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NAA: MP159/1, 23/1/35

Series number: MP159/1

Control symbol: 23/1/35
Barcode: 334633
Number of pages: 74

AFV Production Meetings

/.3;/,P\L->1~23~/\3 X‘7 0v-uu—:::1:I _ _ _ ',.*.....__ '_ '._ ;r;___ ' ::_' * i ,_.CHIEEM/f\DVlSER’S?*BRANCH’ Fmm I
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W2. Kabul _,,\:4 lg» avocintlu/“\K %>f%‘11- §.A|.£a.&' -.:.“mm“I;‘ mm§dm&amtw,§_11- ~%L%i*t%,@@:;:;§. 8u0rB:_h mm? ‘ uIn'dlI@,.ttn¢ " “Maura'n1~i..ln..i|.-1'37- *WI‘! IlaE aaluritI:Slao'a|yp£*:a-aéurln2%5s:7 .2%j
§a:%fhohclhzmnxddlmilumYIn‘Q.:JIl':~,-< _"3";-'-~Y.".v-1Col. WatsonCol. Smith _Lt.-Col. lilnorLt.-Col. IrolandMajor LovioC.I.A. (Liaison Officer)Capt. VernonClpt. Iyal isClarkeWoodwardBromleyTadbringCox (2)I.
‘ IW _'J_'I_‘|v_“p ” _' ‘I > _ _ ’f_ L ‘___m _ A __ _ __|‘__; __|_ __ I _V 7 ‘ _|_ _ _ Ag_._ N ~%__ _ _M~MM h_m _“m WMW ~ h _‘__ g _m/\ M WW ‘MW; aw“_ _§!_____ J Q wQ \__ ’ _ &a __ ‘” L Mg” W M M _W mmm“
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2 M _m WM _mMmMmmm "M FII__ ‘H_ ______ _‘J’ ‘V _ )¢ M QElW | __
" ' 7*" —* *T*—%—"77—-7"’ ’ W 7% * ** 7 7* " *7 "3..g..H»:7! -nan. ‘J5. ’ -l%lhnn , ,.3%ii‘?2;?E42}g;i ilieI’:E53 ég E‘hqnlnl.@ g 3E'z%§*§§'5g;zgil iti-‘slit’! ‘ah é :1':§!i;§:iE 3:32~<.-1|,._ ‘A1!.-2iiB-‘I-
J‘.Y¢nplrha\0&lIoi&a¢th¢iIa!a|ghtlnt wvnuut1nnn&nnqaIt*&na0ior;|*.o.1>n.n\!ai£s:uaa aid! vs:-mailman,WE 5&2;giéii;e§*?s Z‘Fin;:'v~fi‘~.»_V__- ,' V,‘ V. A," ¢=_)=. it ~Z Dd-
!¥~!I1IO1".D.&thnlIlllt§.ItlIu_;i§iupIanoomlnuutnr;l;nI-!lqI‘n1I'|'lalnI»ooar-2‘/,1} mam. j= 1‘ n am. n!-tumV \ :4 auluvlmm» Q ibuairkuun.1{'1 31- iil;» ‘. e.1-an. hi an-Int tr Ghanaian 10 J; 3 cu. -1 as-nu. s-mun. A/'
anaaugnawuammuu. g \‘ \~' \. 6.¢22a .E01; Watson 111-, Woodward 7 ., t.-Col. llilner Ir. Bronley ;9Lt¢-CO1, Kr» ,\/J Hl\Jor Lovie Mr. W. Chaaorlain‘Capt. Vernon Mr. Cox (2) , ‘Capt. lyalia Col. Smith37'" C]-"'39 C-ll-L
(Liaiabn Officer). - ' \.,.=v ;_ V _ D:\,-_ - _ _ . _ _.__, ' ,< . ._. , _ . _ . _ _ ~ ;__ \, »I V G = _‘;_, .. I Ha‘ _ _ _ _T .‘ I _| 3,, _- ' V /4 97 I *7 _ J_ "' r’ i-sun ' ‘-—-='%,‘q_ ‘ _ ‘ ' = Ma" in ._ --- :_ >‘ w ”___ i4.
>§, xSent to -Col. WatsonCol. SmithLt.-Col. MilnerLt.-Col. IrelandCapt. LovieCapt. VernonCapt. MyalisMr. ClarkeMr. WoodwardMr. BromleyMr. TaebringMr. W. ChamberlainMr. Cox (2)C.M.A. (Liaison Officer]
!F!""~r’1':** $r*?- 12; »<@¢*a% >»k»§ *. n; ]&f ~"a; , ;?’»:;@~~:<yr W VI,% mam J/{J5 %/IV .,ail. ~..{m||h$).c“‘hiu~mA¢r1mant-Rc- 8. Qt II»2%....‘ Ir. walnutR. Inuit;‘gs1-
i.~:..h&i1.r.B.dB~nllr%nhpdse0gnnnudurvqu|imll!n*inAiInanil1hlIlh~1!. >1:. - ,,;_‘..;y ' V. ;R>"4:'_ C _Q * -.:7‘ ~4 in in raw -~ "a.r.a.§§I?% » % ' in »;h _ wmmi mhnnnthyatl 7, {Nautilu-s:**ihoihqnnato $11,? hike \0nl|I1itnl_
'agunanlatvn Qt Qdatiu to uqA.r:!»~, s. at 8», ‘Q 6-.»-1:4!» n@.¥.&-- thnlwllstolliil‘lllhbbiiangtnmvh %l untohkndn'I&t1@,'mhWQ“ III» _’£' -3-’ *. .1.. I‘ a . 'Ii ili liiilllliltlall-Iu1&%I_QOIo IiiliOIGII¢l'!'I'§I'II$§£9- %..:'-51%£2;
I$3,2!?!£15:viQ @Lii!‘=11:isis" - _g ii?Es?5352fig;g.léiaw:51Q3‘:*¢¢§:§i?$=§€5§1§E§§I§:§:'§inw?§"Y ‘ildlbtaulnnlinlqtl-I¢1II'. i %.-1-=f' -~ ' V, ,,.\,‘ . V ’ ‘U _ .,'§~£- ,L__: 3/ ‘_ N", LN‘. -“J ‘~'> _. .> _ 4 . ‘ ' Q
_J.._. _=4.n.-...~.-..¢.31iiII
¢ w. ' <. . < I“g V . ' . .. . - ‘ .__ "P.%@‘amiE‘ . - . , .@ >__. r ¢ . ._*' -yh w %m,mu-\~=§-1.-:2-1*: , ;'.- 1 ' -1'-_~_a»-e|.=~.-s.;:"?* ' ;u&_==§ ,_ -7 - -_' ‘ . ' ' ~..' '2 . A, ’ ‘ " ' —”_ W_ _ II I7 WW‘? . |yi‘ ¢¢ _A.#-. 4., ‘ \\ E7* mxnu
001. mm, n.s.r.v. (manna). A .» °“- *'%:;:-';t+.... <;f¢s‘@°alliifjizEieii1~ K...;An.§n.&I , V$.nf§.l’wInte.l'.I>-ttntankpauihtnlpldli€blcntp.c£ltu1ug:IMl\l'~a-tshvicb.11- l_&n.l:..l' %e.r.n. nun ms up Q“KIIQIIIL11!: _ T*xY_r 1 ,.l5 ' Q
i->&} ‘ . >§LLiF “ V4:. (V17 *. 1- ' 7if4%:2 I*25% ‘lzéi;§:;:;.¢I 1:5E%:§§i'I'931";:~@i;%3'31‘\. a .5!" * aa ‘Q Z ,......." "-:2 .,.,..,. ~...,,..,.*~ '--..=.-: r-...-:~an nan :11 anathem-' v- =% ‘ j ' '., W: VQolofovo"D ,3 ;..‘..: 2 ‘3 l» "1. .‘ S.
‘av-._‘ as _- l~ I‘ @010!-0!oIEii:3%£2iii‘ii 1;‘fihgaa24:5ills:5'5!E2;iii=19,1‘Q1011and ma tho 110009tmlnotxqunulnalntllc-m. ,1‘V001. Watson. Mr. Clarke Col Smith W d d. Mr. oo war ILt.-Col. Milner Mr. Bromley " ' 'Lt.-Col.
Ireland Mr. Taebring ' A‘ , ,.Capt. Vernon C.M.A. (Liaison Officer). - '~ my VIICapt. Myslis ~ V ‘ 1 ' “
5/6-pr _‘ 1-<» >".;,-nv, 5; -,iA1:wA§_*..z*. . 1.? ( .':'2.;,,».. .;;.*!'.'; -i s .4 -4 ~ ..a;_- 'f.§’!_,‘ *. ;‘. ._1‘il’Pv ' '4 . .;-’“*\. Q an ? Junta ~'- -rs;-'=en, mam. n.z.r.v. tsunami. ¢§‘n QQIQIQYQ V % _ ' ,. ., .. $4,mm Lm aw-: ;2.: r=-
="'”' 43-£....h.£|...l* _,' 3¢‘noi€ coo ' 1Wadaw warn &ntmn&guuunlfI04r1n\Ilh ,IL B§..A=.h.l' 1g.r;:.9¢-an an an qr rm;-znxg ma» awn: besumy. nu. ' ' ‘ ' """' ""“"’I110 xv ~ . '( Q g~,_H ,' " ,.__ 5% 3.1 ’ ',, _H 2*7
%*1!§!*.?Fgageig§:§§§§;51:22?1 “ Q15%}?Mi?WWe '-L, ( 1 Q 3 *-\,_'. - 1; A ,, - 1* “ A j ' ~ ‘R3 & A .1-7 I X % .- J‘ 1.! ill! 111 ii?we:11?§$%§5!‘/ 21'» * &» - :. . , ‘Jlas " 5:1» ?¢Yo 1}, "s"s!1~2%?iiiii‘ii71- .’\ .1.~‘:v
U» ‘; ._ is ~ "‘ ‘L *’1‘_.!,*-,~w~__--,3 - ._ ,1 ,1 r '' ' ' - _ . >@6IJ.!'»lntumln $5 *:-'-*£:--1.-#.:."*--'-‘Q "'11:.A ?A % A &'u'g :..§.: =eu-an-I an t hot 1? u-maniacs» hunnvn ».¢.1-.v."3.=-um.“ ’ " " * I‘ '5 :2 i§§,;*§.5 A7/
tmlutiaguuluhanam \- '- 5 _ -*gal, I;_1;*a¢u, Ir. Clarke - 5\ Col. Smith H1» “wéwnrd -"Lt'.-C01-liikuarlr. B1-ouloy . ‘ ‘ jLt.-G01. Twvbrins ~ , I C%Ptv~»\-18119 31" 0°‘ (9% ( ‘?§"3*“, .A vmm-~@n C.l.A. (Liaison Offieer). F2]-
"1;-§'*"*” w'.~ U _ .. __ u 1'1 . \ _ ‘r‘ ' " " ' ' ‘ ~, _.' 1' f 1|- ~~ “?*~, “I ‘*'= u';‘-51;" '1 ' > -_ ."_4.- .,__.. . 1". :-' ' ix "Ii Ii _,.~ , ;¢_.,E_? . 4. _ ‘~"l'
r-".-Iiif Q? IEKIIQQ BEL!) Ii 0811103.» 31.99;. §§£L80U§ ,go 8:52‘ §:;esm!,§@,4ux.!, ;|,_9_g,,iiahjaot: n,g_,v, raowcrzoa.. 'D.‘.?.v. Q ;::m'c.1.a.:. uh , “a"%1a “Ill”; so Of noI-Q---4301. maa 58710.Gapt. Varnoa.31% @1328!-
mm»Ir. landward. ‘-f— '— —'—' 7 1 1\~ l Ir. B_-1-1. * \"Q W.Kr. 4-haarlah. ‘ha !I.‘rma1. 5’ to £0 " Staa o - ~0.9.9. lllhlataad again that aaat argant aotlon in raapaot ororéara waa nacaaaa:-1 to prawaat inter:-option in
promotion. iJ.A.P.V.will try and got a daelaion about thla aattar today.H- Ait aaa agad to hold a aaattng it poaaibla with tha aanataotararain two da1a' t , whoa datall drawings or tha hall would ha awanahlafor tuna to than
for tho pnrpoaa of aaantaotarlng tha pilot nodal.111- at . A. D.A.§.V. intornad tha looting that $3.1. had agraad to tha iaaaaof pa-iota, batora tho; wara ohaokad and tlaaliaad for production, to _aamraatnrara tor tha pa:-poaa
or aanutaatarlag axparluaatal nooala,planning, ata. A ayataa ma uoaar ooaalda:-atlon aha:-ab; thaaa pra-llnlnary drawing ahoald ha 5190!! an azparinantal maa:-, which wualavoid dangar or oontuaing than on a Latar data
aith production draalaga.IV. Ia a o' Y .1 B.A.F.V. atatad that this waa ma undar taat, and that raaultawould probably ha available in about a fortnight.13-IJ.'l'. latornad tho aaatlng that tho idaa that daoarbartaadpina wara in
tha aarwloa waa arronaoua, all auoh pina having haan1-atraatad anal brought up to apaoltlaatloa.V. 3! Q!‘ M Iii I a00413. lntomad tho looting that tho daola ayataa aa it oonaarnaA.F.'l.'a, had baan raviawad by D1:-aotor or
"1-dnanaa 1’roduotl.on, 7and ha waa in agroouant with C.‘.&. that tho pa-ooaaa could ha 'aooalaratad ooaaldarably, and daalt with by tho P‘:-oonation loatinga,or by a nab-aounittaa tho;-aot, whiah would oparata at laaat
taioaa waak, and aura ottaa if raqulradt71¢ E :1l§; 3;?» Egg 3| E. Q. Q: _0.?.i>. brought forward a lattar, paaata no. 9418 daallng alth ‘aaoriara “.0 2. 3!, 5. “a ‘. ‘h'r. '1'. III!) ll! M.latawfwhzoh ara rathar obaoura, D.-t.F.V.
uaoartook to aall a aaatin;Q‘ Kltllilyyt 61' ‘CID’; an Q! no’ C.1.I.'l'., awronapnw‘aFlvO. cai'a‘ag Dasapa “aFava) It IQ ag. ‘U U1Il":, Waitlttilh\___ __ W >“‘f_!(;< .
