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Prepared by Mark Allen Angeles Teaching Date February 17, 2023

Grade Level Grade 10 Teaching Time 7:00am – 4:30pm
Quarter 3rd Number of Hours 2 hours
Learning Delivery Modality Face to Face


Content Standard
● The learners demonstrate understanding of the structure of biomolecules,
which are made up mostly of a limited number of elements such as
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.

Learning Competencies
 Recognize the major categories of biomolecules such as carbohydrates,
lipids, proteins and nucleic acid

Specific Learning Outcome

At the end of this lesson, students will able to:
● Define Biomolecules and its types such as Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins and
Nucleic acid
● Distinguish whether an example is an Organic or Inorganic Compound
● Acknowledge the importance of Organic and Inorganic Compounds, and
Biomolecules in our life.


A. Topic: Organic and Inorganic Compound, and Biomolecules

B. Instructional Materials and Devices: Laptop, Power Point Presentation,
Projector and Visual Aids
C. References: Science 10 Learning Material pp. 443-474, Science 10
Investigating Life and Beyond a Spiral Progression pp. 274-294


Preliminary Activity
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

The teacher will be asking one of the students One student will lead the morning prayer.
to lead the prayer.
“Please stand-up”

“Dear Lord, please give us strength and

knowledge so that we may understand our
lesson for today. Teach us to love and respect
each other. This we ask in the name of our
God, Amen.”

Daily Routine

The teacher will greet and will be asking the

secretary to report the attendance of the class,
give an exciting drill to energize the students
and review the past lesson to ensure that
students are able to remember and learn the
previous topics.

a. Greetings

“Good morning class” “Good morning, Sir Angeles.”

b. Checking of Attendance

“Ms. Secretary, who is absent today?” "Good morning, I am glad to tell you that there
are no absent for today.”
c. Classroom rules

“So, before we proceed to our lesson proper, I

wanted you to remember 3 things”

1. One voice or one speaker at a time –

Speak if I told you to do so
2. Raise your hand – If you wanted to talk or
if you have a concern
3. Keep unnecessary things away –
Especially to the things that are not related to
the subject.

“Again, what are the three things you need to “One voice, raise your hand and Keep
remember?” unnecessary things away”
d. Drill

“Now, are you ready? So, Let’s play charade. “

1. The teacher will be dividing this class into 3
2. Each group will provide one volunteer to The representative of each group will draw in
draw a word. the word pool and will possibly get one of
3. The volunteer will act the word and the these words
members should guess the word within 2
minutes. a. Tumatakbong may hika
4. The first group to guess the word or phrase b. Inaatake sa puso
will get an additional or prize next week. c. Hinahabol ang Hininga
“I hope that all of you are energized and ready
to our classroom discussion”

e. Review of the past lesson

The teacher will show different pictures that

are related to the previous topics. The student
will choose a word that depicts the picture
Students will raise their hand if they wanted to
Word Pool share their thoughts about it
a. Properties or Parts of the wave
b. Spherical Mirrors
c. Plane Mirrors
d. Electromagnetic Wave Spectrum
e. Types of waves

First Picture

“The picture depicts the Properties or Part of

the wave. It includes the crest which is the
highest point of the wave, trough which is the
lowest part of the wave, the amplitude which
is the maximum displacement of the particles
of the medium from their equilibrium position
and the wavelength which is the distance
“Very well said, you may now sit down. Next between two successive crests or troughs.”

Second Picture
“The picture depicts the two types of
Spherical Mirrors which is the concave and
convex mirror. Concave mirror also known as
converging mirrors are spherical mirrors that is
curved inward while convex mirror also
known as diverging mirror are spherical
mirrors that is curved outward.”

“Good explanation, how about this?

Third Picture “The picture depicts the Electromagnetic

Waves. Electromagnetic waves are a
disturbance within a magnetic and electric field
in a propagation direction. Unlike mechanical
wave, Electromagnetic waves don’t need a
medium in order to propagate.”
Excellent! I think you have mastered the
lessons that I’ve taught last quarter, Now let’s
move on and proceed to the first topic of 3rd

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Desert Island

The teacher will say something and the student Each student will give a word and if they
will guess the rule by saying things that was wanted to guess the rule, they have the right to
related to given clue. If the students give an raise their hands.
object that follows the rule, then it will be
written on the board. The first student that will
guess the rule will get a point

“I am going to the desert island and bring

SUGAR, what will you bring?” Anything that is an ORGANIC COMPOUND
will be accepted such as paper, soap, wax, oil,
sugar etc.
“That’s right, you’ll get a point. How about I
am going to the desert island and bring Anything that is an INORGANIC
DIAMOND, what will you bring?” COMPOUND will be accepted such as Pencil,
Carbon dioxide, Bronze, Salt etc.


