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Ultrasound technicians are vital in today's society. They use special imaging instruments and

sound waves to form different images of various parts of the human body. Many find this

occupation fascinating due to the imaging which helps doctors diagnose and treat different

medical conditions. There are currently 1,270 employed people as of 2020, and there are 120

annual job openings in Minnesota. The median wage in 2022 was $72,744 and is expected to

rise. The requirements needed to become an ultrasound technician are to acquire a high school

diploma or GED and obtain an associate’s degree in applied science or a bachelor’s degree. After

schooling, they can then take the ultrasound technician certification exam. This is where

someone is able to test out of all or just one of the four specialties that they learn during their

schooling. People can make more money by being certified in more than one of the four

specialties. Many hospitals employ ultrasound technicians, for example, Mayo and OMC in

Minnesota. This occupation will always be needed because it helps doctors diagnose medical


Keywords: ultrasound technician, medical, statistics

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