II81V110 SE22!’ :2! &.C=8. ' '@.?.. rullod the question of spares tor 5.0.2., and it waslgrend that 5.A.F.V. and 9.P.b. Inuld collaborate Iith F.@.¥.h.,, lad 3. or ¥cah., Ilth 0 vial to compiling an agrnodlint or spurns for -‘
1. initial inp§13,b. onthly xaintenaneo."IL .‘-:1"..I!§~.sssJ2.1;» 2§£r!=#;.s-It naa dncldod =hnt_an7 special finish roquirod naod notbe not;d on drnvingn, but loft an at prclont in the hands ctCaivnaaIX. 2 Fdr. Gnrgieg.lock-up
ha boa innpoctod and npprvod by D.&.F.7.naked 9.2.8. it tbs; Ioula non nuke lrrlngnlantn tar lotropclitnn80: to take up zho unrk or dtsil design and nnuntnctaro of ox§or~incntal nodal, U.P.D. to place an erdr for this
wart.@Q¢OQQ¢Q—QQQQ¢¢@Q¢OQtQCQ¢¢II_ 41
7*1Tw -' '% .“ (\'.-._1.!L§}i£:4?- ?&§!€@i #=*»1 % i§QVQ' ‘fia V@*‘<&#» 2 \_ }, I .EQw 1ia¢a¢M ‘,!~(x§.@ ‘*; 4 ’<knuiutr - Q8’. ¢§<»(’E ‘ o,'§blq’o,cM.-at. and '- '8&3!» MIR§::::2:..: Mr. Clarke1- %m|n.n.|LnMs1 - In
%,5gs2%i=33I' "§.P.§.I-nub! cranial.H» mLn.w§I "'-a.P.»@hu~u@t!'Ia"Inalu1¢ttui!:ntinilIan-ihhu-Quintin; ' Vulyaouicninlhllntiuwitknvhuh . humid-hunhcnnnhwian-nan-n 01117--*‘=::ééE§2@.-%Ia\nin,IInbn\1% ';e=;g=v~;$1
*:§?5§§ ass}:-‘Q f-‘Ml‘ lg;""§'E? 1&3ii 0I11. I " 'by 00.9. all i>.A¢!.?¢ Q awning, K gr, W“ “1"-» 1 -V 5@¢1:,uu|vn1mn-magnum»-1W $14 zz 2g?‘ii; 2 &*Z3IS‘3%FI'2_¢..,.. *1..;z:::;.@:1:;2r”zz:;:=;:: w $.&tn.u
Iautz*lw&nuot%nnau. an -%».:@;:2na:;:=:- % % v.__ _ 7,, _ W _ _ ____ ____>_A__,___ ____ _ ll
in dent innit21;;1%.12%;:§:§§§,,1.?"- C1.. .x Y— 11:. * A C: 4 ‘M Aw .- ;~»1~*.e-~l"?1l' *'1.*’£,*.!§1l‘"‘ 1. 7". *4? 1! 1- 'In spate or tan that that 1tisns~duo~C:,, angina ream _ ' . . " ltlu1h- nit ~=~£~muaaugzaa. 'Q 35?;'1;=$1-
I-5‘ II?! mqnciol ,hntr !E:g=:n:ng.qputnnnl uni ta iianuuurInow; " in anllurlaaag Hat: can 5.721. Slllllnm '3ii5%3.-.gr3%};i%IFE25:2‘?nounntaal ihnuln biiii“-' » . ' _ ~~ 4 ' , §- . _m _,. 1, _ _ ,_._ '..; -1,, _ ._» .1 . V; .2 ¢ . 1 '_,; g I ,
- >. (»~¢-vs‘;-,1-Q-~?--»¢-q “.w~~v~—-,,- »-*4 g r~>. Q »-.2 2-~—-=--A >'a»~—¢vo'--e ‘A¢.r~->-~v‘-,._. ‘Q I I .¢ _, , 4 \ ' A ‘ " '7 . . V . .1-H .. #1 I ' =1 @I tiiln-unIu'buuu|h.lp tin-llnnnnniun»'3n'~*ea-
a.mmuuanaagnuixsfaStills5.‘?e‘;EggE1.ihn Iuutng onnnininl ax 19,35 l~n»6%?Col. WatsonC01. Smith 'Lt.-Col. MilnerLt.-Col. IrelandCapt. LovieCapt. BernonCapt. MyaliaMr. WoodwardMr. BromleyMr. TaebringMr. Cox
(2)Mr. ClarkeC.M.A. (Liaison Officer).\ " _,.I-atA 7 7 _ _ _ I
5 7Mr-v - 1? E‘:% v $1.3‘ aggig. (am--=3. X’; 3. if 3'» r3'-l 2: “"“"=.M....------.-.......................................__.,__xb i..¥‘_ ‘ ¥',l 1;2_.s . ";‘§E.*.i,_ ti L ¢Lttlhrygu-ant:on,tnt¢.I.!£.!. knluthmiagbiahuatttina.H» ."'Inna-an Susan;
, j Innis»c ‘vm . Y ‘QMnnilnlnlhgtttha Inn-1ailInhnl.z;Iu.:b¢-lqlai. a§::¥,5! 52;;4&3‘igpg 5!, gfi§@;s:@§:| if@§§!“‘%( 'QQFODQ wgrsgnnuhoxgzgnthnaugrngt inurn Vhilt Q h ‘. ‘ ’0'0 i #11410’; 1"
0.90,1“;iii‘?iiiiiisgifziélFifi!@251!rim i'2»‘F- 1a.r.a. hl‘I% - 8% hi ‘%‘."&‘ 232.‘ :4. 8»53?‘2;?34?'1
an 0in:Aim!’-ittp-mvi0nl¢'t) mallnllhrxaih1;) mmmnmswa.e.r-Q-atnlttns»%nwtwnUInIttaY1IIliaria]. hilt ,, 9.1.-rt.uuC in _s-era-;-§:*:nn_n;nqhhi11?’anhvY1. M _ Vint, in ::f:.:f’iIl<II$:::Fii}(03{£1Kn!aggaszzsgsg 2
£§§§"i%}§€;Hiiigi’;‘gékrggri ~ I {iiiligr’"%2€»$.I¢!-ylvtlninaquutmauqamknénwiqunthu avail C1.9.-In-_. ht ~-- ='~"'“-~":~.~.:*"'" 3%2”uC annmanmmamj C abtl::bInun '»a.§.§. w..r" C' a.a».r.v;-aura-
uurananmqusnyaiann.é'1i col. anon % \_ ; 1": J ILt.-Col. lilnerCapt. LovioCapt. Vernon '' Capt. llyaliaHr. Clarkellr. WoodwardIlr. BronlayIr. Taobring ‘ >Ir. Cox 12) - AC.H.A. (Liaison Officer).I.1 ,“I
V __ -; ~ - ,~ -=¢-F’-- ~~— - -4->-V ¢ ".% ‘ @ ,1 11: cnurm ram.‘ H»-“ii = 1"’‘ .. f 1.. . .;Lz-:.,i:_,E. .14: 1? 1; 1: . ;2%‘_.gig *noq.‘f;f;fg. lama-J. ,s.¢m .609530110 -8:0-Q38kw$03”n“' 1- imm - - Yii?iii;5%?‘iii':%s* \ *1 % H :_F;
0.P.B.unntiani€hnta11nl|plwnl<nhinbli 1-0.,L amh:n!aunaaqmmuama~mcea,m&¢1s111- *aJ.I.Iii\cltnthn1nlhna|l:-uplrhanrnprhth¢t&f!10I2.t1nI'atourhiL.r.6avr£nnlu.taIqlt'wIn----* *2.-+..m-:.*....'--:-. -iigs:2!1'0 ..-r 1.7- _*‘*;»
»...».# , ' V.‘-Q, . | * ~ Q =~*:~.=lohlpf»Q}%!»LJE;gi'~ *j _ riIna3n3qt1uQ&nzla~.‘I'lnnan‘u,8n1tn¢unnxauns wulndwnnhuimhsnaunaane 2,!‘i2%,2%!‘gia' /§0?Q§o -
1~ u mWM WKm_M M __“m Mm gm8? W“mmg I m_m__W §_“ m_w“MMM? mm"Q _Q ‘h ‘M iuammmm imzmm mmgmm M__“_m%~_m U_M m_ mm“E MEN» MW“ __-_m“w~mmum a_m_~b“ _MumMmm_WM-. W“
‘VM $2"“wa _mnuummmwwm “~ _umm%&h~*_._H_/Q Wm__mm“_mm_mmMm“M M? ma M:__“mm g N» _: ‘ __$____“ i v_m%__@ “M hmm mm iw M mm? MW mm_W; _Winmm: h Ir ‘Ir llA. > _WwmmwmM _ g? Q %
an-‘qr__ §.I.79.d21dnnni1h&u1n&nw.9‘S‘::5;Iii!ii?§%:3sir;mnamnuauunmmwC Col. WatsonC01. SmithLt.-C01. MilnerCapt. LovieCapt. VernonCapt. MyslisMr. ClarkeMr. WoodwardMr. BromleyMr. TaebringMro COX
(2)0C.M.A. (Liaison Officer).ii ¢T J
¢w ~Q .'CCol. WatsonCol. SmithLt.-Col. MilnerCapt. LovieCapt. VernonCapt. MysliéMr. ClarkeMr. WoodwardMr. BromleyMr. TaebringMr. Cox (2)C.M.A. (L.o.)
F I’'_5‘ 'Q i8 i___ ___Q i __‘___U‘W \_ __ L_ it é_ J M_ , /_, 3_‘_ J_ __7 _'_7 iS Lg __f “ mm__‘ ~”i% M_ “_ _m6 ___ Q mum; y H_"__> * ‘ >H,“___> _ ___‘M __ M u“? M.‘ ‘ W M i M _@ “Q % WWW” __ ‘ Wm my
W _mm~__““ WWW mm“mg Mmwnwm W m__wm%_ W“ N _W_»“_ _é 8%? M mm; mm“ m_“__m “J m w_?_m n S“1 “him” rm _k_ Q Em Wu mi“H _‘~__¥_ M 7:“ W2 Nj aw _“ KM_! a _rm1: TmL“ “MW u__ min_ M‘WM
f___i ‘3‘BW3Hm _mrWWWm Wmm “WmVM 3:“ _ M m._l}[ “K I MWMm: mi~ aQn_Pwwm _mm3ikY
b_ _______________________‘Xi‘,- unmwaa&mmanmm~asw. 1»:-at » » an... m.w.#. (ea-an-an. ‘en. % a.:is.t. ' *H R@4@.umh *‘* “tiai 2253:. 12; Q“ I1- *X '-that,an-uc.:..1:.a'. 2.». jiaamurthn-shdal A11- = ‘% ¥ -
‘a.?».'B.*II?!!n:uml&n unnlakcfi':'uu'§s¢nn&s.’ ‘j!€’nIiaq!_Iplthzt§».»B»n3ilrta£'13n.nn- A Jhiu0.1*§l-0Ianoollunvua1n\s¢.t.i~!'.,&.d'm 2.1:.» '_ " f cim.&.:r.¥. n.A.r.1.I&1113* *91'2"!‘ % &asii?ii;24;‘*52*3%ii;1:5V ‘I0‘ii?égsi542%
fiiiii‘ggal5&5!iéié1*'~ :0 -an amine ms ¢.ml.t mm A M. -.-~ *1‘-"'@ ‘-~..,. 213- “.2-~ Col. Watson. anshiw at IQ" ma»Col. Smith. -Lt;-C01. Milner mp, wQ°d'ardCapt. Lovie Hr. BromleyCapt. Vernon Hr. TaebringHr.
5181.1“ Mr- ax (2). c.m.A. (Liaison Officer), Fii g. _ ',,_;~.'M/3;' , V _ A
%'.%¥5FK!%&%cB1§B’R-I '31?.. %.-W?ii‘H 88!!‘ %%» .‘ am-an SQ;/Q‘titan; &s.1*.5\'. tarsal»)- M!§:0 ,1» ‘"'Pg;3*3Q 2*-I$Ia.w-I-Mwrm 1% 'M -‘W-* ,.;.....,~ .*:-':§a"-"»'n-"a:'%inm.mama»‘ an'£."':a'=f¢";L ans‘-g"‘ ' 1!; w *.
Jr? ‘I:§“Ti. A.‘-"_ "' _l.'.@:d" Q-+7 ‘V.-f?"?"".~"‘_?':"I"7'*T".f ‘F-*1QniuqJiér§E;%§;0%:air lEéiiiiQgli iéz5!; Ii iiiii:1:3ntahumitntndanli“ $0:-cIo’og$10,010 Ilint can new1 1: I‘his?5??!5&5!Q‘?ulérii ms Luau j an uum j m
n»'§-Q» was an an in C01. Watson; an cuihll sis IQ 1-anC01. Smith.Lt?"C°15 uilner Hr‘ wo°d'ard iI¢m Capt. Levis giggigs3:p1=élZ;g°n 3,: Q9; (2). c.u.A. (Liaison Officer).‘i
--3-5*“ ?N-Q-"-if ‘-$€‘1":"“’!-""i' K ” i-, .7-;l.f..l ‘IL, Liz‘. 'i;lfQ' "i§.2.§_..',, f\ ' V - ''§ 2.1. mum-pi. %s. at a.sasvsggsg'§l?u§{3* nn:¢unvulinuunuttlrnuli::tne.r.8. 33* ix"Elizz‘aféii211'?‘Eiiiii‘£1?’‘izgiH3‘ in5%iiF:.“*‘.
vaanuonawat»EE!iiii5;?:!:::a::L:5E§%:oo nnsnuu=¢'unwuonwn.a.:su.n./-' Col. WatsonCol. SmithLt.-C01. Capt. LovloCapt. VernonHr. ClarkeHr. Woodward Hr. BromlIr . Taobrgg Hr. Cox 'CJLA. (Liaiaon Officer). fi .1‘. ' .~'~-
———-- ~ - / __ * ‘ ’ ‘om WA‘ ,_ _ _A _ _ _ A Q
mamwmrmnmumwsum. 29%, -‘Q .. " _ ‘ ,» e;‘2.1-.'f:.?.‘..I}( fa $'.*..m i L ’mm: ‘K2:-.q,_y2;.:.:;:»* ' 5&5Ii-wk!-y . (3v“% 'um: '1F»n-‘iii’1* , §§‘Q’r¥cg'na~uamap:m':§iu'§¢u Manllttylnnblou V2iéséiii;Ila2: giiié “:1 5% 1%!, iii eiéli ifa
355 !%2*=.31 ;§ gig?"--*-*;:°'...'-"'~...$."="-'2 3.... .~¢~:¢';:- Col. WatsonCol. SmithLt.-Col. MilnerCapt. LovioCapt. VernonIr. ClarkeIr. WoodwardIr. BronleyCoxPF?TaabringILA . (Liaison Officer) .I
.\ . ll 331$?! EN.‘ .é . _ I . H H ml. ‘lm; 1>.&.:P.='h -(-éh. ,1aux. an j A :¢mm~ ./~ u an. A €;_,\&a4 ill , ' \;§"> ~ ~ K-‘Eviii?1- Iin savanna at 5. ‘hum’ »':18 i? 1 " A“) ’“ 7.1" r.’ I *I{q+5‘_1 ‘ . ' f x ,9! 11.11‘ ., 0 ‘-‘ Q. .c M
'%aeY ‘Q 5rlwnninlllul-uu1rnnQVynu%. , " mIII: 1 “- .1 1. ..'.~‘.s@-..’_‘._.-‘ ,‘.‘ .“».;, 3‘ ‘1:'l~ I _~; 3 = ;.,-.':¥ -._ - Ja. at 3. that lb i3-.¢..m"‘.§’i‘,.‘.;*;.":' _ Militiahithcnnatnhuahntvaiiatrlit. - a.::.a.2. tin up ~ j 2'tent
hita.0tB.v111w£$ndn _¢F:E1if{Eéuvw.-3.1;-_.‘_~ .; ii;;E§!;.§§,§§:§§{$25-isI_ 3§IlI-Q‘!!!A hillls1" ii&.2.-I-h lstxuc n lath: an Ibnlotoolan 1lu1in::u:3i%ta&g iauiwuniudtonunwuatotinutia-arm-upnuihta, ‘5i lI-5,-.'~ws!!ea_?at%than
V . arias + at as icoma: an ¢ ....m'*~:~.':'¢;'§.3.,..,. §. b!.v. iuauaann,nanuaas.q:uu:i;-‘ma. F ~& - _@.. 1' '_ .5-»' 9; 1;: :1 -‘C;’£‘;§;f-n-p0&§nl§‘\:'jimn$ltn§.:“uaahla;1fp A“gnu an am: in swam an :2 .5, ’ a.a.r.r. nan-uni: n
cannula» -Hun an $.14.‘ M ‘L ‘!a&nutSqaenu1u:!n¢:t1.L5a»;-A *I 21 1 ,; _ I: ‘( A €'z,‘i-if? Q01 waftson Capt. Vernon 5- 5901!]-97 /' cu: wan L. "1" ‘1"°‘°1‘“*8 7Lt._c°1. Illngr II‘. Clarke gUI(L7o ) _ Capt; Levin 51" '°°d"“'d ' ' ' 7’ ‘
Y \._ ‘ 7 D ( A 7 ‘ w‘—A
W1ii11' r!-0-‘\\~\\\<:_\=E!L).‘E\v‘r1-I,33‘_..._>'=I;;_‘.-~....__-.-..,“",,‘%,““ f;;_~;-_,__.__ M 1;}vL‘iA!3lIE!!8 G? II!§§§ IE9 II €l£B*8 Ilia‘$.15“:-,?nmu¢’=§ ‘kg w-:-= - ,‘ &1a §¢‘a'0'¢g Gin iii‘ Gt: 3 T,..,.=.,.*a,.... .. ., .. 5% Ga!» ma
_Gqt. inns;aw. man &go WIr. ‘hiringkt i ‘I» i}ixi k -;;#;;,;@»,-7 ;=;*< _§:§f~~ ' _‘t I til: S: If ’a'U é (ill 15 ;’=g-:iI@l 3; $5‘ 0 »at !¢1l.!.., ad 1 apartmama V ‘la4?;3*‘;; E:1 5’;E§2II‘ .~£,,~ F 1'1; K‘ _ _ .' »".=. 1' :¢'.‘,.._,l.Li_, ._-'_.*;x..