“Alright someone has already guessed the
answer, good job! Everyone deserved to be
commended for their participation. By your
examples, I hope that the activities gave you a
glimpse of what we are discussing for today”

Presentation of Lesson
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
The teachers will state the lesson’s objective
before discussing the lesson.

At the end of the lesson, the students are

expecting to:

● Define Biomolecules and its types such

as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and
nucleic acid
● Distinguish whether an example is an
organic or inorganic compound

● Acknowledge the importance of

organic and inorganic compounds, and
biomolecules in our life.

“When you hear the word COMPOUND what

are the words that comes to your mind?” Combination, Two or more Atoms, Mixture,
Ionic, Covalent, Metallic, Bonds, Chemical,
Joined, Two or more Elements etc.
“All of your answers are correct. Now, by
using these words, I wanted you to create “Compounds are combination of two or more
define COMPOUND.” atoms or elements joined chemically by ionic,
covalent and metallic bond”

“Exactly! Compounds, as per define by, are chemical substances made up
of two or more elements that are chemically
bound together in a fixed ratio”

“There are two types of chemical compounds, “Organic and Inorganic Compounds”
can you guess what are these?”

“Good job! So, based on your assignments and

Organic Compound do contain bonded
researches, what is Organic Compounds”
“Very well said! Another characteristic of an
“Vital Force Theory, according to this theory,
organic compound is that it can be obtained
organic compound can be only obtained from
from living organism which what theory of
nature and living organism and it cannot be
John Jacob Berzelius?”
synthesized or made artificially.

“Very well said, but then this idea was refuted Friedrich Wohler, when accidentally made
by another scientist. Who is this scientist and urea, or carbamide carbonyl diamide in his
what did he discover to oppose John Jacob experiment in the laboratory.
Berzelius’ Vital Force Theory?”

“Correct Wohler’s initial goal was to create

ammonium cyanate which he had expected to
be made by adding silver cyanate to
ammonium chloride. But it ends up creating
Urea, an organic compound that normally
found in Urine.”

“Aside from Organic Compound, there is also “Inorganic Compounds are compounds
an Inorganic compound, what is inorganic which do not contain bonded HYDROGEN
compound?” and CARBON. This compound can be
obtained from Earth’s Crust.”
“Given by this definition, I wanted you to
distinguish whether the compound flashed in
the presentation was an Organic or Inorganic
Compound. As you guess it, try to give an
explanation on why do you say so”

First Picture “Organic Compound, sugar chemical formula

has a carbon and oxygen and it can be obtained
Sugar (C12H22011) in living organism such as plants.”

“Correct, what about this?”

“Inorganic Compound, although it has a
Second Picture carbon, diamond chemical formula lack of
hydrogen. Thus, diamond can be obtained in
Diamond (Compressed Carbon) Earth’s Crust.”

“Very Well said, What about this?”

“Inorganic Compound, although it has a
Third Picture hydrogen, water chemical formula lack of
carbon. Thus, water can be obtained in Earth’s
Water (H2o) Crust”

“Yes Sir!”
“Excellent! Always remember that a
compound must have both HYDROGEN and
CARBON in order to be classified as organic
compound. Are clear? “
“Organic Compounds are always associated
with biomolecules since it was produced by
cell and living organism. Biomolecules also
known as biological molecules are compounds
that contains essential element to maintain life,
what are these elements? such as carbon,
hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and
sulfur.” The words that the students will get are the
“Biomolecules is divided into 4 types. What
a. Carbohydrates
are these? So, you need to unscrambled these
b. Proteins
jumbled letters. I will be dividing you into 4
c. Lipids
groups. Each group will be given an enveloped
d. Nucleic Acids
consist of letters inside. You just need to
arrange letters and finish with a yell.”
“Carbohydrates are compounds that soluble in
“Good job, every got the correct answer. water (Hydrophilic) and the main source of
Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids and Nucleic energy. It is also known as saccharides and it
acids are the 4 types of Biomolecules. So, lets consist of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen.
define these one by one starting with Sugar and Starch are example of
carbohydrates. What is carbohydrates? carbohydrates.”
“Very well said! Carbohydrates is classified “Mono means one, Di means two and Poly
into 3, namely Monosaccharides, means many which means their prefixes
Disaccharides and Polysaccharides. Base on determine the number of saccharides bonded in
their prefixes, how can you differentiate these a carbohydrate chemical structure.”

