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Date: February 23, 2023
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
a. describe the character in the legend of the pine tree,
b. find information and express the main idea of the text, and
c. identify the main points in the legend of the pine tree.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: The Legend of the Pine Tree
b. References: The New Dimensions in Learning English: A Series for
Philippine Secondary Schools
c. Materials: Book
d. Values Integration: Listening, Appreciating, Contented and Cooperation

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
 Classroom Management (Rules during the storytelling).

B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
1. Who among you here, have been travelled in Baguio with your
2. When you heard the name of place; Baguio, what is your visual?
3. For the young lady, how you feel if you were not good looking?
2. Presentation
What is the legend?
 A traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but
 Set of stories from ancient times, or the stories, not always true that
people tell about a famous event or person (Cambridge Dictionary).

Can you give me an example of Legend in the Philippines?

Today, we will read the legend. It is entitled “The legend of the Pine tree”. I will
read the story twice. After the story telling, you will have a test.

“The Legend of the Pine Tree”

There once lived a girl named Bangan. She was good and honest, gentle, and
charming. She liked the company of other people and she enjoyed doing kind things for

Bangan’s skin, however, was rough. It was covered with pimples and ringworms.
As a result, no one liked to go near her. She had to work all alone by herself, and, of
course, no man would court her. This made Bangan discontented and unhappy. She
was very much worried about her future. What would happen to her in her old age if she
had to live alone all her life?

One day, Bangan was extremely lonely. She went to the mountain to seek
comfort in the company of trees and flowers, birds and animals. At least, they would not
care how unattractive she was. They would not avoid her company.

Bangan liked trees. She went from tree to tree, whispered to their leaves,
touched their bark. She noticed that their barks or skins were rough just like her own.
But that did not make any difference to people. People liked trees just the same
because they were useful. Trees gave food, shelter, firewood, and many other things.

This gave Bangan an idea. Perhaps, she could become a tree and be useful to
people. Then perhaps they would like her better. And so, raising her eyes to heaven,
Bangan prayed.

“Oh Kabunian, my god, grant that I become a tree. I want to be useful to people. I
want people to like me. Only thus can I be happy?”

Then she lay down in the warm sun. soon she was fast asleep. She smiled in her
sleep as if she knew that she was going to be happy at last.

The next morning, Bangan had disappeared. In her place grew a beautiful pine
tree. Its bark was rough but its leaves were fragnant. They whispered and murmured in
the wild all day.

The pine tree grew fast. It reached toward the sky like a prayer. Soon it bore
cones and when the cones opened, the wind blew the light little and seeds far and wide.

Thus, as the years rolled on, the mountains became covered with pine trees. The pine
trees are still there. If you go to Baguio, you will see them still standing there large and
beautiful. Their tops point to the sky. Their never-ending murmur is Bangan’s murmur of
contentment. She has at last found happiness in the service of the people.

C. Application
Get your activity notebook. At the back of your activity notebook,
write the date today. Then write the number on the left side from no. 1 to 5.
While on the right side, write the number from no. 6 to 10. I will read the
questions and choices twice. Then write the letter only for the correct
1) The story tells us ___________.
a. why Bangan had rough skin.
b. that prayers are answered.
c. how to be useful to people.
2) The story implies that Bangan had no __________.
a) Work b) enemies c. neighbors d. neighbors
3) She found comfort in _______.
a) her friends b)her gamily c. neighbors everything
4) People like trees because they are _______.
a. beautiful b. useful c. tall d. shady
5) Bangan wanted people to ______.
a. serve her b. like her c. think of her d. help her
6) Bangan was very much worried about her _______.
a. appearance b. work c. future d. skin
7) The detail which supports the idea that the pine tree was once a
human being is: ______.
a. The leaves whispered and murmured in the wind.
b. The tree bore comes.
c. The pine tree grew fast
d. Its bark was rough
8) The detail which supports the idea that the pine tree was once Bangan
is ______.
a. the fragrance of its leaves.
b. the beauty of the tree.
c. its top pointing to the sky.
d. the roughness of its bark.
9) “She liked the company of people and she enjoyed doing kind things
for them.” This sentence supports the idea that Bangan was ______.
a. lonely & worried
b. sociable & friendly
c. good & honest
d. gently & charming
10) This story is a good example of ______.
a. an anecdote b. a legend c. a myth d. a fairy tale

D. Generalization
1. What is the legend?
2. What are the local legends in the Philippines?

IV. Evaluation
Oral recitation:
1) What is the legend about?
2) Why did Bangan want to be a tree?
3) In what way pine trees useful?

V. Assignment
Write it on ¼ sheet of paper
What tree would you like to be? Why? Write only for 5 sentences.

Prepared by Checked by


Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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