‘L ,1 ..., .. 7-*".... .'--..¢’ 1(A 1.1.; ( "' ‘grthi ..'IIO(l) " ‘hnnhtlInnomnillullan-ohjnlmeaa-hi.l.t.lbrhstatcan. .£35%:Q22‘I!I»»» ;,_ a; ma _z;,i” ;;.L;M;;M;1-1;; :1;1¢@;~,1;s; I ,§-.1_.v.-.M I. .1‘, ".1-1.7; . " ‘W ' "a»s.r.1. natal! a.s:.A.
(man mun) at ti:sitznsicn in tho 1% JuIn,_&8G1- In tho annuity-, min. urn,squash! to lama: §.A».1'.Y. at any ulna-0 ant:-akin hall qr he nu-rainy. _ v1'"e.r..:a.anal.
1tun&cn1§nlthmtnQ0at&n'a|annalati=uInulh0cInp&ci,u1thnp0¢~olnnaI0p¥$n0!thpunnI.t:n§ta|oag:-ugh, 'nuttrnn¢QIn$isntantnwui1alh01:$r£n¢no1a\rc;!ata-' . a.utmu11.1$nat!uhthoqnats1nnca'oo1unu,IlGJ-t.’£- laiuthnqlm
o1‘tn1&'Qh%h0‘,)u:0t$an'bln- II3 7' * '9J.§.wuluoulnrnui@ an 5%?2:2?Ittatatnaukacthnnom-n£1wgnaaaun\qn'hrantistatic“. .Z - Col. WatsonC°1'- 3“‘1“‘- $1 Lto -C010 ' Hr. V ‘ CQXOAQ (Ii-Q.) Mr‘ ' 0 Hr . cox ’ ‘I’ >5‘ '¢-
=p1=- v.,,.,m ?~;i':::..;»“-:__ % &_w_?,” _ _ H_,, _ .
\ \‘xx\\\~H‘W\\Y\‘yHp\‘\\‘\Mi3\3n1 *\1- 3uHF!wi~ sustain-1.__A_~ __ _ _ .41C or :1 <'*s -Imam» -W V <» //-». =<C- gs: ma__;€g;'_ Man.“ V, ..'.. .. avmus. Vinny:Qwréq1» 1-
1B~.3..8.I'.!||unk1intS%nlnIant:inrn:\ls\aM§\t|:ttb1a¢phnnpa¢nna|nai38.l.&.pniI.£.i.taonan1h=InatInput. 1:1 $o‘Q£§§g §.1..r.v. a:*&.r.a.’. vain-lat anlhaatlnnlivlratngsla-i.nh¢nun§%n_uvLIh§.l.1..‘:':.¥.%."““
;:=..’“.‘”%..'t‘!.';.'......“"”"1121 in ’ In an ultdrattvc mini t11¢ 1.; ’ :4; a. C » 1R; _ ix [1 1-. L .. ._ 3 Q$.I.I.*!. int tavnutlatd its ash-Ir Q X110 1:,"-'1. ' .17; 1...‘ -2 "W &w‘-*-;f "w. -1!» I - .%z.isC 1 dittoIauhna awn .."1"1..-
.1.** txtnvarrr/A/uh-A€¢XJ¢T¢ht _ *sahmnan|n:hnln1a-nunilanrnnnnntnianna-rust,’ £tb§-mnmamt.. aszatnutonlqvitaaditrimttyamh mu1&\u% - .nglcllin ¢ C ‘ihuhwhgaatnialmwmm§i:,;;;:% :1if MMr. Clarke ,Mr. Woodward lg?
__,/,w:;{Mr. Bromley C‘llr Taeb 10 P ng .COHOAI _kCol. Watson.C010 Lt,-Col. MilnerCapt. VernonCapt. LovieCapt. lyalia
' 'A ”* - f°»wwu.'Iinuhmhhllhu‘I. ¢|% mayum.V ail; an hnllln in -\ -QnhuIh|‘Iuh$-Ban '- " v\C01. Watson /aw \N{>:‘90<~1~°'Lt.—Col. NilnerCapt.‘FletcherCapt. VernonMr. ClarkeMr. BromleyMr. Taehring.C.V.. (LiR59OnM . .
_‘( Officer)1i—i_-i-@__-_.-_---\g | I — —*11 ., _ _ _________!P<\"\?51.‘£3Tl§Q1.w 1_- ;.A.\>1‘ 11I
:_L°E' f ,. V___ ‘ A / :2 Q’ 1' 1"” I , ’ 7' -c ’/1{ ‘ 7 I INOTES ON CONFERENCE HEDD IN GOLUNEL WAT80H'S OF?ICE'N" BLOCK, VICTORIA BARBACKQ,at 5350 2.50 On Honda}. 28th A211, 1941.Pr'.Qnt‘ CO;.Onl1
‘.13. 'It.Qn’ D.A.F.V.LI'\1te"cQ1e B. Qf DeCapt. Vernon, A.P.V. Directorate.Mr. Woodward, Ordnance Production Directorate.I11‘. Br°m1Q’, ' ' 'l. Both Ir. Woodward ad Hr. Bronley were anxious to obtainadvance drawings to
proceed with planning of production -Gear Box and Front Axle Drive.2. S. of D., Lt.-Col. lilner, pointed out that he had completedrawings of gear box of III. U.S. Army Tank Mark 3, which wasconsidered suitable for use in
Cruiser Tank L.P.l; this gear boxbeing alnest identical with that designed an drawn here. _ Severaldays would be required to cheek American Drawings ad alter theSpecificatie number to conform with Australian standards.i
E Col. Iilner undertook to expedite this work, and expressed theE opinion that drawings would be checked and available to O.P.D.= within a few days.3. I. Bromley agreed that 0.P.D. were prepared to go intoproduction and
build up stocks an have same ready for assembly.0.P.D. were also making further enquiries as to availability ofmachine tools. A turthr report on this subject to be avalableon Wednesday, 7th lay, 1941. '4. Col. Watson
pointed out that complete hull castings werenot essential for pilot models betore trials were commenced, asloadings could be varied more conveiently without the fitting orthe complete hll and performance checked more
readily.The meeting concluded at 6.50 p.IuXXXXXZXIIXXIIILieut.-C01. iI$.ilne_1'-. Qur.Z_ _ __ 4* _ __ __ l
l l 14,¢@*“"'A 1 " newt»!H!’@31-~.~éi~w»-53§§!E§i§%J?¥=f%Fh=?JB!l§Lk"F--§_'5.:.:.::-..w.': %uu“"'“"*"'“”""".E_m~.m-..-:‘&’£.‘E..€"”'“'”'~ anauuuuuumanlqnunauuvé 1» ii ~ mm7-::II.JQ0'lIl,4 _?‘E!55|if1* _.‘:.,.,;a:3..'. .._
,, __ _ _ , _ , L
PKtr"JI I ashaii:Ea— 1XIIIk 1,-‘. \ _ v ‘ - . _ ( . V" VQ Mg“ um. V~x. mum! A ‘Nltnmsmunmdmmummmma.... M ¢.X»l¢I-Itlilnhmlm A%amihnlnatllllnq. .><II- %‘bf In V Iii Iii Ii lllli IiIIIllI’§:::i-‘w 1 ? 0.:-r'¢.uuouasa x?II XIIiI..;'
Y A Cruiser‘ Tank: u 7' V . an ':"‘ 3E % Col. Watson. )Capt. Lovio. )(1).Capt. Vernon.) _Capt. Flatohnr (1).Lt.—Co1. Milnor (1).Capt. Empry)(1)_mr. Ola rko )Mr. Woodrard)Hr. Bromloy )(3).Hr. Taobring)C.M.A. (Liaison
0ff1oer.)(|l_ __ ,__¥ A 4
, W _ 7 _,v, '_ _ V _~ f {ti ,—~* ~ -._-2 ‘ x.J an *'".*:.;~;'¢.;2;::.* a..~~' *,.:2_.!;‘.»___*; .. 2: ii,-1;»;-.‘ ._ "Galannl. ma. r am -an. I:g:"a. at n.’am. van-., 1.2.‘. nu-nan-nu.In haunt, Onlnnnu PI-caustics M2I0t_4I|'ch- _‘Po
R1101, . . .$3’2%‘Fiii? 2%?‘ ’32%§;§n1 "5_;!3§:F 1:I;Ir. Quail» obtain8. I. O1’ D»,&.*"‘f:..."’..‘I€.1.“‘¢~.gmkti ta IIIGI1% i...-::‘2.'“-3'-“u»"§@.“-='=.”§“'~‘=“-a an3&h£:‘% r;f$ will in Gilda! ml lnnilh in 0.2.».s. Ir. lanky p
anuaiahatoeibmI0hulq,';Ithllg,1i41. \_4» lh1.Iain piatdeutthnt hulloalagawurontnnatlntwpunahmtwoaitanuiodhr1nul1n¢a00I1lInva~$aluw0olIun1nat11u1&0u§\hnt1tt atthnunplnohnllnpwtaannooohnwninnornalily.11:0 satin
anuhicl at 6.80 3.5 Ԥ=~gig55?;3%!\/Ii
> . . 7Q‘---i'1'_I-1» (*‘.;¢*_z;=:. :1". i;§¥.;.:»:*a" i;. 113 -L '., _ A A %av»:-:1» »§§§§§" 5gs: EHI-514» ‘:1 I 1,‘§:I:l0 Qtiu)man, A/3 s. at B.zo at mm-1:‘.* 1- 'annual .nu|m znnuun§? :8-iii E5ii}? ii; ;§@p EiJ§:§ES\ _ K!
1;Qn,¢§01UOfuDu~0tog1vnauhatIrnaat,iut Inn : prttahn-1700!-taut.-0o1.ti.hurnoIn_ tanuntzncynntd-icllystricttlnathnntlala.13- summ-autumn-3 ‘Dwuowlint push}:‘E§§iiiii:%§tiE5ndlqilk oannhe at 8,45 pa-‘ €. 5\ Major Billis.
/<¢; é//' /4"‘/7 'Capt. Huey. ‘Capt. Emery.Lievt Saker @4*~/‘4~/<-//~§§§a>3%’ //PX [,/._ {YV1§..1b I _ _ _>_>
Ja._. _.. »'_.~<;_-‘ 7_'\ RMIH/JHDEPARTMENT OF THE ARMYRHINLTTE IWQPEIQ1,-.au11 maSUB$T! MEETING HSLD ON 17th AND 18th APRIL, 1941. /1; ,,' Meeting held 2.50 p.m. 17th April, 1941, and continued
9.50a,m, lath April, to consider contract specification M.G.O.ll5 forthe supply of 22 kw. searchlight generating sets. p .j Present - Major P.A. Billie )Captain R,M, Huey ) - Z. Branch, Department of the ArmyLieut. H.
Beresinsky )(10g0Mr. R.A. Gladwell - Chairman, Elect. Advisory Panel,Ministry of Munitions as representativeof Director of Ordnance Production.Mr. H.G. Small - Ordnance Production Directorate.Mr. G.B. Clerk —
Standardewaygood Ltd.The minutes of this meeting are to include the initialleddraft copies of specification No. MGO.ll5/Australia together withattached schedules A, C and D. In addition to what is containedinuthese drafts
the following discussion took place. Reference tovarious clauses means clauses of specification No. MGO.ll5.It was pointed out by Major Billie that specification MGO.ll5is a contract specification and not a tender
specification also thatit is based on the original Army tender specification MGO.ll/186written in June, 1940, on information and experience gained in themeantime and on the information supplied in Dtandard-
Waygoodstenders for this contract. .It wascation wouldthe trailer,thought thatMr. Gladwellpointed out by Major Billis that a separate specifi- .be written for the fitting of the generator set toprobably by the trailer contractor. Mr.
Gladwellsome mention of this should be made in clause (1)suggested that the manufacturer might like thesatisfaction of seeing set run after mounting on trailer. Mr.Clerk disagreed on grounds of there being a definite limit
tocontractors responsibility. It was decided to n t i *1_ j o nc ude anyclause dealing with parallel operation of these sets after Mr. Glad-well raised this point.With regard to noise, Major Billis stated that Army GeneralStaff had
not a hI pproac ed C.M.A. with a request for reduction innoise. Mr. Gladwell advised that skewing blades of the generator Pfan had considerably reduced noise in the Skelley set.$ome discussion ensued on the question of
Ford V.8 endinet be b M " 'Vi Rum ere and hr. Clerk was reassured by Fords, Geelong,Uconcerning the supply of heavy Duty Truck Type engines (No.CO9WFS—6098-B) and the necessity for a running in period of
notmore than 15 hours. Mr. Gladwell, however, advised of hisexperience with 25 K.V.A. sets requiring up to 20 hours running ina d st-t 1 + Q 'n a ec ,h.t piston clearances differed among various Fordengines.Considerable
discussion ensued on various governors, notablythe Fesca A Clo. . r. a_adwell informed the meeting that the S.E.C. hadhad satisfactory test figures with these governors on the 25 K.VhLsets, but could not state the name of
the mQpufQ"f1 Q» T_ L ~ ~»~ _ “J is- wv‘Lrv~I Mr. Clerkgave some idea of the performance of the Howard governor.
K/A ‘f /ji//// /4/41’ i 2 ‘II 7 On resumption of the meeting on 18th April, 1941, Mr. Gladwellraised the question of standardization of governors, Major Billisgclnted out that the 22 kW. sets will be many times the numberof 25
K.V.A. sets required and that no 25 K.V.A. Sets Of th8final design had yet been produced. For these reasons and toprovide an extra reserve of power the speed in clause (7) waslaid down at 1800 r.p.m. -Major Billis pointed
out that finalization of specificationMGO.l15 would allow Standard-Waygood to get ahead with the jobbut need not necessarily result in non-standardisation. In anycase many jobs cannot be completely standardized without
seriousdelay to production.Mr. Gladwell pointed out that the Electrical Advisory Panelhad regarded standardization as of paramount importance and thatthey had been working on the 22kW. set over six months.Mr. Clerk
pointed out that hold-ups in general were largelydue to efforts made by the Ministry of Munitions to standardize.It was agreed by all present that it was of paramount importance toarrive at decisions permitting Standard-
Waygood to proceed withthe job.Major Billis stated that Army had asked Ordnance Productionin “anuary for a meeting to be held to finalize the contractspecification. Mr. Gladwell stated that D.O.P. had (1) requestedthe
Advisory Panel to write a specification embodying theirexperience with Skelley sets, (ll) requested Mr. Gladwell toconfirm this specification with °tandard-Waygood.Mr. Clerk stated that Mr. Gladwell a preached him on
January15. with a new specification No. OPD/M/20/g also that on February12. they received a letter from New South Wales Board of AreaManagement as a preliminary advice asking them to accept the jobon the dual basis
of specification MGO.ll/186 with corrigenda andOPD/M/185/lA as outlined in Standard-Waygoods letter of February4 and February 7.Major Billis pointed out that OPD/M/1A had never beenapproved by the Army and in fact
had not been seen until considerablelater than the date mentioned, viz. Feb. 12.The question of sprung pivot meters was discussed and Mr.Clerk stated that firm deliveries of such items as instrumentswas most important to
the Contractor and that considerabledifficulty was experienced during manufacture of 4-kW. generatorsets with delivery of instruments from Australian manufacturers.Ihe question of lighting the trailer was raised and it
waspointed out that this would be entirely separate from the lightingarrangements on the generating set.The schedules A, C and D were discussed and Mr. Clerkpointed out that the question of weight of the flywheel could
not bedefinitely settled. It was agreed, however, that the maximumweight should be 2500 lbs. The overall dimensions of the setwere settled on the basis of telegraphed advice received by Mr.Clerk during the progress of the
meeting. MP- Clerk Stated Choice Ofcast or fabricated generator frame not yet finally decided,The meeting concluded at l u.m.“W Q2 /4:;i§4l' Lieut. /4/41 ‘' ’ /4/41ry , _, ~ yr, ; /4/41{’(’ '\
;. -1‘. ‘ kyfpvL-‘KDE?ARTMENT OF THE ARMY.iD.A.F.V.D. of A.e ng held on SI Mar. 4l,'regarding V.M.G. mountings, etc. and cooling system, in CruiserTank.3 Apr. 41W < r 0 ,, ‘(COPY)Herewith copy of minutes of me
ti(Sgd.) Flight. 1Lt. Col.DODOSODO (AOFIVI)
Flight Capt. Vernon and Lieut.Leeworthy.It was decided that -1.2‘Both V.l.G's must be R.H. loading.That the stripless belt should have 1hard flexible rubber end, or the febricshould be lengthened and rubber
impregnated,instead of the 5 inch brass strip nor providedin the standard stripless belt. This willfacilitate loading the H.G. alongside the 2 in the turret.V.M.G. moutings and mounting spares, and fixingin tank be 1
matter for D.A.F.V.4. V.H.G. spares, belts, belt-boxes etc. be a matterfOr Do 0f AnThe method of cooling o guns be one for D.A.F.V.Two suggestions were put forward -um '1\ ’ (I) That both inlet and outlet for
circulattngdwater in the jacket be at the rear, anthat a copper tube be carried from onethese at the rear, to the front end in~side the jacket.(b) That the gimble mounting be slotted 'alongside the Jacket to take dietake the
condenser tube which would bein the normal position, under the frontend of the gun. _0#33‘a1
?’i_._ _1.} ;~é_ _ {J H _ ‘;~._ ,?.;g-Q 5: Vi : ‘ ''P?‘m ‘ii: _|§ii§§§§*1~ ii~ g uananrmawauuW-.m~”*-~~ P i‘éE?!E?¢ _%!'¢I;»Ini+ctum:-I,Ilnttt$n:;l3:|I'I|n- .,~...-§-..,.......-'~'-"=-?unn¢uuu,a5|n'“;suuu-L:-ct:-&wanwIv: . CO1;
Iatltm Capt. Vernon) 'Col. Snith (1).Lt.-Col. Edgar (1).Major B1111!)Capt. Huey )(1)_Libut. sum-)H1‘. ) VHr. B1-@107 gm) . I1‘: TIObl‘i-so - . - - 43¢’,_ -. n.?;_~- "‘r'.=..*- -1-*==~ ’- ~!is<:=“~*."-svaibva-_~ -_§ ié gi
_,\' l1.L"£3$ °1‘; l!B§T_I~."_.i.EQ__.I! Q92" 1°21 "1' BI-°°K.._eVI°'-T-'°§Il. mmmcg2.30 2,11,, In-mq, an 5211, 1941.Subject: cmusm nun,_P_:|;esent 1- 001. .Ie.1:son, D.A.F.V. (Chairman).Lt.-001. Eds‘-P, G.K.A.
