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Here are some possible questions for a knowledge sharing session on customer centricity:

What does it mean to be customer-centric and why is it important for a business?

How can we gather insights about our customers' needs and preferences?

How can we create a culture of customer-centricity within our organization?

What are some common pitfalls to avoid when trying to become more customer-centric?

How can we measure the success of our customer-centric initiatives?

What are some examples of companies that have successfully implemented a customer-centric
approach, and what can we learn from them?

How can we ensure that our customer-centricity efforts are sustainable over the long-term?

How can we balance the needs of our customers with the needs of other stakeholders, such as
shareholders or employees?

What role does technology play in enabling a customer-centric approach, and what are some key
considerations when selecting and implementing customer-centric technologies?

How can we continually improve our understanding of our customers and adapt our strategies

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