two electrodes, which are inside a selected in order to study polypropylene reactivity to quite
reactor. The gas is confined in it and is submitted to pressures long treatments. The gas used in the experiment was air,
around 1000 Pa. The electric field generated is able to which is the cheapest used in cold plasma treatment. The
accelerate the particles and to transfer kinetic energy to small dimensions of our reactor prototype imposed the
them. Their consequent motion causes a chain reaction, dimensions of our rectangular test piece (60  20 mm2
which increases the concentration of charged particles area). The surfaces to be treated were placed at a distance
(ionisation of neutral species). In this way a cold plasma of 40 mm from the glow discharge to avoid possible surface
is generated. The electric apparatus supplies a voltage at the overheating. A steel support was used for the test piece
electrodes, varying from 0 to 30 kV, with 30 mA as current positioning. As shown in Table 1, each test was replicated
maximum. The gas distributor operates in the pressure range five times, yielding a total of 135 measured surfaces. The
of 300–9000 Pa and the flow rate interval is 10–500 dm3/h. experiments were performed in a random sequence, to
The details of this equipment are reported in [12] and are reduce the effect of any possible systematic error [13].
shown in Fig. 1.

4. Wettability
3. Experimental plan
As often happens when the same topic is shared by many
A large number of process variables affects the cold fields, every field has developed its own terminology, so that
plasma results: flow rates of the different gases, total pres- different definitions of what is meant by ‘wetting’ exist [14].
sure in the reactor chamber, substrate temperature and bias, In general, it is connected with the area covered by a liquid
reactor geometry and material, electrode material and dis- drop put on a solid surface. It varies on the basis of the liquid
tance between electrodes, tensioned electric power applied and surface and it is measured by the contact angle, defined as
to the plasma [10]. Because of the complexity of the surface the angle between the drop and the surface, as shown in Fig. 2.
treatment and of the fairly recent development of cold When the contact angle has a value near zero, it is said that the
plasma technology, the selection of process variables is still liquid is wetting the surface perfectly, otherwise it is said that
largely empirical. it is not wetting the surface [14]. In ASTM D724 standard the
A set of experimental tests was designed by means of a procedure to measure the contact angle is described.
factorial experimental plan. The designed plan is given in Under an energetic point of view, surface wettability
Table 1. The available reactor imposed some process vari- follows Young’s equation concerning the equilibrium
ables: reactor geometry and material, electrode material and between the three interface surface energies solid–liquid
distance between electrodes. Among the many other vari- (gsl), liquid–gas (glg), and solid–gas (gsg):
ables that influenced the treatment outcomes, only three
glg cos y ¼ gsg  gsl (1)
were selected and considered as factors in the experimental
phase. The selection was made considering the influence on In ASTM D2578 standard the procedure to measure the
the surface treatment as seen in preliminary tests. The levels surface energy is described. Both the ASTM D724 and
of the single process variables were chosen in order to ASTM D2578-99a standards were applied in our experiment.
adequately cover all the possible experimental conditions,
which are consistent with polypropylene thermal stability. 4.1. Contact angle measurement
The tension levels were uniformly spread along the reactor
capability range, its maximum value is related to the highest The procedure used to measure the contact angle is based
plasma gas temperature. The flow rate was chosen as 20, 40 on the ASTM D724 standard. Five distilled water drops

Table 1
Experimental plan

Process variables Number of levels Values

Tension (kV) 3 10, 20, 30

Air flow rate (dm3/h) 3 20, 40, 60
Treatment time (s) 3 30, 75, 120
Replications 5
Measured surfaces 135
Fig. 2. Contact angle and gas–liquid–solid related tensions.
376 L. Carrino et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 121 (2002) 373–382

Fig. 3. Drop positions.