(L1a18Dn)emajor B1133, A/g s. of D.Capt. VernenCapt. EmeryLieut. BakerE‘. Mr. BromleyI. Rubber _tor !1'r_g.eks 8:. Begie Wheels:It was 8.g3'O6d that the sphere er manufacture should beenlarged as much as possible,
and all likely manufacturers approached.I15. Drewiggs tee;-_. Gear §_ex,_ gins} Q:-ive fer Lilqt Medelz_ 8. er D. underteek to have these ready fer issue byTuesday, 8th April, 1941.III. Dre.!_ig5s fer Transfer Bex, Pilot
ladelxi8. er D. to push ahead with this with greatest possibleIpCQde _ .IV. Yreduetien Forecast:It was speed that e lleeting sheuld be held. en 18th April, 1941, Iith the object or giving the Army as accurate _forecast as
possible es to the delivery or Cruiser Tanks. .. 1- *V. Produetien mssiggs or cruiser Tanks; “'8. or D. to consider lst Key, 1941, his dead-line datefem issue of Preduetien Drawings.‘rise Resting eenelmled st 8.65 pus./Major
13111113.. 9 “‘\_ i:25@.E2z1;;:. / ' 5 yr. .77.______-__ _ ZW5$1“ /‘ . 0 f/‘£7 '.! ~’. .‘,~|
41;‘ *1‘: \ L , ;£._‘;m*;.. -.~. .» 1»%‘ L %$11. htoa, §u§JhVw ¢’hI1!u|;i*551: 9* 8 ‘I:.s.-ma. , mas.»at H mamas imnnnuatag r.a.;a.: - Inpa 'at. ‘FaunIn . ;:-'.;¢1': =14 ; - 4i 110$ Q" 8%!nch hr 1“ »"*.1»:-var?‘ ’ i-*-
‘f'@“-""?- ~ -4 Oh '09:8 that “hrISM: the " Vvs:-10$: at kg - Ymimk. , 7% iiliii oisn. . §%»,a--.a>. "-;.':'~......"~..:;;_.:...m:"j;:"*Biittcaatlm2: .:i"'%é5;‘‘Z§zEvs-muumaanwwa-mu»w "Q ‘Q "QY§§~,§?}~=iv};35?;55%525%iiii;5:.
Tile L; P "1. Y » ; $1.. .. - .. »_;_-Q1 5- , ._;[ if .\ a 'ii. , .‘ ‘ ;, *T‘ K _ I f"'&!'f‘,""" ' 12; " , , ‘-*» = to at ’ ‘tatccuuqapuuu,1tneal%&limIhi§n::aa:g VmtR ¢. m¢£:;_tarnta;3sw§ti_‘ 7‘ - m?2mm@%pmtmua
A¢&mruMhwtu:nnni.nn1uagI|a\n:1;,,nah ? :::=:'m¢:Zx¢n1wn;a:.¢';'u¢u. ' .11. - Q-as-man£niathnA%!mI£nn1ataunanc¢'wnhnr ntil:M.- %1.¥wiluunetu¢Mhn¢n£n5cUnwy %a‘h*%hnm#&£&q.V-~~us1.A ji3numnnt§i1r¢_
,Eqnirunlitn0§unr1$out1&,L.&.§»auat9!-ln|nnn?1¢1n 4 aggqumaitauuiamthhaifwyttagflonctbatht.-ai.-Hu;t£a::n:thUnnmlhiarw0It!.|ainnunix? -fgs‘gisf9 ¥g:
oahomaa that muwnrnzianbq 311:: at m.Oit11hh'i0-(1) vmaxo outta um(8) we utablxaarlul tabla: for -WIS»Luhov§?§EE:Ifih tmtihlnwunlboeoaohyhhS-notion.§1Yo 'az" -IIIKD W9!:-ate:-00.1: umjnn in with 50-3.!-"* ' "-
“*'""“*'*Di-‘IV ~ ( I '. as " """"~ ctnuwutw2:6. en}:-an L.»-.1. en. futon up-an ma nus. um» mu‘“’ "'%E'h%cu. junlit as nan an pouitlo.1E‘iii52ifFEI?Rania: “Mitt:mu ioc<!sm~Am4&.‘&uu1¢yInrl_§1¢toattanlwing to thnlr chain“ in
@5101.iankiqoaswmntipaColnwatnon ) (1)Capt. You-amt)Col. F1014 ) (1)‘Iii )Lt,-Col. Hupkinl)Hnjer Plight g (1) ’%Clp. hjor Haywod (1)I'-33I’Z"4.~K'>0":
'1“or:mawuupau§an pmaczba unnu-sauiarst: 7~v$17’-—6qpinln-Bli|l|lo-/Mm!» / I31-A1 71¢};Q: ,,1 PJ /'1 E_/ Mwh mow V; 1‘?-7 ~;4-nu-QuaM Q IaEPQ 81$‘
»v‘¢\='$1‘»=m—=.-.51J1-8!‘:,3-‘mml~!f1"'*!¢klW “VJ. 0\‘ J1§1\\\\‘ ' WIV!I 9, _ '— IHUTES 01' IETIIIG "14 ¥ I3 R00! 6 '3' B * 1 QEW -» ;ni—-‘¢':1"§"g'; 13,80 35, Q 19th i 194;, on ta subject QI08; GE ’-rt EAWII8 LID
QGIWTRUQTIOQ.1‘:-aag:-Coleus]. watzm, B.A.F.V. (612111-an).Ooleml Smith, G.I.l.‘1'.A lajar B11111, Latin; Suparintmdmt or Ensign.Capt. Lona, luiataat Biroatow at .A.P.V.Licat. Salter Bulp Ieoéwu-gH2.
B:-any ) Branmo Preaaotieaa Biraatorate.Ir. 60:Bureau praanéing with tho guural matter: borer: theRating, 001. man raiaa tha gunmen at 1 apaeiricatienwhich had Non rovinid by tho 8. at B. to owor the running-inor nun
hoary duty lord L8. mine: rev Armom-0:! Fighting791110100-2. > It was pcintoa ant that this apacifiutien had baaeaupilo vi tho ceneu-runs: at the Ferd Inter Gay. and thatthoir In‘:-mt; with regard to P01-6. mgiaa an valid,
subjun-te tho oagmn bung rm-in u at ant in tha zpcsirioatim. ‘001. aith nastieand that various emnnata hm ban mad: in1-“pest ta this specification as it applied ta 1-ocenditientangina hut, as tho apooirieation can Ara: up pa:-
011 ta earn‘ 'nut amiss: tar Bu-1-5.02% L6,, than ab}-ootiam worn, at noconcern.5. V Ilth rogard ta llaekming at productioniawing ta tholung 1-@1115-in purica, 601. &1th polntnd out that tin Para Bey.warogpnrodoénpliatc
thclrnt-aterthinwarkirmeias.stop anaaidoroa manna.-1.4. 5 7 601,, Int’-am than aakia tho Booting it they eonsidarqltho zpueiatim satisfactory £1-an can M.reotarnto'a viewpoint,and A11 that it Ill git; satiataetary bat, 11'
proauatimdittiatltiql or the future noeouitntod an alteration to Mn it could be aaeifioé in aeeordmco with % ( 1 ' ' (~ liaison than apcnaatha Gonrermcc with 0. diaeaaian or Garth: Brainy. H0 mntienod that in ,Md or thn Bu
0?; who had, painted out that Ill in with rtgnrd ta mmaoa drlwiaga, and ;G01. at furthn marking *1‘ - Alternative - ‘ho -sham at urban an altoraati method at ooaatruatieawan . 7 tin mnnaetmwg ritheut arresting the
baa?prinei had been hm awn.'§-5:5-'>. (~. 1, "11. 7 In 6:: than rid. 0. Lotta! tréa: 9.159. he 6.1-kb unimoth» from Iqugwn Ltd. te the Basra at Ara. luasgaumt, syntax,with regard to lltaratieaa whieh hm: Inca pascal! ta the 6.1-
K. '1Innpocteam prior to tho Igaurmtarar notltioa er a antitan-tien. It nu agreed that thin systaa van" mat mnatiaraetewp111. It was than painted out that, nrtor amandod drawings hiboon app-ené by 6&1. Watson, n: worn
mama ta Kar1hg2mq_fer printing am inane, ma that hm manning la; poriaa betraa _approval at 1. modification and inns a1‘ the modified ncant:-aatarc was, in mat sauna, apprezimtaly three: (3) ;wu agroea that this pea-
lad an tar tea Ian; tar satxnraetery * 4 ‘so-adination or coast:-national nnaifieatiemgig A/iv» Lioag Baku than augpntaJI " ' '7 Q 7 *" '
i /5" u» -3J;’!¥P!§v"~§§§§§gsgziéiiis:?i§§§?§Eiéggifisiil‘"‘~E‘,§~;i'~ ~has aw at‘:1-13¢‘:2532;? %itz ;!.iI::§§§'%'v:*:i'i;!§iEs1§l§‘§E3?88 32§;E5S1§:=I2::E&:....::::u.:?"'32$5§%S§E?§H§3E2:=3::P"’”' L2;
&’,¢ul..waanaasn:naan:r:::§§i{§:' "4e':§:;?' ""*":»'::’§:'uh! -‘:1, in auuu, ¢n:::§l :»A;ru:l serum-fawn 'InIutl.cuantauw£thann$u»unl$t!.an,nlBAQIJ. lemma: ibaithninkht§Iio§0alIl||ll'&3n1" 0.!-&8¢A¢!J¢
Uh it ,i.¢npuoiu~nan_au-untotythnlilng.1:. Snaanainathdnaaaim?-hwhh'1'-1 ., nt'£"-sltnnn. nnnlztlnninnn-its ‘ 4uannnnf=:’§:§:“;-5 "' ’ I"‘&"3Kiii‘Maj0r_Bi1lis.Lieut . Saker.1 »__> - IL_.
Q. _,‘_ ‘ _§r='u:-X OP ETHG RID II i003 F0‘. ‘I. E *>"}; , * ‘ 7 l ‘ ‘*0: I, :H"i':I'Y =11;2:32 Bela‘ lgggl i 8ubject: cnuxam 2%.inGel. Watson, Director oi‘ Armoured Fighting Vehielee. (chum-am).001. Smith, G.I.l.!.I'.t.—-801.
IQQIP, QeIe‘e Lt,‘ Sakei-,*Arm1 Deeip Directorate.lejer Billie, be t1 Superintendent of Deelgn.Gapt. me:-7, l Beeign mgineer.Gapt. Huey, Eleetrieal Beeip Bagineer.he WOOQIIIQ. mu m-male; irdnenee Production
Directerate.Hr. IlatheeenI. In ¢_ - 1- with reference te (1) and (2) ofItem I in » ’i - e -- - on the '7th larch, 1941, furtherinvestigation has ireught ta light dittieultiee in the eingle aide platenethed of eonetrnetiea. 8. er D. me,
theretere, developed a deeign fortwo (2) aide platee, and dralinga will be available on the 17th Karah,1941II. -lea - on Linea or Draw ». 0 1'. 0.1%». - . e 1.-e pee: » I» ee 0 cane rue cmaeindicated in thie Drawing I th a
view to the peeeible eonatruetien oi‘Pilot lodel on theee linee.III. 1‘? oi‘ Joint in Hull:- Agreement has been reeehed between9.2.1). and . o . on ee method or mking the joints.IV. :- 8. or D. undertook te try and
completetheee draw ee ar ae eaa neeeeeary to enable an experimental castingto be put in hand by the 19th larch, 1941.V. ww 8. or D. etated he Iae new held up in hie detaileddeeign at gear ezee and tranenieeiea pending
eentirmetien or the availability er certain bearinge. 6.P.D. underteok to inveetigate.VI. - =1 or . ~_1 to e t:- 0.P.B. pointed outthe ditriei'1% " "5 ~ i T?" T - E mack -B; the top at thiecasting to take the turret raee it the
eeuplete eaeting were made inarneur. It eae ted that the top plate er the casting might be madeas a detachable pla in mehineble quality 3.1’. Steel, te be belted damto the hull eating. 8.,et D. and 0.2.3. agreed to
inveetigate. .§?~1VII. Sag» The qeetion Iae railed or the numere required, and9.1.131. V k to inveetigate the matter in eollaberation vithDe of IaThe eeting concluded at 4 p.m.@ Yb Major Billis. ~—d/ff ; a:;,:a1;;:;y. ~
/1/<%w4'/_ W1 [A %<>@/; Capt. Huey. , » \._ . I _ » ' — ' ' —* ,;=' ,,__ . _>i;'v\_=f7-§"“ —§
Fii-4'.»1> V - ‘.,~_ “ » . . \. ."-'47; >.“l I\ ‘Z; Q? .4} ,_ if A‘ J 1 _ V_f:i'.£_@_-' , 5;‘ _ I ' V-.- K, ,,. J!*:’.;¢ {Z 3'?’ .,‘af_l»1.:=_.7..'.".‘ ‘~‘ - (wivv %- %!’aIlIlz-khan.iii?’IE’a‘ a1;...-- 0.2.». Bu plitmn(1)I Semiotics:(I)(I)‘:1: -3.,“ “"*‘*'9.5%
uni! aha avian balsa; ta:Qwhalllpilhl.(£1(5).,...*-“g,-':.—.:.maaummna »iUb%&n§t!nt¢£:&.:'.......“~ M-.:-5..525%.2525*111- -;;~= m-- ¢¢PB¢ I 'stunt 5.4.§'%-‘gnu """"£wFl’, -~ mph-nanny. a.a:n.u|nru¢s¢¢1aue.e.a.uua:-a¢¢a»
54IaIuIact¢&=1ong&duithinaunn(1_'{ap1!» ’ "J; '1 _ .»-1. ~, “ _. ,,, Q & E-... 5. - -M-=.-:';“7~»'..:,.. I-' ---‘M"\\nI1%nash~.,'-‘win: A93¢‘ .4 ,L _. A V Wjphnl,-“‘au“‘_DIlIInahQ0an&nv\au1banI:%ain71¢ ? $0.3» 7 , ~ ...:...m~r;-
.,,...:'-..£.*.':'="-..<:.v-..:.~:-z**a~**I¢1iI‘Eo%¥I¢kiGl-QDQ-lQiI1i‘%'\¢mnamauamaam *. ‘ . 7 _g?-Cgifagggg) (1) gr 1) (3) 5§pu§‘§i’i11= (1)“Q " 33?’a rHathoaov‘ ' . .-3-=._A1.Y?fT‘.1rr(iI-M-1. #~»8¢l- "*‘“"-“""" 4WW B1311. %
a nus’.W g . _ map mum.git hihim §17OG§§iGI¢i .11I11-:. k1‘' ".\. _,.<. -.-Q-\._-ks‘ .35 ‘.'\"E5|k, .4, _'.