“Exactly! Monosaccharides is the simplest,

basic unit and the building blocks of
carbohydrates. It is white, solid in room
temperature and soluble in water. Mono in
monosaccharides means one, just like what
your classmate said.

“So there 3 examples of monosaccharides, can Glucose, Galactose and Fructose

you guess what are these?”

“Correct! So, are the difference between these

three?” “Glucose (C6H12O6) also known as dextrose
or blood sugar and the main source of
energy for the cells.
Galactose (C6H12O6) can be from dairies and
Fructose (C6H12O6) can be obtained from
fruits and vegetable and the sweetest sugar.”

As you can see, galactose, fructose and glucose

molecular formula are (C6H12O6), they called
isomers. Isomers are compound with the
same molecular formula.”
“Next is Disaccharides. These are formed by Sucrose (C12H22O11) also known as table sugar,
the union of two monosaccharides. There are result of combination of glucose and fructose
3 examples of Disaccharides, can you guess Lactose (C12H22O11) also known as milk sugar,
what are these? result of combination of glucose and
Maltose (C12H22O11) found in raw materials in
beer production, result of combination of two
“Look at the molecular structure of the
Sucrose, Lactose and Maltose. As you read the
definition of Disaccharide, it is the union of
two monosaccharides which means the
molecular structure of disaccharide must be
C12H24O12. Why is that it was only C12H22O11?”
“Well, it is because of condensation reaction of
two monosaccharides. So, what is
condensation reaction? Condensation reaction is a reaction in which
two molecules or part of the same molecules

“Correct! During this reaction, one molecule of

water is lost. The reverse counter part of this Hydrolysis reaction is separation of two
reaction is Hydrolysis reaction. What is compound with an addition of water
Hydrolysis Reaction? molecules.”

“Correct! The last classification of

carbohydrates is Polysaccharides. Poly means
many, therefore it is defined as chain of more
“Starches which is storage carbohydrates in
than two monosaccharides. There are three
examples of Polysaccharide, could you guess
Glycogen which is storage carbohydrates in
what are these?
“That’s right! so again, what is carbohydrates Cellulose which is found in outer walls of
and its three classifications?” plants.”

“These are compounds that soluble in water

(Hydrophilic) and the main source of energy.
It is also known as saccharides and it consist
of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. There are
“Correct! Now let’s proceed to another type of three classifications of Carbohydrates,
biomolecules which is Lipids. Lipids are Monosaccharides, Disaccharides and
compound that is insoluble in water Polysaccharides.”
(Hydrophobic) and known as a stored
energy. Just like the carbohydrates, it Fatty acids refer to one or more long-chain
composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. of carboxylic acids. So, there are two types of
It is also made up of cell membrane and fatty acids namely saturated and unsaturated
macromolecules made of fatty acids. What fatty acids. Saturated fatty acids were linked
do we mean by fatty acids?” to “Bad Fats”, solid at room temperature
and lack a double bond. On the other hand,
Unsaturated fatty acids were linked to
“Very well said! There are 4 types of Lipids, “Good Fats”, liquid at room temperature
can you guess what are these?” and have the presence of double bound.”

“Correct! First is the Phospholipids. What do Phospholipids, Triglycerides, Steroids and

we mean by Phospholipids Waxes.

? It is a compound that is composed of fatty

“Great job! Example include lecithin, a acids, glycerol and a phosphate group.
mixture of fats that are essential to cells in the
human body.”

“Next is Triglycerides. What do we mean by

It is a compound that is composed of three
“Excellent! example includes Fats and oils. W fatty acids and glycerol.
is the difference between Fats and Oils?”
Fats are solid at room temperature and was
produced by animals while Oils are liquid at
“Steroids on the other hand, are compounds room temperature and produced by plants. “
wherein the molecules are composed of fused
ring of atoms. Cholesterol is the common
example of this.”