(10 ml volume) were uniformly dispersed on each surface by

a micrometer pipette, as shown in Fig. 3. The image of each
single drop was acquired by a video-camera connected to a
computer. The contact angle’s (y) value was calculated by
measuring the base (b) and height (h) of the drop profile and Fig. 5. Surface energy estimate (ASTM D2578).
using the relationship:
  measurements made on the same sample using the same
y ¼ arcsin (2) equipment. Starting from the estimation of R, s2mis is esti-
4h2 þ b2 mated using the following relation:
The hypothesis is that the drop falls and sets on the surface R 2:54
with an exact spherical shape. ^2mis ¼
s ¼ ¼ 2:25 (4)
d2 1:128
The measurement system capability was evaluated as
suggested in [15]. As a matter of fact, in any problem where d2 depends on the sample size.
involving measurements, the observed variability ðs2tot Þ is In the hypothesis of a gaussian distribution, 6^ s2mis is a
due to variability in the product itself ðs2prod Þ, and to mea- good estimate of measurement system capability: in our case
surement uncertainty or gage variability ðs2mis Þ: it is equal to 13.508. The uncertainty of the drop contact
angle measurement is 2^ s2mis , that is 4.58. As it can be seen in
s2tot ¼ s2prod þ s2mis (3) Fig. 4, the contact angle average is equal to 86.118. This is
the angle of contact of non-treated polypropylene surfaces,
To evaluate the measurement system variability, the drop
and it was taken as the reference for contact angle analysis.
contact angle of 20 non-processed polypropylene samples
was measured. Each drop was placed in the centre of each
4.2. Surface energy measurement
single sample and it was measured two times. Fig. 4 shows
the X and R charts for these data.
Another procedure used to measure surface wettability is
The X chart presents a point outside the control limits, but
based on the ASTM D2578-99a standard. Wetting solutions
the measurement process is under control. In fact in this case
having surface tensions from about 30  103 to
the X chart shows the discriminating power of the equip-
70  103 N/m are used. These solutions are mixtures of
ment, that is its capacity to distinguish among different
formamyde (HCON2) and ethylene glycol monoethyl ether
products. The R chart allows to estimate the measure-
(Cellosolve1: CH3CH2OCH2CH2OH). One mix is spread
ment error, because it represents the difference between
on a 650 mm2 area of the surface to test. If it appears
uniformly along the surface for more than 2 s, Fig. 5(a),
it is necessary to repeat the test with a higher surface tension
mix. On the contrary, Fig. 5(b), if it breaks into drops in less
than 2 s, it is necessary to use a lower surface tension mix.
The test is stopped when the mixture breaks into drops in
about 2 s. This method estimates the surface energy of the
polypropylene. To proceed with painting, car manufactures
impose 46  103 N/m as the surface energy lower bound.

5. Wettability results

To evaluate the influence of plasma variables on wett-

ability, multifactorial analysis of variance on the contact
angle measurements was used [16]. It was carried out in
Fig. 4. Control charts for equipment capability analysis. three steps. The fundamental hypotheses of the ANOVA
L. Carrino et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 121 (2002) 373–382 377

interaction with the right and upper parts of the test piece
was more efficient and uniform than with the remaining
zones. This is probably due to the non-uniform plasma
generation in the actual reactor.
To establish the process conditions that lead to improved
wettability and process homogeneity along the sample sur-
face, the ANOVA was carried out for each of the five drop
positions. In this case, the supply voltage is shown to be
significant in every position. Furthermore, there are some
significant interactions: voltage–flow rate for positions 1 and
4, time–flow rate for positions 2 and 5, voltage–time–flow
Fig. 6. Main effects plot with regards to voltage supply and drop position. rate for positions 1 and 3 (Figs. 7 and 8). The pattern of the
contact angle, on the basis of the voltage supply, is in
accordance with that shown in Fig. 6.
applicability to the experimental data (residual normality When the voltage is at the minimum level (10 kV), an
and homogeneity of residuals variance) were tested for each increase of the flow rate causes an increase of the contact
step. The main effect plots were used in order to have a angle, i.e. a worse wettability. This effect is less evident
graphical image of the response trend. when the voltage is 20 kV, while at 30 kV there is an
First, the influence of plasma variables and drop position opposite behaviour. This is probably due to the increase
was investigated. The supply voltage and drop position have of pressure inside the discharge tube, connected with the
shown to be the most significant factors (see Fig. 6). In increase of the flow rate. At a low voltage it produces an
Table 2 the analysis output is shown. increase in gas impedance and, therefore, a decrease in
An increase of voltage causes a decrease of contact angle ionisation degree. On the other hand, a voltage 30 kV is
and thus an improvement in wettability. This is probably due so high that gas concentration and ionisable species increase
to the increase of plasma ionisation degree that involves an with flow rate.
enhancement of the charged species. The drop position With respect to the flow rate–time interaction, it seems
denotes that plasma process effects are not homogeneously that this pattern changes with measurement position. This is
distributed on the surface. In particular, as shown in Figs. 3 probably due to a non-uniform gas flow in the reactor.
and 6, the wettability improves from the lower part of the test Finally, all the data were consolidated in order to evaluate
piece (positions 1 and 2) to the upper and right parts of the maximum value of wettability for the whole surface. The
the test piece (positions 4 and 5). Moreover, the plasma ANOVA results are reported in Table 3.