>¥*sF%§>¢.§(-‘Q@e#$¥1?._4:~< ,*§'»§§i . *=z;" ii '§(**¥ri‘ j ‘ ‘ ' 7-1v-@;@..¢*_!r "Maw l"j ’ ’ j IQi‘in-in1. ‘ j,mtnnl g'?'%'"“'“‘¥‘“$'(13 j asti} ur¢i % % M “* “L3” arcs unt;F¥§IL>7‘\ Va :lL_$_xxx‘ = *2 j _; ,*,@~- ‘K-=( t V -
.- 7 _..~..¢&"&%*-3-.~...m“‘""”'V j $1» A W % ¢fi‘t?”‘§.a,mnul&sin &j 7% ‘ ii aqua h ‘=- 1-5» Q: 5Col.‘Watson (1). Lt. Saker, Capt. Billis Capt. Emery Capt. Huey (1)Lt.—Col. Edgar (1). Mr. Woodward, Mr. Eromléy, Mr.
Taibring, Mr.Mathes0n(5)\J_ __ _ i
,--_-.Qhiiw.IIIUTB8 OF IIBTIIG HELD II 00L. IAT80I'5 OFFICE“I” BLOCK, VICTORIA BARRAOIB2.30 p.n., Tueeday 25th Feb.RB GEARS FOR ORUISBR TANK P303307.Preeent:- lColonel Iateon, Director or Armoured
Fighting VehicleeLt.Saber, Army Deaign Directorate.Ir. Goote, of Sydney. (Ooote & Jorgeneen)' donnerdele, of ydey. (Ieeere. Sonnerdalee)" Richardecn, or Ielhourne. (Richardeon'a Deere)Johnaon ' ' ' 'Ioodward ) 'Bromley
Ordnance Production Directorate,OhaaberlaIeeton Iinietry or Iunitiona.Iilliameon333881svswswszI. Ioodward explained that the Ieeting had been called at theinatigation or Ir. L. J. Kartnett, Director or Ordnance Prod-uction,
in order that Golonel Iateon night have Q opportunityof diacuaeing with the three leading gear munuteeturera onbroad linea the deeign or the gear box and final drive aeeemblyor the cruieer Tank.Ir. Ioodward thanked the
manutaoturere tor their attendance,particularly Ieeere. lonerdale ad Ooote, who had journeyedtron dydney eepecially to attend the meeting.Col. Iatecn etated that it ie intended to utiliee proved deeignrather than to
experiment. Ir. lroley and I. Ohamberlainthan explained the General Arrangment drawing. r. lomleyaaid that the geare ahould be produced with exiating plant eatar ee poeaible; Ir. Coote remarked that it wae not poeeibleto
attack the job on a production baaia at all with exietingplant.Ae a side to the magnitude of the project, it wee etated thattere would be a total preaent requirement or 628 geare, plue10$ tor epaee, neking 687 per week; and
170 ehatta, plue 10$,making 187 ehatte per week; all to be forged, machined, heattreated, and aeeembled; the box oaeing itaelt to be made incaat iron. Iirat production boxea are required by Iovember lat.Ir. Ioodward eaid
that it waa fully appreciated by all concernedthat hie wee probably the biggeet job that the Auetrallan gearnanutaoturera had ever been called upon to tackle; and althoughtheir reepective worke were already jammed to
capacity, they wererequeeted to appoaoh the problea with the aeaurace that theIinietry or Iunitione would aeeiet to the tull in the matter ctadditional buildinga, plant, and leohine Toola required.Ir. Ioodward introduced Ir. Roy
Iewton, and motioned that theywere particularly fortunate in having hie preeent, ae he waeleaving next week tor America, charged with the job or purchaeingand bringing to Auetralia the neeeeeary toole and
equipmentrequired in the tank Project generally._ _A __ ,__,
\It was agrood that tho projoot would ho inpraotioahlsuntil tho nooossary laohino Tools wars inportod, butIr. Iowton was contidont that ho would bo ablo to obtainroquiroaonts in Alorioa. is statod that last lay thoBritish
Puohasing Oonaission took ovor 17,000 laohinoTools on Irsnoh contraots; also bought out ovary avail-ablo usod Isohino Tool in tho Unitod dtstos, planning torobuild tho all - including a tranondous aout of goarplant, tron
which wo should bo ahlo to draw supplios.t was agrood that thoro is no surplus goar outtingcapacity availablo in Australia.Ir. Oooto oonsidorod it nocossary to havo an oxaotknowlodgo or tho laohino Tools roquirsd botoro
attoaptingpurchaso in tho Unitsd ltatos. Bo suggostod that in viowor tho iaportanoo or this projoot, it niht bs possibloto obtain rolsaso or plant alroady installod, if nocossary.Tho thros nannraoturors said that thoy would
invostigatsthoir prosont squiplont. Liout. Sakor undortook to sandthon oopiss or drawings as soon as possiblo; and toyagrood to oollaborato in providing I. Iowton with s 'tontativo list or Iaohino Tool roquiroaonts, and to
advissIr. Ioodward ot tho rosult.Ir. Bonloy raisod tho quostion or advisability of adopt-in; Pollowos Goar haping nothod or prodnoing goar tooth,as against Robbin; procoss. It was statod by Ir. Gootond agrood to by lossrs.
Richardson and lonnordalo, thatsatis aotory outtors for tho Pollosss nthod woro only tobo obtainod tron Alorioa. In viow of possibls unoortaintyor supplios tron Anorioa, and sinoo it is possibls tonanutaoturo hobs in Australia,
tho nooting agrood thathobbod gsars should bo usod on this projoot.In roply to a quostion, Ool. Iatson statod that tho noisolovol in Tanks was not a najor oonsidoration, unloss itintortorsd with wiroloss omlanioation.Ir.
Bronloy than brought up tho quostion ot gsnoral prod-uction sot-up. Discussion oantrod on whothor thsro shouldbs:l. Ono, or possibly to, oonploto control plants,to handlo aanutaotuo, assonbly, tasting,running-in, oto., or8.
Uso or slrosdy oxisting tirns as major oo-ordinating contractors and sub-contractors.Ir. Ooots and Ir. Sonnordalo dsrinitoly tavourod tho firstplan, but Ir. Richardson disagrood, chiotly on tho groundor labour ditticultios. Ir.
Cooto said that, whilo tullyconscious or this problon, ho oonsidorod that it would havoto bo ovoroono by dilution of labour in any oaso. Ir.Richardson pointod out that dilution of labour hd alroadytakon placo to a groat oxtont;
and ho vary nuoh protorrodplan 8, boing in favour or dooontralisstion, and tho usoor oxisting organisation.__ l __?__J
Q*w‘ * i " ~~— %- --*1’ _‘ 7 , —\__ ~ ‘Q-41:‘."“'\-sat?-~I81Colonol Iataon than aokod whohor any of tho throocompanion roproaantod woro capablo or acting aonajor co-ordinating cotractora for thia prcjoct.Tho oonolnaion
waa that nono or than could undor-tako thia without oztonaion or thoir proaont capacity,ainco all throo rirna aro now working at fullproaauro.It was pointod out that Tool and Oango roquiraontawould procludo piocoloal
lanutaoturo in aaall ahopa.Quality ct work would vary aocoding to quality ctnahinoa, wnloaa thoro woro taating tacilitiol inovary chop, involving much duplication of gaugingoquinot.All raw natorial would bo or Anatralian
origin.Attor diocnooion, it waa agrood to uao highoat gradocaao hardoning nickol chrono nolzbdonun atool, ainilarto Oonnonwoalth Stool 0onpany'a Scpor”It waa alao agrood that incroaood proviaion would ‘havo to
ho nado for drop forging nd hoat troatnont.Tho ouggoation or coin; atraight-toothod apur goarafor tho original nook-up boxoo wao dioouaood, but itwaa unanimously docidod that holical goara ahould touaod. <Tho tirna
proaont woro intornod that tivo toot boxoator nook-upa aro orgontly roquirod, and tho; agroodto build aao aa aoon aa poaaiblo attor roooipt ordrazinga, which aro to ho cont to than~within throowoo a.tho looting oonclndod
at 5 p.m.
,_ . ‘ rk ,’.,x . .5Q m: B or AE D:*I’i':D¢B¢I¢Do (L¢PuVo)w_:-~.-‘M...1- man 1*4 (1) . a. at » ‘um um arm» plthwa an In ‘ " twd in lash-111.1. iadlnhua warmth tomanna aunts III pin». M.r.v. an-and thatsplinter an uphill an to
pannlnt tun racing __01051000. mt; up fr dumculer. lhiqanotlndahurunnntur nuu-manna iat am -can was awed. Ounnlhviblq aavmhp -3mauat:0m§nn6nrbo1n¢al10hntchpc§¢ Iunnwlpnnurull mumup. Grammatica-by pa-iaoqn
will to luttstactm Xtuuuanzlu-cl tuuixclanot jpar ' ntftbodnvozot, ma vaults panama _to bjcokghr wautu-un:~¢gm|ll'a, 1. , mm. ta an ooanocwun B. eta. oonumwal J{==6n||nn1o!'nvt01naopc ahnnldhohqtw nlun. ',_ ' 0 7 a . ..»~
ml-A-1.1. sauna an cnuuaw shied 0 up ,7.» pnrvunn or guru uncanny. It W that n i-» hu.sdulrn1aaaahrpruuqunr dnnutlhtuoeanignruwtnnriu-&p1a}£OInpa~u~ “@1119 Qnrrliéinillka Y5‘I. Minn nltlulQuin, ~ L Q1? - f é,fpluapo
anip 3; 0%“ with P. 4-1.!‘ ! (U) Rnim-Nilta-gunner‘ A-""1? - outs: but phi 160$ apart - hid' )0! Iii:(Q) had’-1'¢ 3:30!!! ts laaarpanu Inam»: visa: in in tun-mt, uni andi.g:ll10l¥llIl"iDGIIilQ°$.l.n-Ii Jlahan -lava-xaiuurtuhplal spa-0-
iblutiourriui ta tut. ''-9 0:1. “dint I-pr. Adi:-gun withObanalsham-Quad 200011 ram be Etna11-AJJ. Martha Ink aqua um:nuts». nu Adk. I-pa». hath: null yak“ ?all aqua-0 waouucm an would tau-can mmntroctxzlaau uni,
paa1b11,t:‘l.nuM.aa 01:‘ GograucnwI13‘?! UGCS I Ii} §f|§oB. or A. tanctzpum arr turnnlurmtiva $-<3! ;,'ZZ§"-2,-."“l‘-1‘!-;"£,;......¢ mm mltartar or 0:17. ‘nan wt mint ‘mo x
__ .: _-,.é\ 0'01-@h:a.m-~ 7 . 5~ A -808 Willi! nu 1!mama. 9¢8¢8Jw (.¢.lr.‘I'¢) Ihllli OJ. lamto impact titan Qlllga comaau-at dicta tscrrcngud 23065.18!!!‘ , -14-$1? » ' ~9. or A. IUD-‘hid that -1,sa0 ya. nu zupnlnntlm. . max
unis» at :9» Of * an am‘ at Q‘ awn: could In normalc-D.A.1'.V. nwyhlali or l"vIII'§I.I'am auggutod ntltlttion ta I‘ ll!~ lQl18I:llO¥8manna; anuunndinalybutnnnltlingearn-I-dpu,hatb:un1@InM. ....":; '*.:':%'* """"rs, ,
an1nutlna6nl|.pnrntmt0¢mnua@ Quanta, B, at I» cam that. bun olauunbcnbvaldbnupruanttinnhphoqalnnuu apt unztlhln I-I. his barb uni £n.\llll'¢Q‘1:3}n.¢:Ap1 a 1 cannudicnttlan min:-ea u ,2.“ was x=_a/q.% n-a-&.a.% tsanv-
I But Iain!nadoalabh b\\$notu0unttnl#..01tll'll|O*i0in Aunt:-011: an provision and . null;qiu to 10.1.1. (a)B0303. ¢¢:’- - {$121!;"O" Branch (3)\§~...,_l__1 - : ._._::>‘»~'>~w .% ax:n.m.n. 11.2.3). um_..1L 8'
y——*'4’”44““* —.~—~.*~. —— ~—~** €;;§;~g§‘7n?h%~ ».¢§~12¥»##t=i1:;>a?4<;(1**Yeéf*f*‘1*??‘;__r El _ I HT; ‘.1/—/»----» _ =~ I X (/.’\\1\\\'n:"5A_¢_3.€. A - ._‘. 7 < ’ x § " / I 1 . L , \\_ /P} \.zrwi c-as =.» ' V».~, , ’
.'~"'.t<';'.'§"~ " . 7"Pym ;k. it =+?, . ,q e Y\ »-:5. ":1-2;, -.,;'-“:,=1_». ....‘~ _. -J ., = -' .,- 1, _;. .5’ .# gyglgg ~=‘ ' -'91.}.~',»1"(“»~_-I - , <,=_1."-»_~.,‘ =4: _ _ V < -.> .=‘-=-. ' 37,; =21»-1 -\i~>-, - »,;1.~_<_..~,=.~- _-L _ ' Tr . .‘ p-1-
.’.-‘?w§,'. , 1' "'- -_-' J» _" .‘- v\ .. Ah“; _ .$_I1'=\ 5 J‘. A .w . I_ ..F/37.;t -‘ £9»-' r 1'.-_" -V __'j*-. 4': .- _- ' . 1., _ . .e ’ -_ >4 _ er mum mm Ill cmmu arm '1. = ~ . .**-~’p@;"“"*"“* Bubject: A.P.Y. rxogucggon. {E>>_ —: 1?: . _
\'¢l \ évL -A :-5*-9: "1"." .' . '~' l" “K; a ‘ ' -‘5 8411. FRIDL! 25‘§h NIX 19 .~§§§§§fi!§QQQ5§: 14’601. Watson, D.A.F.V. (Chinman).,Pi\Lt.—Co1. IreladCapt. VernonIr. ClarkeII‘. Ir. BremleyIr. TaebringI1‘. CQIIr.
Chamberlaina 1', 1 i i _ aB-1. Tank A. c. 1: (yum 13;? ei‘ 221731) -Ic further progress was recrted on this matter, andS. or D. wan asked to expedite.11. Tank A. c. 1. ggerieental uoaep. 1- Bogie Wheels:0.P.D. pointed out
that, when the eteel track wasfitted, rubber tyred wheele would be neceeeary. Since 0.P.D. hadDrawing Office capacity available, it was decidd tat the workeheuld be done by then.The direct boning proceee is essential.III.
Tank zA. c. 2 _Cable dated 2:51-<1 July, 1941, to 'c1app for Chamez-lain" _ |was read. There were no commute.IV. Scent Gare. Armenredpogpagg Vehicles &D.A.F.V. will try and ascertain from D. of Iech. thep2i ' r1
s»‘r~.T§'sec 351- itEprdbable date cf delivery of chaeeie in order that 0.P.D. may planhie armour plate.The Meeting coelude at 19. B a.l.. »é.M.A. (Liaison Offigerl. @, @4L7)(.ze/WWt-“mm‘r._-Q‘Cuw_'& vyé/W’i\..r T».I*'\|/
. ./,w" ~\S\."*f/- -- _ T "'””“ C ~“"_"-..-~— ‘ "' g ‘ ‘/T \~'\\\"TARY. flip I m ’ ~1 3+ 35’; °‘ -e -, ggg or moms HBm>_IN cRA_Io_'__g_ Bmg, ' ,_ ~44”" r ‘ w seem?" R£c‘_E.tvfanN‘1 7,Z,,é/4% ,;/,/4, M$_:q€LA§:S'w; sub:-=t=
Col. Iatson, D.A.F.V. (Chairman).Col. Bmith, C.I.H.T.Lt.—Col. lilner, S. of D.Lt.-Col. IrelandC Major LovieCapt. VernonCapt. HyslisIr. cd.Ir. Clarke VIr. WoodwardIr. BromleyIr. TaebringMr. I. ChamberlainHr. Cox* i Ji I _ In aI.
