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Vocabulary Lists 6-10 Name………………………………… Class…………….

List 6

Infrastructure N. the basic systems and services that are necessary


Sanitation N. the equipment and systems that keep places clean

sanitize 给消毒,对采取卫生措施

Seal V. to close an envelop, etc. by sticking; to make sth definite N….

 close an evelop

 to prevent people from passing sw

 to make something definile

Solitary A. done alone; enjoying being alone

 a. enjoying being alone

 n.people;punishment

solitude n. the state of being alone

Sparing A. careful to use or give only a little of sth

he was aways sparing with his praise

Subsistence N. the state of having just enough money or food to stay alive

 to live below the subsistence level

Succumb V. to not be able to fight

he succumbed to camer

Surplus N. an amount that is extra or more than you need A more than is needed
Vocabulary Lists 6-10 Name………………………………… Class…………….

Thrift N. the habit of saving money and spending it carefully

a. SYN frugal a praise

Traverse v. cross

 the act of moving sideways






Vocabulary Lists 6-10 Name………………………………… Class…………….

List 7

Acute A. very serious or severe; very sensitive and well-developed

 感官 sense

 pain

Aspire V. to have strong desire to achieve or become sth

强烈的意愿 aspire to

Assuage V. to make an unpleasant feeling less severe

Autism N. a mental condition in which a person is unable to communicate with others

Beget V. to make sth happen

 谁生谁,得到

 violence begets violence

Beset V. to affect sb in an unpleasant or harmful way

the team was beset by injury all season

Bizarre A. very strange or unusual

Cerebral A. relating to the brain

 与大脑相关

 理智的

Clue N. sth that helps you discover the answer to a problem

 tip ; not have a clue

 clue sb in con sth

Deploy V. to use sth effectively

1. 战争加剧了原本已很严重的经济危机。(acute)

The war aggravated an already acute economic crisis.

Vocabulary Lists 6-10 Name………………………………… Class…………….

She was careless on the outside, but very acute on the inside.


At that time, all the painters were aspired to go to Rome to paint.


She pretended to be a loving mother just to assuage her guilt.


The enterprise is beset with financial problems.


They think it's time to deploy more troops.

7. 自闭症通常出现在三岁左右。(autismy)

Autism usually appears around the age of three.

8. 善有善报,恶有恶报,这是不争的事实。(beget)

It is an indisputable fact that good will beget good and evil beget evil.
9. 他怪诞的行为吸引了我们的注意力。(bizarre)

His bizarre behavior attracted our attention.

10. 我又提示他一次,他还是不理解。(clue)

I gave him another clue, but he still didn't understand.

Nowadays, more and more people find that reducing global environmental damage is
not the job of governments. Everyone, from individuals to major industries, should play
their part.
Vocabulary Lists 6-10 Name………………………………… Class…………….

To begging, governments are the biggest business in the word and they are exploiting
country's resources to provide their citizens what they need to have a comfortable life. It
is to say that they should invest in the recovery of their lands and protect their
ecosystem by including environmental programs in their government strategies. For
Example, if USA and China, that are the biggesst green house gases produces in the
world, according to a resesrch by the National Geographic magazing, join the world
wide environmental agrements to reduce the use of oil and gas fosil by increasing the
buggest to invest in Renewable energy, in the furure, the enviromental problem may be
significantly reduced.
However, people and companies also can make an effort to help an protect our planet.
By recycling properly at home, the amount of rubbish per capita could be reduced and
the damage to the planent could be stopped.
In conclusion, everyone on the planet is using the resources it has for us to live in it,
governments have the power to start protecting by making rules and companies an
individual people can take part doing the job from home.
Vocabulary Lists 6-10 Name………………………………… Class…………….

List 8

Epidemic N. a large number of cases of a particular disease happening at the same time

Integrate V. to become or make sb become accepted as a member of a social group

Manipulate V. to control or influence sb/sth; to use sth in a skillful way

Mind-altering A. Producing mood changes

Moult V. to loose feathers or hair before new ones grow

Poach V. to illegally hunt; to take or use sth/sb that belongs to sb/sth else

Probe V. to ask questions to find out secret; to examine or look for sth

Scenario N. a description of how things might happen in the future

Stimulate V. to make sth become more active; to make sb interested

Swathe V. to cover sb/sth in sth

1. 这个孩子虽然才领养一年,但她完全融入了这个家庭的生活之中。


Although the child has only been adopted for a year, she is fully integrated into the life of the family.