Table 2
ANOVA output (symbol  stands for significant variable)

Factor Levels Values

Voltage (kV) 3 10, 20, 30

Time (s) 3 30, 75, 120
Air flow rate (dm3/h) 3 20, 40, 60
Drop position 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P
Voltage 2 1898.46 1898.46 949.23 40.62 0.000
Time 2 232.40 232.40 116.20 4.97 0.007
Flow rate 2 249.84 249.84 124.92 5.35 0.005
Position 4 801.83 801.83 200.46 8.58 0.000
Voltage  time 4 617.47 617.47 154.37 6.61 0.000
Voltage  flow rate 4 733.81 733.81 183.45 7.85 0.000
Voltage  position 8 78.78 78.78 9.85 0.42 0.908
Time  flow rate 4 61.68 61.68 15.42 0.66 0.620
Time  position 8 171.95 171.95 21.49 0.92 0.499
Flow rate  position 8 96.11 96.11 12.01 0.51 0.846
Voltage  time  flow rate 8 579.54 579.54 72.44 3.10 0.002
Voltage  time  position 16 265.11 265.11 16.57 0.71 0.786
Voltage  flow rate  position 16 392.08 392.08 24.50 1.05 0.403
Time  flow rate  position 16 646.56 646.56 40.41 1.73 0.038
Voltage  time  flow rate  position 32 906.44 906.44 28.33 1.21 0.199
Error 54 12618.14 12618.14 23.37
Total 674 20350.21
378 L. Carrino et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 121 (2002) 373–382

Fig. 7. Contact angle pattern as a function of voltage–flow rate.

Table 3
ANOVA for aggregated data

Factor Levels Values

Voltage (kV) 3 10, 20, 30

Time (s) 3 30, 75, 120
Air flow rate (dm3/h) 3 20, 40, 60
Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P
Voltage 2 1887.36 1887.36 943.68 38.46 0.000
Time 2 226.88 226.88 113.44 4.62 0.010
Flow rate 2 245.28 245.28 122.64 5.00 0.007
Voltage  time 4 609.46 609.46 152.36 6.21 0.000
Voltage  flow rate 4 726.23 726.23 181.56 7.40 0.000
Time  flow rate 4 63.29 63.29 15.82 0.64 0.631
Tension  flow rate  time 8 589.40 589.40 73.68 3.00 0.003
Error 648 15898.92 15898.92 24.54
Total 674 20246.81
L. Carrino et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 121 (2002) 373–382 379

Fig. 8. Contact angle as a function of time–flow rate.

To identify the plasma variables that provide the best

wettability, it was determined which condition, among the
27 possibilities, has a distribution of the contact angle
characterised by minimum values of both mean and standard
deviation. The data follow a Gaussian distribution, as pre-
viously verified during the validation of ANOVA approach.
The contact angle average values and the boxplot of the best
experimental conditions are shown in Table 4 and Fig. 9 [12].
Among the conditions which minimise the angle of
contact and, therefore maximise the surface wettability,
the treatment condition 10 kV, 30 s, 20 dm3/h is the most
economic one. Comparing all the results only on the basis of
the voltage supply, the 30 kV condition gives the better
average increase of the surface wettability (y10 kV ¼ 66:49 ;
y20 kV ¼ 65:77 ; y30 kV ¼ 62:63 ). Fig. 9. Boxplot of the best conditions in terms of wettability.
380 L. Carrino et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 121 (2002) 373–382

