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Final Project 219:

date de rendu: Mardi 5 octobre 2021

You are making your first Youtube video!
Introduce yourself to your new subscribers.
You’ll need to respect the following criterias :

● Main parts and order of these parts:

-Greetings the viewers
-what the video will be about
-Introduction (name, personal description, hobbies…)
-Thanking the audience
-like and subscribe

● What needs to be mentioned? How to stand out?

-name, age;
-where you live
-likes: I like, I love, I enjoy, My favourite, I’m fond of (I really like …)
-hobbies: often, rarely, every day, always, never...

● Tips for speaking and rhythm

-no loud background music
-talk clearly
-intonation and accentuation
-be creative
-respect the punctuation
-enthusiasm and energy

-penser à la gestuelle
-si on ne veut pas montrer sa tête: mettre un masque, faire un draw my life, utiliser
des photos, des dessins…)
-être au calme, caméra bien positionnée, micro ouvert
-s’entraîner avant
-durée: plus ou moins 1min30

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