2. 操纵與论是一种无耻的图谋。(manipulate)

Manipulation and theory is a shameless scheme.

3. 宇航员们看到了奇妙的地球景观。(mind-blowing)

The astronauts got a mind-blowing view of the Earth

4. 她通过投资获得了惊人的巨额利润。(mind-boggling),

She made a mind-boggling profit on her investment.

Vocabulary Lists 6-10 Name………………………………… Class…………….

5. 国外的足球俱乐部似乎要挖走我们所有优秀的球员。(poach)

Foreign football clubs seem to want to poach all our best players.

6. 我们进行了一次非常振奋人心的谈话。(stimulating)

We had a very stimulating conversation.

7. 一个富有启发性的教师可以激励学生取得成功。(stimulate)

An inspiring teacher can stimulate students to succeed.

8. 酸兩正在影响着西欧的广大地区。(swathe)

Acid rain swathe vast areas of Western Europe.

9. 我不想太深入地打探他的私事。(probe)

I don't want to probe too deeply into his personal affairs.

10. 他们不敢去想只有 20%的人有工作的情况。(scenario)

They can’t image the scenario that only 20% of the population has a job.
Vocabulary Lists 6-10 Name………………………………… Class…………….

List 9

Ascertain 确认 V. to find out the correct information about sth

Audit 审查报告;旁听课程 V. to officially examine the financial accounts

Brand 品牌;在动物身上打标记

brand new 从来没有人用过的

V. to describe sb as being sth bad or unpleasant, especially unfairly

Cacophony 噪音,(不可数名词 )N. a mixture of loud unpleasant sounds


Cajole 哄骗

~sb into sth

~sth out of sb

V. to make sb do sth by talking to them and being very nice to them

Callous 没办法关心别人感受 A. not caring about other people’s feelings or sufferings

Capacious 空间比较宽敞 A. having a lot of space to put things in

Crave 极其的想要什么(情绪比较过分)V. to have a very strong desire for sth

Don 特指大学老师

穿衣服 V. to put clothes, etc. on

Flamboyant 形容人的行为非常与众不同

一些服装品牌的风格 A. different, confident and exciting in a way that attracts


1. 须要弄清楚,这些计划要合法。(ascertain)
Vocabulary Lists 6-10 Name………………………………… Class…………….

It needs to ascertain that these plans should be legal.

2. 报纸指责他为伪君子。(brand)

The newspaper branded him of being a hypocrite.

3. 后面的司机还在按唎叭,那刺耳的声音越来越大。(cacophony)

The driver behind is still pressing the button, and the cacophony is getting louder and louder.

4. 如预料的一般,在隔声盒中养大的鸟长大后唱的歌将会是剌耳的歌(cacophony)

As expected, birds raised in soundproof boxes will sing cacophony songs when they grow up。

5. 他骗我同意帮他做作业。 (cajole)

He cajoled me into agreeing to help him with his homework.


Mary's kindly and gentleness never touched her sister's callous heart.

7. 我必须恳求您的原谅,我穿错了你的衣服。(crave, don)

I must crave your pardon for wearing your wrong clothes.

8. 他家得花里胡哨,这样人人都会对他有印象。(tlamboyant)

His is tlamboyant, so that everyone will be impressed with him.


He is a flamboyant star in Hollywood. (flamboyant)

11. 你想旁听哪门课?(audit)

Which class do you want to audit?

Vocabulary Lists 6-10 Name………………………………… Class…………….