“Last are Waxes. It is a fatty acid that

composed of long-chained of monohydric
alcohol. Example include candle and any type
of wax.

“Again, what are the types of lipids?”

“There is Phospholipids that is composed of

fatty acids, glycerol and a phosphate group.
Triglycerides that are composed of three fatty
acids and glycerol, Steroids are compounds
wherein the molecules are composed of fused
ring of atoms and Waxes that composed of
long-chained of monohydric alcohol.”
“That’s it. Now let’s proceed to Next type of
Biomolecules which is the Protein. What do “Protein is made up of carbon, nitrogen,
we mean by Protein? oxygen, and sulfur commonly found in foods
such as meat, eggs, fish, cheese, nuts and
“Correct! It is also composed of one or more
long chain of amino acids joined together by “Amino acids refer to the simplest form and
a strong peptide bond. What do we mean by the building blocks of proteins.”
Amino Acids?”
“Very well said! Proteins varies based on its
function and performance in our body. Here
are types of proteins based on their function:
a. Structure Protein which provides and
support the cell to respond the body
for movement. Example include
Keratin, Collagen and actin
b. Messenger Protein which transmits
chemical messages in our body.
Example include Hormones,
Neuropeptide and Pheromones.
c. Disease Defense Proteins which
protect our body from foreign particles
such as viruses and bacteria. Example
include antibodies.”

So again, what are the three types of protein

based on their function?”

“Structure Protein which provides and

support the cell to respond the body for
movement, Messenger Protein which
transmits chemical messages in our body and
“Fantastic! Lastly, we have Nucleic Acids. It is Disease Defense Proteins which protect our
a very large molecule that stores genetic body from foreign particles such as viruses and
information. It is made up of sugar, bacteria.”
phosphate and nitrogen bases also known as
nucleotides. So, what do we mean by “Nucleotides are the building blocks of DNA
Nucleotides?” and RNA.”

“That’s Correct! There are two types of

Nucleic Acid namely DNA and RNA. In this
class, what do we mean by DNA and RNA?”
“DNA or Deoxyribonucleic acid are double-
“Very well said, Also It is a long-term storage
helix or double-stranded sugar phosphate.
and transmission of genetic information in
RNA on the other hand is single-stranded
our cell. Its nitrogen base pair is composed of
sugar phosphate.”
Adenine-Thymine and Guanine-Cytosine.
RNA, compare to DNA, RNA transfers
genetic information for the creation of
proteins from the nucleus to the ribosome in
a process called DNA replication. Its nitrogen
base pair is composed of Adenine-Uracil and

“Again, what is the difference between DNA

and RNA?”

“Very good, what else?”

“DNA means Deoxyribonucleic Acid and
“Good observation, what else?” RNA means Ribonucleic Acid”

DNA is double-helix or a double-stranded

sugar phosphate while RNA is a single-
stranded sugar phosphate.

When it comes to Nitrogen base pair in DNA,

Adenine is paired up with Thymine but in
the RNA, Adenine is paired up with Uracil.
DNA is a long-term storage and transmission
of genetic information in our cell while RNA
“Very well said!” transfers genetic information for the
creation of proteins from the nucleus to the
ribosome in a process called DNA

“Now that you have understand the concepts in
Organic and Inorganic compound and
Biomolecules, let’s take a short Activity.

I. Write OC if it is an Organic Compound and

IOC if it is an Inorganic Compound. Answer
1. Methane (CH4) 1. OC
2. Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) 2. IOC
3. Salt (NaCl) 3. IOC
4. Carbon dioxide (CO2) 4. IOC
5. Peptide (C69H114N18O22S) 5. OC

II. Write C if the compound is

Carbohydrate, L if it is Lipids, P if Answer
protein and NA if it is Nucleic Acid. 1. C
1. Dextrose 2. L
2. Oil 3. P
3. Keratin 4. C
4. Starch 5. NA
5. Adenine

Generalization and Valuing

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
“Based on the result of the activity, I can say “Today I’ve learned the difference between
that you have already master the lesson for organic and inorganic compound. Organic
today. Before we proceed to the Assessment Compounds are compounds which
and Quiz, can someone again differentiate contain bonded carbon and hydrogen. It
organic and inorganic compound?” can be obtained in living organism and
sometimes can be made synthetically in the
laboratory. Inorganic Compound on the
other hand, are compounds which do not
contain bonded carbon and hydrogen and
it can be obtained in Earth’s Crust.”

