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Case study (Small -N)

Case studies
+ Thailand (read about basic info, history of Thailand)
+ Burma– long standing coup (won by the opposition party)
+ Myanmar–

– promise of thick description that would lead to better understanding.
– to answer the question Why?
– manageable
–3-4 cases ;
– promises arriving at a particular kind of conclusion
● (1) A deterministic approach– the relationship between variables (IV & DV) is
assumed/ automatic, the presence of a particular variable is assumed to be
connected to an outcome or a specific outcome.
- Opportunity to dig deeper
- Interested on the depth of relationship not on the strength or weakness of
the relationship of variables
● (2) Rely on interpretation
● (3) appropriate to variables and relationships are simplistic (one cause, one
- Better to use if understanding very linear simplistic relationship of a
variable to another
- Linear relationship between variables
● (4) no interaction effect (endogeneity-Independent variable today can also be a
dependent variable )
- No endogeneity effect (can never happen)

– pertinent to use statistical tools given the unmanageable number of cases

● (1) A probabilistic approach
- Interested on the strength or weakness of the relationship of
● (2) interested to know the strength between and the among three
variables (i.e., Regression – know the strongest among variables vs-a-vis
the outcomes.)
● (3) can have an endogeneity effect (interaction between variables)

5 methods of investigation of Political Phenomena

1. Method of Difference– different outcomes
– make sense of different outcomes by looking at the unique independent variables.
2. Method of Agreement – similar outcomes with similar variables
– look for similar independent variables or differing dependent variables as based on
political outcomes.

1st country case: Thailand

- capital Bangkok
Phenomenon of the deep state [State within the state (entity not accountable within the state)]
- Elite network, which is monarchial in nature
- Exists side by side with the military
- Judiciary is part of this new deep state
- The deep state is a deeply entrenched concept
- ongoing political crisis in Thailand
- Elites are very supportive of the deep state
- Uninterrupted rule since Thailand is an unconquered state

● Thai Rak Thai Party was a Thai political party founded in 1998. From 2001 to 2006, it was
the ruling party under its founder, Prime Minister Thaksin

Thai Government
- Constitutional monarchy
- Current - King Rhama
- King Bhumibol– golden economy
- Monarchy is separate from King Bhumibol
- Problem: Monarchy that is attached to the military, buddhist system;

Deep state:
- Well entrenched within the institutions
- Democratic institutions is unable to dismantle this kind of entity
- A powerful entity (well-entrenched) into the state
- Not bound by democratic institutions/ forces
- Existence and remaining relevant in Thai society (power)
- Machinated for personal interest – for own self-survivalf
- Pass laws
- appointment of leaders and disbursements of funds
- Great Corruption in Thailand
- Short term benefits
- There is an abstract state (within this state burgeons an entity that has its own disposition,
vision from people)
- Entity within an entity (network within the state – a new entity within the state that protects
the clout/ institution within their grasp) operating within the state (judiciary, legislative,
- Not
Old Deep State: composed of old people/ elites close to the monarchy or military
New deep state: evolution of this old deep state
- 2006-2014 (coup)- coup which elected by the people Takshin
- Takshin made his own group technocrats
- Elites was enraged with Takshin due to backstabbing
- Was supposed to be part of deep state
- Made a separate entity within
- Judiciary (supposed to be non-partisan) yet this burgeoned in the
deep state as a separate entity – which made the deep state more
- Judicialization of politics–arbiter role via decisions during crisis
- Coup was rendered constitutional (founded legitimate)

IV – different elite networks

DV – military bureaucratic resiliency
IN – Judicialization of politics (deep-state)
– judicial legitimacy (from Supreme court)
– Constitutional reform – gave the interpretation of the law to the supreme court
– legitimized power of courts
– the subsidiary power of the courts was machinated to be an instrument of thee deep State

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