Weakness of Track Qgjggtor Brackets:C.l.A. raisod the question of weakness of the TrackAdjustor Brackets in consequence of a report which had beenreceived from the P.O.l.E. via D. of Hech. It is not clear 1whether these
brackets are of the first type or of the second 4reinforced type and C.H.A. was asked to request P.0.M.E. to forwardat least three £3) Brackets for the inspection of D.A.F.V. . _II. Unpacked Carrier L.P._§o. 2: j41D.A.F.V.
asked O.P.D. to make available an unpacked nCarrier L.P. Ho. 2 for the purposes of mocking up the interior lfittings as a Bren Gun Carrier. O.P.D. agreed to arrange as soon .<as possible. '1III. Rats & Bolts
Schedule:O.P.D. raised th question of the urgency of the final-isation ot the Nuts an Bolts Scheule. D.a.F.V. agreed to consultwith O.P.D. and try and satisfy their inmeiate requirements.IV. Rear Bogie Brackets - Iew Design:
V0.P.D. pointed out that Western Australia were about (to tool up for production, and asked if any recommendation could be - \given as to the suitability of a new design which D.A.F.V. had underproduction. After discussion,
D.A.F.V. recommended that, although’the new design was experimental, he considered that it was likely toprove successful, and recomended that Western Australia should goahead with the new design in preference to the
old one. S. of D.undertook to have advance prints ready for tgglmission to WesternAustralia by Air Hail on Friday, 25th July, " 41. In the meantim,D.A.F.V. requested O.P.D. to arrange for he prduction of one (1)pair of
brackets for test at l.I.l.' » 5 (Item v1 of 841441) -'1 I] ’ 0.2.1:. pointed out that no clarification had beenreceived from.D. of Hech. on the matter. \D.A.F.V. undertook to askD. of Mach. to expedite the matter. ' v. Carriers L.P.
Hos. 2, 21, 5 & ca:4 /.d/VI. Front Eloor Plate, Part Ko.679[6.%1w~’~11/7/W Q~ 7 M _. ~ _ 5;‘ » g ' H; gi I ._ ..--.',i_:,'» > .,,“i‘>:_:>- 1,_;:'i;g.¢_r.x_»;;.. ‘- ,~__5-.;_;:." ‘cg; _\ - :1.
_ ____ 1 " — ’ ’___ >i_~:§-ac-1-1* ~ _. ‘ _ _' ’ / 4-vw"1’¢¢1'?*‘ ~=J _..‘, r_. -~‘:_~ _.;~1'*@':"1‘:.Yv ¢___.f“ " ~""§’%"*"" " gr _ 2 _WM:4.;-.§%4%’ ~ ,1-*-A ‘"-,' _ _ \--\’;—zfi}'.4fVI. Front Floor Plate, Part. no. 679[6. '6.P.D. raised
the question of the front floor plate,r¢=z.1o. 679/B, the lituation being that two contractor: Iantd tho or this plate increased mm 10-'1/:52" to 10-9/15", while1 third contractor vented it increaeed to 10-5/16'. It was agreedthat
only on inetruotion could be issued to Bolero. Lyaaght, and Vit was decided that e Change Notice altering it to 10-9/16' ehuldbe implemented»VII. Bgot W01d§§§8It is noted that a oonceeaion has been made for
theVictorian Railway: to follow generally the proceee at spot weldingadopted by the Metropolitan Gee 00., and that authority has beengiven for this change in deaign vide H0:AFV:PMI:3I dated 16th July,1941, emanating
from the Ordnance Production Directorate. It inrecomendd that, if othr contractors prefer this method ofconstruction, they should be elleed to procee with it, and I.G.I.were requested to confirm the concession in writing to
theKetropolitan Gas 0o., if this has not already been done.Tank L C 1:VIII. r. .D.A.F.V. reported to th Meeting that the Engine nookup was still runing very satisfactorily.0.P.D. rained the question of detail in tranemieeion,and
S, of D. was adked to look into the matter and clarify thelituation, particularly ea regard; the location of long clutch andthe provision at univereel couplings both before and behind thetransfer box.II. Ttnk L. 6. 23 Glutch &
Broke Linlgggt. .P.D. pointed out that theme had been ordered uE>drilled and asked for confirmation of thin. It wan agreed thetthis instruction ehould stand, i.e., that the brake linings shouldbe ordered undrilled, but an
regards the clutch lininge, it wasagreed that 600 nets of clutch platen complete with hubs and liningibe orderd. " IX. Other Armoured Fighting Vehicles: A_E;;:j€~_;{r<;¢- ~ ‘rt "é"P__'“"_—___-”"'“"“'"_*5"“"“"‘F-‘F-
"'_5'7ff'"“!§;a!{I--en-1*‘V D¢A.F¢V. infonned O.P.D¢ that he had asked D. of Ihi Wto place order: for experimental vehicles tor —(a) Scout Ger.(b) Armoured Cnmmnnd Vehicle.(c) 2 Pr. Carrier. ~(d) Armoured Oar.(e) Vokee
Air Cleanere.XI. Change Hoticee§ 1.0.P.B. brought forward tor diecunaion Change Hotiui"452, and 469-494, inc1u:ive- ‘ ’ iThe Keeting concluded at 10.45 e.n»cl/-#7 Jr‘-I3
.mp‘.of,,_-,.~,_< g .( _,_ ;_,_;"-*:"~ Q‘ ;3 Q» ‘_"‘* C: 2";3, ‘ _eeUe\\\v _<-- _ _ H ~ .1 ‘*‘- _ f . ,‘ ?§_; '~;_:':‘ ' ‘ R 1 ' "..V . W _ V _ 1"‘ H 7 _ '7’ ”_-_ W ' *7 ‘ " ‘_’ _ “"7*a'—€_-'>' J» _ .1 "V." '_.‘_."\_ "1-‘ - . _;=" 1* "’ ‘ _ ' , 7 ~ ‘ 14-
1 Y ,_ V_:‘:“\ "~ A‘, e 1* nmnm ..= . nw cnucv. BLDG. -.1. .-,». , . ""47 hggl ...5,, mmu, men mt, 1941. 13’! "35 6;I -n~. - A-HA""'" Subject: A FV rnonucrxon e.§&_'cr<g'_T aw!’e?rv‘.4/i£j'§xLl"'- it 601. Iateon, D.A.F.V.
(Chairman). ~ C.I'.l.T. Vnu -Ge . elm . et . lb " er, S. of DLt.-Col. IrelandCapt. Lovie 'Capt. HyelieHr. ClarkeIr. WOOQII-rdHnhmmqIr. TeebringKr. CoxI. TANK A. G. 18S. of D. informed 0.P.D. that no chenge wee
contemplated inthe deeign of th long clutch for thie vehicle.TANK 2Ile 3A. 0._ 0.P.D. eekd that the Bill or Material for Rubber should beaccelerated. 3. of D. undertook to produce a rough liet by Friday,25th July, 1941. tIII.
Carrier .P. Io. 2 - Retrac of Draein z '' ( tom IV or ) ~O. On the let July, 1941, it wee eticipated thet the wholework would be completed in about three (5) weeks’ tin. The outeide traceing by Government bodiee hee not
worked ae well ae wee anticipated, and theeituetion to-ay ie that 50 eingle detailed drawings out ot a total ofapproximetely 800 remain to be retreced. or the approximate 750 which *have been traced, 150 have been
completely checked and ieeued to Ier£byr- _nong, and the remainder are under checking end production coking. -IV. Gerriere L.P. Roe. 2 & 2A - Failure of Bo;1e Braokete: '““*§$(ItemIof 46 IVo1'305 n: of 2-15 V01’ .»-
u9tP.D. enquired whet the eituetion‘wae, and they were in-formed that, although e Ghenge Notice hed not been ieeued, work on themodification of theee Bracket: wee in hend, end thet all Bogie Bracketenow being
produced by Victorian Reilwaye are to etrengthened deeign.Thie covere all production.V. Lead Plgge — Qhegge of Material:The eeting wee informed thet O.I.A. hed approved a chengeof material for the Lead Pluge
retaining te headleee pine in tracks, andD.A.F.V. udertook to put eone of theee pluge on teet at I.E.I.VI. Rubber buehed Coupling for Gerriere L.P. Ho. 2: _C.I.H.T. informed the Meeting that Ieeere. Victorian Raileayehad
produced a coupling or the rubber buehed type for Carrier: L.P. Ho. B.Five (5) have bee produced, end it wee propoeed, and agreed,to tit tour (4)to the L.P. EA Carrier and ieeue theee to School of lechenisation, and ,one
(1) to the L.P.2 Carrier and put it on t..t~at M.E.E. 0.I.M.T. inarranging the former and D.A.F.V. the latter.%»1.JA The Meeting concludd at ll a.n.Wcum (Lii Offi ) ) y N;”, . do son i ccr._ V } _JK/’ I 'I%'I‘§i_~.__é ,_i _ iii 1 7 ,_ ,
V -Il2vi\\Mlb'»..Q-'(V ‘ V >- U i ._ _ __ " , >’—?"?"»_" " "’_“" I ’ '“’**"" ‘ ' ' "IF _i‘-"“'i ' LI 7 . ' ' ( »- _ €N\\LlTAR Y _é " Q; :I5" Q , _ ( .-_ ;‘‘J ‘ .' ' 3, 1 ' 3 § J Q t ' § 15- Q ‘ Y 3 I *5?_, ,. '1.‘ ..;.,.i.“’ \ if . ._ ..‘.,,.~,.- Q. '. 'j..I ~ .,\
Q‘ ‘Y .141, _.' V 2 3;!’ h‘ t ‘ j E Q sEcREj,4=-”1'“ ' _* Exgt g linen, n.AJf1. (@110)-t e.z.1m-.B¢ 5‘ if m- av-ax. and % 1s.;u\.uP*H '-I-I-II ‘A// 7_._\__" ,¢._‘;\¢~_fgQ w /UI K I2 }_?_ J quilt / \'~*- .111. mm »» P ‘~‘-"Hr; " 5 ‘ /»-
)1 'i ax j----*"'“ n. I. " ma V % ~53 ",_ .1- i.:..La§.nl.'J-D.t111nll'Iaht0prodnangunrn1nrrm§illI-to¢|nuanalO11ldn£u¢II. '5: 5.; 5 *1-i_ Y1‘; .. ._, 1.}.-.. ll.FZ.‘.'7I.'l'5'“l7.{?§:’ 13 7- -Q“ 'o.r.n. urn-umWm mimunmu an-nan ;1.1 §p'gig .
Iiil>¢¢l¢L¢ G Uh!E1 ml malaria: at “Batch st ii-Iucktqaootilul at the P1-otnntina Gnmitha ~_lb kw I111 in tk-r be nnnlulttal B 1 -at aw,» £:t- 2: at m, ni_e.:.1m. 5magnum, aqauvznnun-nao¢e.u:..:s. man !i*€»I»&¢*uoa0,
mltrcnlniiIhu;!.a. tbrthuzuul -pilllum‘ tilrtinrnthishluilE,;-.'[FE _:1I25%;Pi;!2EE*1giii,E‘?E:-=!i,, %§‘ :1‘3%?=». z!!i :gal r.5? 5Er? ,3* §:2B*2T.ID¢A¢!'¢Yl. I111 j ..:¢m 13.08I-8 0!!!!» jum a—nm. ~M { 1 =14 '1» ajtqfpu-hrwhnolaioa
j Gnia- Itkill eil ht Jlitiilt I-IQ!» II‘ trial. an aqua: ti -.1. (‘EisE;5;1 /‘UC.M.A. (Lii_a_1§9;'-1 Officer). _ _ \ H
iT‘”=!'?""?"‘?" ’*" ' - " ' - "'." l‘, a » "rwr 7 ‘ xF ’ - 7- §§:__nf§.1jtii3 a;vi_g_s5g;:g:1a§*,gx_g§;,:_;?i__g;1:,;1a;§ n1.u_o ' ’ - ' , L a , ,3 = cum Mm Am/I808’ Q’ 0 am. 28553! 8 Jul. RE-ra 1 seckf aaagma 1-L.g.v,a rswaxsg,-
rzc>a. Z3 \ ; 367 , . I Z _"_ 7) >33$‘ a A .a 22%: ;:§$<!;‘ifafe‘I' “’“““"“j‘£;~~»2 ~ SEC_ m‘._u__________ 0-651: ‘M; ab Qt DoV \*rlT( ‘.7 (" E ; \,' V I ¢-G01. lv-1IT._ “"' i L“ _ i %Q'1‘a. N pt aruon. A mam am _ cm“‘L:»"‘TP.?\i/
.’.T"‘;.’\°,0 I i@°Q‘.’do "Ir. 31011‘! .llr."-‘ox.Ir. llhaaabarlain.“Pa §I.bru‘a_ 1;‘:-1-oi1. i’1ata fa hr:P’,., - F 0.1-nil‘. oaphaaiaad again that moat an-goat action in 1-any-act of~ wcrara an naaaaaary e pravaaa intarrapaiaa in
precaution. D.A.F.V.* ' I111 try and gal: a éaclalan about this aactar taday.~ II. 11>:-avg!‘ 526.8, -It nan afgad to bold a muting it poaalbla with aha aaauraaturara7 in tau daya' t , man datail. 4:-allnga of tho mu would ha
availablatar lama ta than tar the 9021.08! or aamtaotaring aha ptlat nodal.111- »>...=:ez!-.* latornad the React: that 6.5.11. had agreed to ma lamaof prlata, baron-a aha; Bra chock and finallaad tor
pvodackioa, toaanntaaturara tar aha purpose or manufacturing axporiaantnl uodela,planning, ate. 1 ayataa aaa undo: aonaldaraazon anarchy than pra-liainary drawing ahoald ha glvaagan aapaviaaaaal umabar, anion
maidav-016. dsngar or aunfusing than on a latar mate with production dz-aainga.Iva MU? 01' 1’ at of -\ 1: ' V?’ 3.A.F.Y. atatad that this aaa uoa andar tut, and that Plllli‘ <1 probably be awailabla Ln abeut a
fartnlghh>\L,{.>=9’/if‘ .W. .0/' . t..1.l.-T. tatoarad tho making that the ldaa that dacarbm-ladA _ phaa are in the aarviaa aaa arvonaoaa, all man pins having baaaA V)? _ rat:-aatad and brought? up to apaoiflnatloa."P*_ ‘/ V.
gstal of ung Q uaatg U llogigg. A1 My 0.:.iJ. info:-mad aha leaking that aha mole ayataa as it -aonwrnaI A.F.V.'a, had been lf0V10IO by Diraator or “rdnanoa #5-odlaattoa,and ha aaa in up-eaaaat with G.5.A. that the pr-
ocaaa could haacaalaratad uenalaarably, and daalt with by the Proaaatton Ioattnga,F or by a sub-connittaa tharoot, which would operate at least taicaa Isak, and nova ottau U‘ raqulratbvx. §_=g::;s.r9.,_i-.14?-a !~.._=_¢-
8......_._..-.~ 6 _._..=~-‘ Qpraga frllrd Q 1‘tg'Pg Q“ in W13; ‘ u‘r!‘iQl'. .'aGaLara RQ'0 2| ii; 3; 5!. I th.I'. Ir‘ Bl“, ‘Q 12115.0latter anion ara rather obsaura, DJ. ..Y. umlortoek ta all a xotlngor all concerned £aaa1y;‘D. otwlaah ,
=5. or 17., C-1.!-‘L, $1.1". .,Da‘a£?ova; ciiabg ;Ja3Q*aDa \‘-arpiavai ‘ Ill KY1’ at. ‘Q 611?", thi "Vqua;2/ye _@\_\\-"TM V‘ /if V;ii; I I mi, in I I |a_-Ii-~*'\,i. .1 . . \ _ V_ _ ___€__“V
I5’j .'W“ ~./;,J‘LE-3-VII. 3238 fgr is.C-‘=53.° 9.9.19. nlnod the qantlen or aparu tor 5.6.2., am‘: 1Q.‘ DIAOPIVQ ln 0090150 X11.‘h¢P‘tQ P080‘9 anoat;Duansurop Ud Du Q: “Chi; Ilth I V15‘. II! Cm“lint of spares for -1. initial.
