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Film Review

Name of Film: I am Sam

Identify Key Characters: Sam Dawson and Lucy Dawson

Summarize the main events in the film:

The story revolves around a man named Sam who has been identified as having an intellec tua l
handicap. Sam also had a daughter named Lucy, but I'm not sure if she was truly adopted or not.
Sam begins the movie by acting like other normal people going about their daily lives. This is an
excellent way to show how people with disabilities can live normal lives without standing out from
the crowd. When Lucy entered his life, he was given a huge responsibility. At first, he struggled to
care for Lucy because he didn't know how. Thankfully, with Annie's assistance, he was able to adjust
to Lucy's requirements. His friends also came to his aid since they shared his values. To sum up the
movie "I Am Sam," Sam Dawson, a mentally disabled father raising his daughter Lucy with the aid
of a special group of friends, tells his inspiring experience. As Lucy reaches the age of seven and
starts to academically surpass her father, their tight relationship is put in jeopardy when a social
worker notices their unusual living situation and wants to place Lucy in foster care.

Describe one particular scene that struck you most and explain why:

One particular scene that struck me the most is when Randy turn back Lucy to Sam in the middle
of the night while sleeping and she said “I have to apologize to you Sam because I’m was gon’na
tell the judge, I can give Lucy the kind of love she never had but I can’t say that because I’m be
lying” this means that the only love that Lucy have is the unconditionally love of a father. All you
need is love, as seen in this scene. Sam may not be as intelligent as other people, and he may not
instruct Lucy in equations, the sciences, or other challenging subjects, but Sam does teach her
lessons on life and love lessons that cannot be learned from books. “I Am Sam” is a narrative that
challenges the notion that a person's stature or intelligence matter greatly in their life. We don't
improve as people by working to achieve better grades or by reading more books. By attempting to
live each day with a pure heart filled with compassion, respect, and honesty, we endeavor to
improve. People shouldn't be assessed based on what they are, but rather on who they are and how
they interact with others. Sam demonstrates an unconditional love that forgives errors and doesn't
give up, as said in the movie: "One's intellectual aptitude has no influence on one's ability to love."

List some of the issues raised in this film:

 Society tends to forget that everyone has equal rights basically trying to take Sam’s rights
away as a parent because of his disability.
 Sam socioeconomic status. Sam is classified as having low socioeconomic status. Due to
his disability he can only work at fast food types of jobs which don’t pay well.
How do these issues relate to the “types of learners with special needs” topic being studied?

This problem relates to the topic being investigated about "types of learners with special needs"
since there are some people who do not comprehend a person who has a condition or particular
handicap, which results in unequal and inconsistent treatment. Additionally, everyone overlooks the
fact that everyone is guaranteed equal rights under the law.

Identify any people, organizations or activities from the film that were working for change:

 Sam – a person who has been identified as having an intellectual handicap, but work hard
for being a best father for his daughter Lucy.
 Lucy - became a good person with a good heart because of his father, despite of his
 Rita - Rita is the kind of lawyer who lives for work and nothing else. To take Sam case pro
bono and as case goes by in turn teaches her the value of love and family.

Do you feel the film addresses issues well? Give reasons for your answer:

I feel the film addresses issues well because at the end of the story they let Sam have custody of
Lucy. The film focuses on how Sam fighting for his daughter. Rita fighting for her soul. And Lucy
running away from her foster parents to be with Daddy. But the more important of this is that,
despite of Sam conditions he didn’t fail to show his love to Lucy and people a rounds him.

Can you list any other films, documentaries, songs or books that address this topic?

 Every Child is Special
 My Name is Khan
 Color My World with Love

 Fire in the Rain Song lyrics |Look Beyond My Disability, See the true me

 Justin Timberlake, Anna Kendrick - True Colors

 Donna Cruz - Yesterday's Dream

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