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What is Valentine’s Day?

How do people celebrate Valentine’s

What does it mean to you? Day in your country?

What are you planning to do on What kind of presents do people give

Valentine’s Day? each other on this day? Make a top-5.

What is love? Work in group and try What is the difference between love
to come up with your own definition. and being in love?
Why red roses?

Do you believe in ‘love at first sight’? In how many languages can you say ‘I
What is it? love you’? Make a list.

What do infatuation and crush mean? Would you want to get engaged or
Do research and explain. What could be in here? married on this day? Why (not)?

What is your idea of a romantic Can love really last forever?

evening? Compare with others. How long is forever?

How and why do people fall in love? How and why do people fall out of
What are these?
Discuss in group. love? Discuss in group.

Do you think Valentine’s Day has How can singles spend this day?
become too commercial? Explain. Make a list of suggestions.

What’s your favourite love song? What’s your favourite romantic

Do a class survey. What is ‘puppy love’? movie?

Letter writing competition

Write a love letter to an imaginary girlfriend or
boyfriend. Make it as corny or silly as you can.
Try to include the following words: heart, forever, always, love, crazy

My dearest ……………………………………,

What does this mean ?

Now read your letter to the class. The one that generates the
hardest laughs, most tears and/or applause wins.

‘Love is blind.’ What does this mean? Give examples. Do you agree?
Answers may vary. Answers may vary.

Answers may vary.

Answers may vary.
Love: strong feelings of attraction
towards, and affection for, another
adult, or great affection for a friend Answers may vary.
or family member. (Cambridge)
Why red roses?
‘Love at first sight’: A strong and They are the
symbol of love. You could possibly assign this as
immediate attraction to another
homework or group work.
person based on physical
attractiveness, sex appeal, physical
arousal, or romantic circumstances. Answers may vary.

Infatuation: a very strong but not

Answers may vary.
usually lasting feeling of love or
attraction for someone or something
Crush: a strong but temporary
attraction for someone Answers may vary.
What are these?
e.g. She has a crush on one of her Wedding rings.
teachers at school.
Answers may vary.

Answers may vary.

Answers may vary. Answers may vary.

What is ‘puppy love’?
Answers may vary. Romantic love which a
young person feels for
Answers may vary. someone else, and
which usually disappears
as the young person
becomes older.

Love me, love my dog. (humorous saying)

Said to warn someone that if they want to be in a relationship with you, they must be
willing to accept everything about you

‘Love is blind.’ People do not see the faults in their lovers. She can't
see his bad habits because love is blind.
The old saying about love being blind truly describes romantic love. Many
who are in the midst of romantic love want to be with their lover all the
time and can overlook faults, conflict, and abuse.

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