Table 4
Contact angle averages ðyÞ for the 27 experimental conditions

Experiment ID Parameter values y sW

1 10 kV, 30 s, 20 dm /h 60.268 4.558
2 10 kV, 30 s, 40 dm3/h 68.238 5.268
3 10 kV, 30 s, 60 dm3/h 66.218 4.648
4 10 kV, 75 s, 20 dm3/h 63.718 4.688
5 10 kV, 75 s, 40 dm3/h 67.788 5.748
6 10 kV, 75 s, 60 dm3/h 67.158 5.128
7 10 kV, 120 s, 20 dm3/h 67.698 5.008
8 10 kV, 120 s, 40 dm3/h 68.508 5.768
9 10 kV, 120 s, 60 dm3/h 68.898 3.188
10 20 kV, 30 s, 20 dm3/h 65.338 3.508
11 20 kV, 30 s, 40 dm3/h 65.188 4.248
12 20 kV, 30 s, 60 dm3/h 65.348 4.098
13 20 kV, 75 s, 20 dm3/h 64.038 4.888
14 20 kV, 75 s, 40 dm3/h 65.068 5.458
15 20 kV, 75 s, 60 dm3/h 65.368 6.358
16 20 kV, 120 s, 20 dm3/h 66.828 3.358 Fig. 10. Adhesive test: (a) passed test; (b) failed test.
17 20 kV, 120 s, 40 dm3/h 65.978 4.708
18 20 kV, 120 s, 60 dm3/h 68.878 5.368
19 30 kV, 30 s, 20 dm3/h 63.488 5.208
20 30 kV, 30 s, 40 dm3/h 63.068 4.958 substrate. In Fig. 10 the two possible situation of samples
21 30 kV, 30 s, 60 dm3/h 61.598 4.658 which pass or fail the adhesive test are shown. The second
22 30 kV, 75 s, 20 dm3/h 65.258 4.708 standard measures the resistance of paint film to water. The
23 30 kV, 75 s, 40 dm3/h 62.598 5.458 painted samples are dipped in distilled water at a tempera-
24 30 kV, 75 s, 60 dm3/h 62.908 6.498
ture of 60 3 8C for 24 h inside a thermostatic cell. Then
25 30 kV, 120 s, 20 dm3/h 60.718 5.138
26 30 kV, 120 s, 40 dm3/h 63.978 5.028 the samples are stabilised in air at room temperature and the
27 30 kV, 120 s, 60 dm3/h 60.118 5.008 squaring test is carried out after 2, 4, 6, or 24 h, after removal
from the thermostatic cell. The sample will pass the wet test
if the paint film on all the small squares in the squaring area
resist to the pull at least in one of the four attempts.
Finally, in order to evaluate whether our plasma process is In our experiment we measure adhesion in three possible
adequate for car manufacturers, we estimated the surface situation: dry tests with and without primer, and a wet
energy with the ASTM D2578-99a standard, as described in test with primer. Twenty seven samples of 60  80 mm2
Section 4.2. For all the experimental conditions the results dimensions were processed by cold plasma according to
were acceptable, i.e. greater than 46  103 N/m the surface different experimental conditions, as reported in Table 1. A
energy lower bound. replication was used for each experimental condition. The
samples were painted, according to Fiat procedure, and were
subjected to the squaring test (dry test). At first a PPG primer
6. Adhesion 2K1 was used to increase compatibility between paint and
substrate. Then a paint layer of PPG paint VR 8231 was
Adhesion is the joining of two different materials,
whereas cohesion is the joining of different parts made
by the same materials [14]. A good adhesion can be guar-
anteed if the adhesive adequately wets the substrate of the
two materials. Therefore, adhesion and wettability are two
related properties.
The adhesive tests were performed at the Polymeric
Material Laboratory of Fiat Auto Firm in Cassino. They
have followed both the Fiat standard 50461 (dry test) and the
Fiat standard 50180 (wet test). The first one corresponds to
ISO 2409 and gives a qualitative evaluation related to the
adhesion of inorganic and organic coating by a squaring test.
The squaring test consists in cutting the paint film in small
squares, covering the area with an adhesive tape, and pulling
it strongly. The sample will pass the test if the paint film
on all the small squares in the squaring area resist to the
pull, which means that the paint remains anchored to the Fig. 11. Samples from the dry adhesive test without using primer.
L. Carrino et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 121 (2002) 373–382 381