mpplg,D. Ionthly mnintananol.VLI1. 5;’ a\I;&g‘ as tgg ggg‘ £105.It In docidod that any spouts]. nnum raquircd mud, J noM mam an awnings, but left an at px-aunt in nu hliIR§I ofc.1.K.1. j11. 2 Pggg Barring;tlost-up Ma bean
inspect“! and aizpmvid by I3-1¢J".Y.and i>.F.D. 1! they mud now aka arrangements tar iotropolltuaan to tanks up yhe um-k of chtail design and nlnatachari atlnontnl mdnl, v.i'.i3. to place an oz-dlr for this wri-
IQQDQQCQ-Qbtbtbbtt QQQQQCQQQCw’; %y- ,. {\ ,._ . . _.@(g~.v Ocamar-
? _ Q i ;. " e -,..-_._._..._ _',,,~#k_- _ ‘I >»___murm or , we m cmxms maa ,,- ‘~,9.15 1,11,’-raxrir, zvtn mm, lg Q I __'7,? 'Subject: ‘OFIVO PRCDUQT OI. \\ ex _l .1' \‘“\{;:$ i Q .=((3 £3 J 1'7 A‘Present g O01. Ieteen,
D.A.F.V. (Gheirmen). S ( (MW0°10 0.I.H-T. Lt.-Gel. llilner, S. at B.Gapt. YemenHr. GlerkeHr. Ioodwerdhe Ir. Taebring»I. Q rk minaret? bl germ §g_.z_~but:(gg H; er £1613» 3,) -In farther ineteneee heve occurred of this
meetin-testery preetice, but C.I.ll.1‘. ie continuing hie inveetigetione.i 11- éuzaziasert(pg 13;; er 24514.1) -The pueh-on type terminal en eupplied by Ieeere»Ford in the peet proved uneetiefeetary in eervice on
Cerriere.9.159. were eehed to arrange wit}: leeere. Ferd te uee e eerea-downterminel instead or the pueh-on ype. Ieeera. Ford here nae, Qrowided e plug with e fixed pueh-on terminal, which G.I.I.i'¢M eteted bee preved
eetietectorywmder teat. 0.P.D. were eeked tointern He-eere. Ferd that the £111? new eupplied eee the fixed .terninel type, end wee new ee ie eatery.III. C1 Reggeete :' (Item E 01' Egl)‘ " IO.P.D. interned the eeting that the
idee underliingthe Reguletieae tor the handling or Beeueete wee that lldieergeneiee frem the eppreved design eheuld be dealt with underthe "eanoeeeion" errengenmte mien elleuatrectore were agreedthat eueh e change
eheuld be made. The eeting eeneidered thet etee rigid interpretation at this preeedure would be very likely toend it wee euggeeted that e Sub-Committee be termed to exemne the iqueeti th e viee to arriving at eane eart of
eonprmniee. 0.P¢B.,D.AJ'. t end 6.11.1’. will take thie matter up with their denOrg etime.¢ eeuee deleye end eontueion in the reein or ermeured righting vehielee,V - IV. gerrier; LJ. Io; 2. - §e-deeiged Bteex-Q Wheel: ' 8. or
D. produced e eenple or e. re-designed eteering\ \ wheel tor Gerriere 1.2. Ia. 2, ee ineteneee ma eeeurred atIx /3/{ \_tei1m'-ee or the wheel am; to the welding where the epekee Jeinedthe been. lo objections were eem to
the re-deeip, end 8. at Bewee aired to change the deeign ee early ee poeeible. 0.P.D- willintern: Beerde or Aree lenegenent, end‘. will give eeneeeeiene 'totcever the change-ever to the new design pending ieeue at
GhengeHa icee.Fi 0.P.D. informed the Meeting that Eeeere. Byeeght hadY. glegg for Gerriere LJ. Io. 2, {Keen-5, ggggg:interned him that, in seven ('7) weeks‘ time, they would hereeeupleted the rolling or the plate for the
whole order forGerriere.~~L.P_. !o.,2. p /It eppeere thatW E _ //‘_,k_»;\‘ 9"” ‘e i\ _\ A WM : 2
Q .- - 1 7/",4/I/7/3’.en 8 _ It eppeere that the eutetending orders my be -- __h _ , (e) Approximately another 1,006 ! Oerriere LP. Ho. 2465 Scout Bern . .A m@er of 2 pr. Gerriere.(0)Relled. Plate far 5.6.1-re-epect of (0.). In
the meantime DJJJ» would try, inOJQD. pointed out that, in win at the decisionpeuible, ee rage:-in Annexes am! Ileehine Tech for the preduetiem1; (b)raj» ’ $5 Armoured Commend Vehicles.(r)(5) Rolled Plate rm~.A.c.2. .
Aecnjunctim with 8. er 9., to preauce e rough bill or materieltar the other iteue.or the leeting helal maer the Ghnirnenship of the Minister ferthe Army en the (ti: Jme 1941, that the 1.0.1 project ehould lbof the Gear Box end
the -Final D1-iv» - 8. of D. interned tbleet1ze.gthettne;lrmI1ngetortheer1gine1l.86eerBeae1I*ineJ.owv 5, ¢/J M) 883 Armoured Care.0.159. eteted that the melt urgent ectian wee inVI. 'aheei, he aaneidered and eetim mean
1» taken et once, 1:Drive were eemplete, and that P1'¢¢!Bt1en- planning eculd lately go":f¢_;.» _,= -- V,-5 _-2"}T‘= =2?-‘ ;‘_§i.L‘' _~'-73;» aahead an the enmrptian that theee 6:-cringe would cloeely representthe tinidhed.
ertiele. It wee agreed that there wee no obstacletrim the Qeeign or proeluction point or view that eheulé Qeleg theerectian of Annexes end the pa-ecuremmt of leohlne ‘route.‘ ‘VIZ. algureg er; g liege Breggejg - Oerrierl LJ.
Io; 8: producea 0. report from the mmitione supplyLeboretcry on the failures or rear bugle bracket: an GarriersL.P. Ha. 1. the gavel oonnhzeime at this repert were egreeé ta,and 5. or B. hag, the meantime, aneleped
e denim inaluding thereeturee that are incorporated in the original B:-itiah deeip aspointed cut in thie memorandum. \VH1. l.ece§2Basie epeciticetian in new complete, em it In agreedthat no outstanding gneetioae an the
hula design remained to be (LPJL 9 De‘ePe'e M 80 Qt'.V. I111 produce e final basic specification.The Ieeting oonc1ude6._1L10.30 e-m.. .,':-_1- if . I c.w:.A.i *(L1a1s0n iqrr icer_)_. A ~’- "/ ‘T /6’///V/§»//%D/6
ii_L_ 1‘_ _ __“_@I_tW2w_¢__‘_i in_" _ HMumW _m_my aw__‘4‘ _E_ 2> _ 'QH3VMY)A__‘LA’ _,InJ_7_ __ “__ an“Mm“J%LmyV_ “MmM 3_ n M8M$‘_<0 _ _Jw_mMM my'\ _L4” dM inW“ “MmIQ I >n _ ¢“W
__;wmm_mmm “MN “M“nm~®&m 7M W“,P?WWMW“M“M“Mum\M’ “ mm“m, &&§‘ _“wmWm _mwm[my “ W_§__FJ“ M E _' L.JO __ Ja MM G I NWM I_’ W m¢ M 1 6 R M “MW MM“ mam“ Mm“ MW W_Wm~/E WWW
WR m“M M¢_' mm“mmmwmw “mm ‘M:__ aw hm “MW _“ {E m"__ W £3m@@ t m%@ MW mi mmmm “L_ “%m@__> __ M mm“ . __1 5__ __‘__ _ _ M mi W‘% ” Mmymy W, &¢+ % y M_M W gm” 1% $M_“ WJ M
_&__ _JMM M?uu mmm“ “Mm“WM” Wm“m”MM wima m _“MM WWWaw“_ _my WWW“I E_\____'_V _‘.4 1"(hv“&“MmWMW_mi?_ gl _ Mam MM “M?” M: mm?#1‘m_6
I1\\\.I“fl {Q7/7=+’-’=W€-'17”/‘”/ ‘4L_. if Kl’/_P: , 1‘ eigmi; av mime mm nr caums = _-t 1:. .;_.~.> 3- /-,3;_.R5-¢§'_'5D* ' .3 mssmt lat mm . _SECRE‘1?% -;_.2-$41., m.m. - . - 6"~ M Ry $5‘ Qg .8ubjo-ct: A.l".Y. 1‘R0nU¢!'IOI.
601. Uatuon (ominnn). }3.A.F'.V. - Into-6°10 8. at DLt.-G01. ImnlnmCapt. Lovio *ma WoodwardIr. TaobringII‘. 001Mr. ClarkeE1- §.@...1:.1.sw(Item 1: or svgagql -Itwuagrootounontho rinaJ.pu-c¢nnphtoroad-"0.P.D. worn
aakod to inform Honors. Fora that the punh-on typoof terminal woula be accepted.“ " ‘11- * .(Item III or 8'l[6[41 5: Item Q or 25[6[4Q -~ O.P.D. brought forward Q letter from tho Chairman "or the Victorian Railings soaking
advioo an to tho installationor spot nléors with 1 viov to adopting tho nothoda pioneered bytho lot:-opolitqn Gas company. ‘rho 0.1.1. Branch gonorally arcin favour or mob notion, and oommor that than in anypossibility of tho
upot welding nothoi proving mporior to anyothor, but the ohatmio to snob limits! app-oval in tumiahad bythe proacat system or Ghango oat: Ihieh onviugu oithnr 1 whole-sale okays or 0. oononnion ainithoao in no niallo
oou::~n,auoh aszould hzéurniahod by on mthod or nnnufaoturo, that anU I691! 0It in awhtlisol that 0.3.1. Branch arc prion-ed togive approval, at my ah, for partial anioption at this not-boa ornot “Iain; at ones. IIL !:.=§.:££. i(
ton 1: or av a ) -. A final buio apaoitiaation vu proaaooa one app:-outby OQPOBI ‘ad. DOAJQVO On I122! '‘ N 1 0'_,/‘IV. Drag - .Garric2~ 1'..P. Io. 2: .»The oitmtion to-any is that forty-nix (45) dramahave boom ooupiotod‘
and unit signature an a provo for productionby 0.P.B. ‘mono will be olarod to-day (1/8/£1). 3itt{-id» (61)61-swig: an with 0.P.D. for tion chock. Thou!» Ii horatumoe! to S. or D. to-any (1/7,41), am will probably ho clean-
ad1:13. of D. before tho and oi‘ the rook.or trio rnainnlor, 1 largo mjority have ‘boon auntout for tracing to omittio Govox-mint bodies. ibis nrrnngonmtha: nae by S. Q1‘ D. with the Institution or kzginou-0. Iboronnilllor com:-in
tho imli, and 8, of D. ii retaining than zmdorhi: own control, an than are more likaly to be olnngoa in thanitoal A\'>hl!i~i!1 the othorl- / A /Tho wholo work should. ho oonplotoil/f2/W \”I_€\_\TARY AB-: \ ~ I '/
__ 7 _ __ __ _ _ _ 7 T 7 _7 _ 7 Y W ~77 _25'/~23 'Qhowhahwarkwulnbc uanplotaainaboutthra(3) vuk tins. 6.1%». ha given S. at D. 1 priority 11:-ta,and this labs!-mg oawlio with u hr as pouibla. Io n ta ha-thaw eoealorating
u wort are forthcmlng, and thoHatingngroodtopz-ocadunthnabevnlinoa.'¢- % ¢ Di > - .,. III at‘ . ’ - - T‘ ‘ '- _.' ..!.I3..I:f1JL!.ItI~'i:l;!£;!£..?. - 7' " In :1:-its or tbs rut that it was doemad, on thoSm Jms, 1941, to 1-ova:-'8 tip than
nix spots vhnla, nu Ghnngonotion has yet been roacivad bi 0.114., althnmh it no rmnlsx-stomakhut this was initiated an thn auto.0.2.13. are noqunstoa to ruin thn mttor withthnir Enginooring Dupurlmuat and to dlnaonr tho
ecu» for thn£0117, which in cu-ruaim tlair on A.?.v. section.VI. 590% at Katerina:Arising ant at the previous minute it nullaantinl um up can at arumu ar um lain»; should 1»clearly 4011211, mi that, if tbs: no to haw the urn:
ofacoohrating pronatiaa, lens was mat be tauad for candecisions to be innndiatoly inphnmtod.“Io Logo _¢,‘_ ‘Q0191 I _;‘ 4* t ’ : * 'la item can brought. up for diaaau-lea.VIII. agg mvggg to ihlnnln'! gas0.159. aka! B.A.I4'.‘I.
and 8. or B. to lat him maruwtaa at ‘arr which will ‘M roving mm to Piano:-nun’: Bum.‘lingo figure! I111 be rnvnishnul Ira 6.9.1). at tho nut P2-causation‘Ii 5-R800.The Eating eomluacd at 10-30 1-anI Y. V.C.M,A. (Liaison
Officerl. $1 1-3-,3»
,-+;——\---—-.|m-w———uu-—'w . I’ .1i~‘.-TiE‘ -'-s ;\ ' '3 ' .’<,..- ¢. 5.I ‘:-1‘ Q1’2-‘, -.L»5. 1iQ.1+‘I~' -,/ .1!“-‘:1.ivE.___ u-1;-.--v ‘V .._.~A___',V»i@@&2n:annl that uni: aau1a=~ot'a-1Y / mm: -1|-saga amp-uuaun ,_ " .".s.i¢.-P.-
'._1"-~ » , —_/<;:_,';'_~__‘_uV> 1’ V 72 ?> ¢-\»\"V"*. 6 aw.» ‘» A ~° " -» ~1s., . 1 7 25 I..-..m z " -e: 2.1 ?_a.z§;:.,.vs.::( .52.?-& ,1, *1‘-.»,_ 1.; ;.r.a.i._ - . .;1:-' 9. /' i _ .. ;.;1*.u1" j ' ‘ 2 j S L»-30.4:-J‘JT,.4-1-P?.1-.€ 1 (Q.
y.¢f.*1,%'~*"~"‘\'\‘*:‘.;‘ wan» ”"**" QQ‘9§ait‘ 601. Iaann, D.A.F.v'.“(ntrnln).?.§‘1¢3§"‘3i;....-°"";" r 2.~ 8 0 v 0 Q 'lrt: 0 §:?§::; ' curt. mmm-. Mull:I1‘. ‘g , ‘“r 1- '.‘L,..__ 7%: ' i * 1 ' Y. ‘I _;~ ix ¢.c~*<§ ;~uu.'uz~s -V-lea-
tcllmnohunuunnZ":§§.%§gingaff@215zhn;otptIonh||innnid-eana1in&3.0n!im- ' -II. ~ J1; . 1’; ...1 _..1_1:_ Ibgl .- 7 ‘o.r.n. wag»hump! i hi N11 1941,um as 1-qua an ha 1»I00’: ‘Q §»l.I-Y»::::§1;“:::::LHh-’ ii
,523%?51%?ks?"nrggf. ,5I-G.111- ' T 'cnnw%¢thstamubudvhih6 “ 1'!»-wgnrwagutcu-"a1ia:'A ij ‘t, 0., l»lIQ§I!'iI&$Il» ninthatdlulf. -ml-8.1’. shrine! is woitigntu tbs a1tunt£Q, ad9.1-P.1% iauringiigtarniwofharhnrtldpimhh‘ ~ I
$6£6!I!"'ai9-£.PV'__id.&$I@I¢!¢ atm-Z moral 00'iava'k1gnt£ann,1'nr&r autism rill be atamlmb“' kill ' _Bol.I'¢Y'¢ W $459. au2lb0p1n0l‘ath04_:-ai.$0ttbln11cnub. n.A.r. . 1-suicidal: (I) puntnntlia'~ #saw. (AJJ. auction) bun spud
ta quaintIr. Bushy, Gnptda lath», In Qhiirhin ad Ir. hubris!‘ anMuir nprnonntntivou nth 2. of 9.L“, .‘,4’ n manna “mink! at nun 1.-.,1;ii;C.M.A. (Liaison Office;-_)_.3,7 —" 1L L 7/ 7/x '(_,*$_ ____ __ 4“_ _ 7H_ _ ‘
I._ _.,.. V’.-_.*¢‘*<T\'N\\\_\TARY .7'1 V131?‘ IF( .I!11IA<<_“\\\J- .~ _. ‘1,1-1.3;" 01" min? my gr; ca_4_1_o_'§__Bme tam, HEM; V 9,15 n.m., wnsmx, 24:11 mm. 194;. ‘Z5’ /#43 99.4-7* Subject: A.P.V. raonucmcx. /Kim-/2,
é/Q/Ihit:6°10 Iatlnn, DOAOPQVI Gel. Smith, c.1.u.1*. Q1.1;.-cu. lilnar, s. or n. GQpt0 LBY1O €Capt. VomonCapt. llynlll111-. ClarkeKr. WoodwardHr. BronlcyHr. CO1I. Rear Bgio Brackctg:(Item IIo1'206 ') -It hnl ham
uenrtainod that thu ltatcnant that theroar bogio braokotn had utiltnctorlly cauplatod a teat or 5,600mile: in not accurate. The forks have done this mileage, but natthe brackotl. C:-on cmmtry work is therefore being cuntlnund
onthan bracket»II. Armoured F'1,Qt1_1_:_5 Vchielus(gum v er 2050141) -0.P.D. oontlrmod that all armourcd vohiclen, 1.0.,Scout Gar, Armoured Command Vehicle and Armoured Car, are (haltwith by him.III. I-.P. Carrier H
7 - tee;-_1rx5 dif!'1cult§__a_g_:1 e. 2 8 f l _O.P.D. stated that he had heard reports an rognrdithe difficulty of steering L.P. Carrier: Ho. 2 among trons.Ha was infused that an oxpcrmcntal staring gear,incorporating n Servo
mochanaim, was emplotod and should be -availablo for trial very shortly. -IV. Flttg for Oonvcggion of LP. Oarriard Hon. 2 8: 2A:(Item I ar 2016141) -0.P.D. wish“ to be informed an to tha nature palicyto be l.0p'liOd in to the
convex-aion fittingofor Carrier: tounabln than to noun Bron Guns. D.A.F.V. under k to gut tbsnutter clariflod.>v. Unltod ggmaggg a. llalloablc - 2.1.2.It was pointed out that Hr. Vlmaleombo, Unitodmginaring & llallaabln, hm!
