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Draft: Technology for Teaching and Learning for Language Education (EL


Activity 1. Developing Your Learning Plan

Step 1.

The learning area in language education in my plan will cover is English Course.
Moreover, 8th grade students will be learning in this interactive class during their 3 rd
quarter of grading period.

Step 2.

The topic which my teaching will cover is the use of persuasive devices. The main
concept of this lesson is: Persuasive devices are vital to understand and use when
writing persuasively. Some examples of persuasive devices are alliteration, rhetorical
questions, exaggeration, statistics, emotive language, modality, repetition, facts,
opinion, the rule of 3 and using personal pronouns.

Step 3.

According to the English Curriculum Guide (Competencies). The targeted learning plan
of my lesson: content and performance standards are found in page 186. This lesson is
target to the Oral Language and Fluency during the 3 rd quarter of grading period and
week 7.

Step 4.

The topics will be discussed are the description of persuasive, some examples of
persuasive devices, and the use of persuasive devices.

The key activities are multiple choices and fill in the blanks.

Student products are they can be able to use the distinct persuasive devices in a
sentence or short story, and be able to use these devices in real-world scenarios.

Possible roles that students assume in a project scenario is a writer.

Step 5.

a. Identify the different persuasive devices

b. Explain the importance of persuasive devices in a sentence
c. Appreciate the persuasive devices through creating a sentence; and
d. Use a persuasive device/s in a paragraph

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