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Name: Karen Sarahi Flores Vargas

Declarative sentences:
1. It is cold.
2. My new hoodie is purple.
Imperative sentences:
1. Don't be afraid.
2. Never forget the person who loves you.
Interrogative sentences
1. Could you please repeat it?
2. How is it going?
Exclamatory sentences
1. What a pity!
2. Congratulations!
Simple sentences
1. She likes to eat pizza every sunday.
2. They speak so well English.
Compound sentences
1. I like pizza, and Sam likes sea food.
2. I have two parties but I don not know what can I do.
Complex sentences.
1. Whenever it rains, I like to wear my raincoat.
2. I plan to study abroad after I graduate from college.
Compound-complex sentences.
1. Because I paid attention, I got an A on the test and I was so happy.
2. I learned English perfectly because I studied very hard.

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