“Carbohydrates are soluble in water

“What an explanation, you deserve a clap, (Hydrophilic) and the main source of
what about biomolecules starting with energy. It is also known as saccharides and
carbohydrates?” it consist of Carbon, Hydrogen and
Oxygen. It is divided into 3 classification,
Monosaccharides, Disaccharides and
Polysaccharides. Monosaccharides is the
simplest, basic unit and the building
blocks of carbohydrates. Disaccharides is
the union of two monosaccharides and
Polysaccharides are chain of more than
two monosaccharides. “

“Lipids, just like carbohydrates consist of

Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen but are
compound that is insoluble in water
“Perfect, what about Lipids?”
(Hydrophobic) and known as a stored
energy. There are 4 types of Lipids namely
Phospholipids which composed of fatty
acids, glycerol and phosphate group,
Triglycerides which is made of three fatty
acids and glycerol, Steroids which
composed of fused ring of atoms and Waxes
that are long chain of monohydric alcohol.”

Proteins are made of carbon, hydrogen,

oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur. It composed
of one or more long chain of amino acids
joined together by a strong peptide bond.
“Well explained, What about proteins?”
Amino acids refers to the simplest form
and the building blocks of proteins.
Proteins varies based on its function and
performance in our body. There proteins
that provide and support the cell to respond
the body for movement (Structure Protein).
There are proteins that transmit chemical
messages (Messenger Proteins) and there
are proteins that protects us from foreign
particles such as virus and bacteria (Disease
Defense Proteins).

Nucleic Acids. It is a very large molecule

that stores genetic information. It is made
up of sugar, phosphate and nitrogen bases
also known as nucleotides. Nucleotides are
the building blocks of DNA and RNA.
“Correct! Lastly Nucleic Acid” There are two types of Nucleic Acid namely
DNA and RNA. DNA or Deoxyribonucleic
acid are double-helix or double-stranded
sugar phosphate. It is a long-term storage
and transmission of genetic information in
our cell. Its nitrogen base pair is composed
of Adenine-Thymine and Guanine-
Cytosine. RNA on the other hand is single-
stranded sugar phosphate. Compare to
DNA, RNA transfers genetic information
for the creation of proteins from the
nucleus to the ribosome in a process called
DNA replication. Its nitrogen base pair is
composed of Adenine-Uracil and Guanine-

“Now that we thoroughly discuss the Organic “Studying these is very important because it
and Inorganic Compound and Biomolecules, helps us to understand and know the things
can someone in the class explain why we need that are needed to survive especially this
to study this? compound are very essential to life.”

“That’s a meaningful explanation!”


I. TRUE OR FALSE: Write TRUE if the UNDERLINED word in the statement is correct. If
it is false, replace it with the correct word to make the statement correct.

1. Carbohydrates are insoluble to water

2. Saturated Fatty Acids are solid at room temperature
3. John Jacob Berzelius discovered that organic compound can be produced in laboratory
4. Organic Compounds are substances that are produced by cell or living organism.
5. Sucrose is result of combination of two glucose

II. Multiple Choice: Analyze each question carefully then choose the letter of the correct
6. Lipids are insoluble in water because lipids molecules are
a. Hydrophobic
b. Hydrophilic
7. Which element is not present in carbohydrates?
a. oxygen
b. nitrogen
8. Which biomolecules contain sulfur?
a. Protein
b. Lipids
9. A reaction combination of two same molecules or part of the same molecule.
a. Hydrolysis reaction
b. Condensation reaction
10. It composed of fused ring of atoms
a. Waxes
b. Steroids


Take Home Activity

Instruction: Submit your answers in a short bond paper. It may be handwritten or computerized
1. What is Gas, Properties of Gas and Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gas?

2. Discussed the contribution of the following scientist to Gas Law

a. Robert Boyle
b. Joseph- Louis Gay-Lussac
c. Jacques Charles

3. What is the relationship of the following:

a. Volume and Pressure
b. Pressure and Temperature
c. Temperature and Volume

Prepared by:


PST in Grade 10 Science

Checked by:
Cooperating Teacher

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