weducod track: with thn cnmolurltor the land plug: at the wrong and. View or the tact thatother mmutaeturura were now being luyod, and that it was reallyimatu-1:1 as to which aid: thn 10 plug was placed, it In docldodta altar
tho drawing to eontann w h the track an built.0.P.D. grand 1' any cemplalnta had been recoivoclas ta the portormnco ob; Etracks produond. by the Unitedmginooring and Kalleablo 00 H0 wad informed that no
complaintshava been roccivod.--» I;i @355’ 'NW 5 _z 5 5:!‘ /M//ré[LH ‘$2 K /VI. Vchiclt Tool Kits*6
4. ——AL J' -- V‘,-¢‘II. Vogiolo Tool QtyDJ..?.Y. inronuod tho looting that tho Dirootor ofB-oohoniution ho! nliood tho quootion or tho provision in thoVohiolo Tool Kit: or o. tomloto for lining up tho book oxlo om! box. It no
oonomorod that ouch towlotoa ohould ho821991101! to tho MAJ). '8 and Army Piold Iorkohopo, but not to thovohloloo thomolvomDo‘oFovo"111 ta. mttr up Bo 3: u‘§hoIHQ.»VII. Fork on? bl Kogora. Iarbat:0.2.9.
procluood 1 1'01-2, Port 64'?/s, from :1» stool‘-ing no or o. Car:-ior 21.1‘. Ho. 2 which hid boon mdo byIoooro. ll-orbut, and had toiloé unor to-at at South AustralianHlllflfloIt voo ovlémt that o. mistake had boon node
innommtooturo ond hon! boon oovoz-or! up by banning tho holo and ro-toppod. ‘It on also ovidont that thooo forks nod boon oubmittod to Inlpootionwithout tho Gontrootor rovooling thoir provioao history and, no orooult, may
or thooo fork: no.1 ho mlnufacimrod and may ho in thoBorvioo. Tho iqolwoi-on or thooo unsound rorko, it thoro oro no:-o orthou in corrioro, oonotituto a oongor to lifo ma mo, ma may oouootho Gorrlom to toil in ootion, ‘rho
donation lo out:-omoly loriouo,om! ¢.I.II,'1'- woo ookod to invootigoto tho position at onoo oith ovior to dotornlnlng tho nognitwlo or tho problom8. or D. will look into tho poooibility of producingo opoeiriootion for opork plug: to
govom fntxmo supply.IL ‘ 6»P.D. inforaod looting that it woo not poooiblofor o choago Roquost to ho put to ' = by thou for oonoiéorotlonunions I11 tho oatrootoro oono A» no-o in ogroouoat that thinohngo should ho solo.
Ihio ooon to rolo out tho possibilityor ‘ oltonaoto mum or uonufoo _ to suit inaivnlual plonto mola- md 0.P.D. Ioro oohod to tokotho mttor up within air 91-goa~iootion in oz-dor to no it ooowo , ~ could. not bo aono to
monum-dato tho nothoéo or inéivlrluol oo ‘_1:ro.otoro- so for no tho GJLA-'oBronoh in oomoornod, tbrof oooao o ho no objootion to tho oltomotoproooéuro at all. *5X. A;O;§§' _ B-LoP¢V. ant 311 J'lIBI'.1941, 8.P¢D-_
hue! undo:-tokon to oqaply him oiih okotohoo showingthoir propooalo for - (o suoponoion,it ‘rrovoroing Goo:-, _o Tr-oak, oné(d Integral Turrot Ring, /7and that, in oplto or vovhol roqaooto, nono or thooo hadboon and that
thoir non-rooolpt particularly in tho ooooor Ioo conning 1 non--up in in ao-1;» or 1.0.: »0.2.13. will oxpoalto tho nottor.O ‘L ‘11- *' 0.P.D. oolmd 3. or B. to apply him ot onoo with mobdz-ooingo no ho has for tho loairlod I53.
our Box for tho purpooooor plowing. 3. or D. ogrood, pointing out that thooo dz-owing:would not bo ohookom-/_Tho Rooting oonolmlod at 10.30 um‘ 44,;., Lffvi’C.M.A. (Liaison Officer. )"
.-» » " ‘ -v. -*~ > ~;;‘~=. ‘-ii. . m ‘ - _ _. i . ._ _>=-’~ - ~ " ~" ",1 _.~ ' - . __; »_,;;’&_~»-_~_4 f '1 V ' — *'~-_ _qr - ‘ 1"-=m;1 ~ '~ ~;~.~< .~ ¢ . V ' - " - -~.» .,-., ‘_,_ _ _ -_ ‘ ,m__.._‘,, . _ _ .‘, ~iE ’ L '- ~_ . -. - ‘ ' ,~44 ‘ ' ‘ - ' V V 4
>.ll€% xmm av rs mwn .. _>, ,,,;*, ».A:>;,§L ‘i * 25 //Ii 951. /ms-== - \\ "* #""- 1- W.> en. aha, n.1..1*.\'. {china}. g 'ea. ¢.z.x.:. ' & 0 Y; $0 It §t V819%. Yqauin -aapt. Walk‘,0 ‘W‘Q0 $~§- 1» = -
$IntiIIQn,bQ$.uinII,ua1tIaqr0cltut,nhn~0€'!- kn, hunk ma=a.r.n.laanlwthnthnaimuii thnpah¢t1ana4'chvnrt1a1on$Ul‘t14plIil1Ql8G¢11- m. = %L £ 1 '-a.r.::. a\n,n|lpaht-niaat tuaukotagntnnnniinn-iukhitaypu-
niaalatatonafthopa-{manna bonniunvnillmItwangin|It§|:t@.P.§.nlau_1<lciarta_r11oan-‘ta!nin¢uIp18l0;1hhaf€aatnnQ0n"aau,au&nth&anhnRbe etrnrhlal In qtka an 9.1'J>¢ anus-cl an-viable to 13.1.!-2.,2‘ an. c.a.A. (mama
mu»). an a,4.r.v. n.a.r.1. an A€£nIu|I“h1In:0ru:t¢.I4»lnlanca'l.n:nitthn1-nanny1'|:1I'thlrl'-hnpu'§lIOII=iu00ethlsl'1¥I-'5sG>;?$§.$711* *‘ @0’0~§a‘¥%- nnnlpniniianuthpt it’!aha-nagzaocrhg J0‘.aaihapalttllg taut $-%n_Q
a.I'.B.nrculthurttaaaithlntiatepretatlon.I7. 4.1,)’: 7; L '.._;.._ -5. ..?,: i A J . ...-.‘;.‘¢V-j_F .‘A._;;.. I 1; 1* ‘2 I 1 15 -§f,.. ;.-i.l._*. 8 '[:3?.mm.";2:::::;:m::=:2z2::e:r@:::;$, " ital, 1 1 nu" maa! to ‘kt! a9a1tiaot1_u\- bu‘ It an ih:thi;1;.§g¢
aback%“/ 1a», my haiku awliu nut Nquuanem‘, 1.», M smug: can 1»2?;iaigi53%;‘§%§§522*?!§E:§< -.¢\2&1Yd?\ Egi -‘!'!D¥i=IO'¥i%Q@I1l§19l¢&' V} 7/1?“ I i~ ‘ ,_§_._§. {Liaison 0ff1q_e_r'f""""""_"_. ‘ A
. v~'\ .- .~'. ..-.- P&JHEr\@h4 ‘..¢¢»o"hT Q33‘ LRJUWQ/l\ 13 l / I1»;n-q __lB.I. WEEKLY PRODUCTION MEETINGS.IIGQ I.It is advised that it is intended to hold bi-weekly produption meetings at Craig's Buildings,Elizabeth
Street, Melbourne, to discuss productionproblems with regard to Armoured Fighting Vehicles.himdgg The members or the Committee will be drawn' “ - from!-" Armoured Fighting Vehicle Directorate.Design
Directorate.Ordnance Production Directorate (A.F.V.Division).It is requested please, that a representativeof O.I.I.T. be made available to attend these meet-inga.Major-General,EM." "A11'=.e.1:x Advises-/,
'"‘ * » *'@—' ~ '» >1‘ ~%_;— v—- ~ --V\ ‘ ,——-—-—~T~ ?~_#4“ \.,dq¢, F. V‘ _,. Q . ‘..~» ‘L*"'*§EW av 1: mm sum -"»‘»*_ “ /QI} ‘.3 . 1 5 _ ii, MH ,..{_.,\. ‘ ‘i;1 ~ - ‘ " . , = A ,.,;'..._..". 7.1 *_ $1,.-3.‘ 1 ~ >4-Q* L J . { M .
\ O W; ‘. ; I ~22“ v bi‘ __ (J 3,, I fswam» mm¢~z@nmm:& ‘? QQ$*I $‘\._' _/Q~&%' 601- Q ' B¢&..I‘-‘L $0 of B.Gtplw 609%. in-nan‘P0 abtr. ‘Insulin!r. a'&n1V In‘. faith;at I1- =_\ . ':.v.;;...!?:- '_ L; .1,._, 'i~._—;__.; ;‘_;;.A. . ,..,
‘i. ‘ *1 ..'L;2 L @p.i;..1:._-W_3.'......,.< R via at tho tut mi! annanrnbln 4012- ham Lstalyhunacailltyauau-unhnvaiingen-masts: ~ > to 0%» 900911 Mafia &J.B., it-an 1:14 haaa a grtaligin,P1-qq ,5” V» that all nib! Bnsrhliti duo
ask annals 412-act - n-up Gaatrnutnn ant In-$1 S: to OJJ. for no-ewainsttan.: §..* A <>\*°*"'“\° 11¢ ‘£21,1--L‘.,!‘ 5..-4 i}‘_,._‘*.,§._, ’*‘i.,,_ ' .3.-. .:.a.:>.(:; ,4.‘-. _» ‘Eit‘%§:i‘§§gfziiiglzsgzigiii.E§i.i=2}9.2.9. antral!uni: 2» can-an-.!..,
and ackd InC4 } ‘O.‘QQ 5 ”3%;:1» 1W m~ *thoqntiaotthntuctnuatruhrraaauuatraebn!.aIlig6.!JA'. at than an hating. _ A 3" 'R’ 1Illpl®III,l$l1JI&l§¢,t0I'l1l¢‘iOU$lgt!!! Qt tnqicnn at an Gent:-Quinn’ torts with G.I..I»1'. at '3 i, Ag’‘> -
§§f*>3 LL1-‘ .-‘%. ‘-_-_-;T531> “""*‘< '*.3Tho mam “mama -2. 1a.1s 1.». J Vb =9 l I ‘r Q-3-uunwnliillllb"’ ‘I \ % @ ~/>@@#v ‘ ‘ 3 §_.M._>A.? iL1a1a_on Officer.) ’I-5» Q. \L p y 1!,‘ V ya . k ‘Q A?-§>\' "'%lg 31 x. 1_:-
'__‘a:lZ_>__.. ~ \/ ) 7am,_/".-II___..
‘Vi?41)‘\.?\\1‘.ZY‘gt\ .Q5.\ ‘ i* ]j..;:>l.T*a Li.i._.anal %SIHnn|vlr£Q '%M f;.0I:.§o%.i_-nvi:u|s14h:li|nll|"t.8.l an 142 ) //Iv:/I ‘I ’\ V \\§">s~1'13 >a* ;mum ma mm: am. ‘ i1 in-'Bg§:awu»}%§§P:numnn. €§§:RQa“ ‘HIn Iluiinli "~~»K‘:
Ws gI-| III.v ~'-4-L-_ .4»,V i fan ' c.z.u.1=. “ antar » wllnnuaf am: j . . -..\%'....:..'*z............"-'".@......... "3 '-'“-"mvnnuqaahunamun.-. M/_Mz»»/”""%;>,~<>~/“’“$8“1aux, &uun In 1». In sandmanpi”i?3%5% I!‘:2 2:1-E22?512;;
f“annulus 1. “a.r.n.:n|nvanii/1utd :§mhrd' R ‘ Ha ¢ 1 A3,;M‘éim..~-mum?Q I V 7 l%¢?"- C !4.TA4_ _(L1a_1.pon? Officer) . J . Ls/'2 ‘>’-W‘ ’// §\ I%
I iv74'3"_?_-»-»~:\—----v,~-~~ -—.@-‘_ _-_- 7 WV — —— — V V ..HF...--~‘-~-<"'?=*'-"“"" ""'‘.'-."'\\»LnE:1.i"'v'v\ ::_1,.‘. ¢. \fa‘rwf‘_", ;~‘ ._,_(j ¢ "“\1-AR's?7,,\v,\J - . F <9--»§>m¢; % 5;? H* sanm am xx mwa mm. j
ECE§L/W.‘‘“f'\* -1li’ 11‘_ ,_ _ ~_‘;__4_.‘~_-.A._\|L 1- ‘}2;» vi _~.;» ‘my- »/_,¢,.‘__.'._v V.v4;“? “'A.I_l-M9; lr é *7Wmi. utnng. b.-4.? ‘I . A €~@% 1 - . -ca. $1 2:.-3." i <12“?MI” /0/a/W ~ *‘W3"Igiiiéilb =1. 1‘ 1; 7", 9" -’- "iv," ‘,%
but than an ns It sh-‘W t»n' : .L '%' nan ‘m "'$“"X2» u *5 A ’ .. 1 :,__‘i ‘ ; ‘ ?i> 1* 3¢ "”“"“i F"r'r" - Y * * 6.1:;-@I~‘!»1 ‘ In £33 V ? Qgggg Q;nI€lG§‘ag.niiM!li&hnunhlulnlnuri:;.!»I~nrh:tnimi ‘L “§‘£'_=' 1-’ $4‘ ,:;', :‘;I*;' *,;
'_1mr‘~.E: vi‘-i':§~§‘ 5 I; ,» 4,7 '. -,A §¢AJ'J‘¢ ¢.§.A. t% an-1? ' .Initiating ~.%;r;,fg..qm no 1ln&h», "~ 501030 .I 3%‘: 4 ‘ Sud ‘ dh @u ‘wag .m!.$;.*:-. we r at ui"-'*M .Q‘-?@9-;nnl:nI¢muI?|@n|n ’ /5» .-~h~u»=»rM---lama»
':=':::: --~*:.*.*=,...&'=.m.." " 5'. u V#-:1» liliutstnstqabn . \ ’ > - m\ A nlnmnwhgauautacmiapmxmaqumawaamuam %C} .M._.§. (Liaisor; Qt!’ is ark);
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