Fig. 12. Results of water resistance test after 2, 4, 6, and 24 h: (a) 10 kV, 30 s, 20 dm3/h condition; (b) 30 kV, 120 s, 20 dm3/h condition.

applied because it represents one of the most critical colour test in all the four cases. Therefore, under this condition, the
in term of adhesion for bumpers. Finally a catalysed resin plasma process brings to the greater increase of the poly-
was used to give brightness to paint. propylene adhesion property.
In the second case the samples were painted without using
the primer and the squaring test were performed on them.
Finally a wet test was carried out on a reduced number of 8. Conclusions
samples: the plasma conditions, which have given the better
results in terms of wettability (10 kV, 30 s, 20 dm3/h and ANOVA analyses have demonstrated that voltage, vol-
30 kV, 120 s, 60 dm3/h), were chosen. Four samples were tage–time and the voltage–flow rate interactions signifi-
tested for each process condition. cantly influence wettability. In particular, an increasing
voltage improves wettability. This is probably due to an
increase in ionisation degree. In this case, a stronger activa-
7. Adhesion results tion process is generated by the growth of number of charged
particles in the plasma. In relation to the interaction between
The 27 samples passed the dry adhesive test when using voltage and air flow rate, an increase in air rate at voltage
the primer. The dry adhesive test carried out without using levels 10 and 20 kV worsens wettability. This probably
primer was passed by all the samples, even if a separation occurs because an air rate increase produces a decrease in
between paint and substrate was observed in some areas of the number of charged particles, as a consequence of the
the sample (Fig. 11). As a matter of fact, the standard major air impedance. It is possible to observe the opposite
prescribes not to consider what occur outside the squared behaviour (increasing the flow rate, improves the wettabil-
area. However, an explanation to this phenomenon may ity) at high voltage (30 kV). In this case, the voltage is so
come from the dimensions of the used test pieces: we high that it is not influenced by impedance and increase in air
consider a bigger test piece with respect to the one used rate. As a matter of fact an increasing air rate raises the
to evaluate the contact angle to conduct two tests on the same number of ionisable species.
sample. The dimensions of the two squaring areas approxi- The best results in terms of wettability are obtained for
mately corresponds to the contact angle test piece dimen- condition 10 kV, 30 s, 20 dm3/h and the corresponding
sions: the reactor chamber was designed to treat this smaller contact angle is equal to about 608. The contact angle of
test piece. Therefore, these tests show that cold plasma non-treated polypropylene material is about 868. Therefore,
activation enables the elimination of the primer. the contact angle reduction connected with plasma surface
The water resistance test (standard Fiat 50180) has pro- treatment is equal to about 30%.
vided the results shown in Fig. 12. For the process condition The dry and wet adhesion tests on samples painted using a
10 kV, 30 s, 20 dm3/h the paint layer is separated from the primer have shown a good adhesion of the paint film, ind-
substrate on almost the whole the squared area, when the ependently of the process conditions. Also the dry adhesion
squaring test is performed after 2, 4 or 6 h after water tests on samples painted without using a primer have shown a
immersion. However, the squaring test was passed after good adhesion of the paint film. Consequently, by using a
24 h from water immersion. Therefore, the process condi- plasma process, it is possible to avoid the use of a primer.
tion 10 kV, 30 s, 20 dm3/h results acceptable. The samples However, the water resistance of samples painted without
obtained with the 30 kV, 120 s, 20 dm3/h condition pass the using a primer has still to be investigated more in depth.
382 L. Carrino et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 121 (2002) 373–382

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