List 10

Gaudy A. too brightly colored in a way that lacks taste

Gratification N. satisfaction

Liaise V. to work closely with sb; to act as a link between two or more people or groups

Nibble V. to take small bites of things, especially food

Niche N. a comfortable or suitable role, job, way of life

Outreach V. surpass N. the activity of an org that provides a service to people

Permanent A. lasting for a long time

Siesta N. a rest or sleep taken in the early afternoon

Stint V. to provide or use only a small amount of sth N. a period of time that you spend
working somewhere or doing a particular activity

Straddle V. to exist within different periods of time, activities or groups of people



1. 主席呼吁年轻人积极地审慎地行使他们的投票权。(appeal)

The chairman appeal to young people to exercise their right to vote actively and prudently. (appeal)

2. 对很多人来说,去国外度假很吸引人。(appeal)
Vocabulary Lists 6-10 Name………………………………… Class…………….

Vacationing abroad is appeal to many people. (appeal)

3. 该计算机的特点在我们的小册子里有详细介细。(brochure)

The features of this computer are detailed in our brochure.

4. 这个出版社出版了很多迎合大众市场的通俗小说以营暴利。(cater)

This publishing house publishes a lot of popular novels that cater to the mass market for huge profits.

5. 布达佩斯大饭店可以同时接待一千人。(cater)

The Grand Budapest Hotel can cater a thousand people at a time.

6. 她包了一架飞机把他从秘鲁送到中国。(charter)

She chartered a plane to fly him from Peru to China.

7. 这项新政策会使一些不诚实的人有机可乘。(charter)

The new policy will play into the hands of some dishonest people.

8. 除了我自己,我不道责和抱怨任何人,因为我知道自己有很多毛病。(chide)

I don't chide or complain about anyone but myself, because I know I have a lot of problems.

9. 不相信抽烟会上瘾的人肯定不是老烟民。(chronic)

Anyone who does not believe that smoking is addictive is certainly not a regular smoker.

10. 这是一问有 300 平米的宽敞的房屋。(commodious)

This is a commodious building of 300 square meters.

11. 与志趣相投的同事一起工作非常地高效和鼓舞人心。(congenial)

Working with congenial colleagues can be highly productive and inspiring.

12. 看来人们一致同意执行这一计划。(consensus)

There seems to be a consensus to carry out the plan.

13. 我们三个人组成了一个高数小团体。(coterie)

The three of us formed a high-count coterie

1.在短暂地涉猎过历史后便把全部精力投入到他的主要兴趣- 地理中去了。(excursion)

After briefly excursion in history, he devoted all his energy to his main interest - geography.


A gastronomic restaurant is a feature of this hotel.

Vocabulary Lists 6-10 Name………………………………… Class…………….


Chinese gastronom must satisfy three senses: smell, sight and taste.


Over the past decade, Xinjiang has successfully harness wind power to generate electricity and ease the
regional electricity shortage.

5.我把马套在车上。 (harness)

I harnessed the horse to the cart. (harness)


He wants to hike round the world


All the stores have hiked the prices of luxury goods.


She produced many vivid black and white illustrations for the children's book.


The episode ilustrate that the world is in flux.


There are many Marine mammals of the whale and seal species in the sea.

11. 这十年,他过着不稳定的生活,搬家十三次。(nomadic)

12. 北欧地区人口稀少,空间广阔,当地人享受着原始森林相对少的空气污染。(pristine)

13. 她忙得不可开交。(swamp)



1. 他们开始建造整合的不是分离的建筑群。(ensemble)
They started building ensemble buildings, not separate buildings.
2. 在寄宿学校,把住宿区和教学区分开是完全必要的。(essential)
Vocabulary Lists 6-10 Name………………………………… Class…………….

In a boarding school, it is essential to separate the living quarters from the teaching
3. 现在信息和娱乐已经出现令人忧虑的相互融合。(fusion)
There has been a worrying fusion of information and entertainment.
4. 我的直觉告诉我我的数学这次会不及格。(hunch)
My hunch tells me I'm going to flunk math this time.
5. 我们办公室的微机和伦敦的总机相连。(interface)
Our office microcomputer is interface to the London switchboard.
6. 这样不学无术,酗酒吸毒的所谓的偶像真是对公众的祸害。(menace)
Such uneducated, drunken and drug-addicted so-called idols are a rmenace to the
7. 原因是较具威胁性的武器往往有讯息传达作用。(menacing)
The reason is that the more menacing weapons tend to have a messaging effect.
8. 他好管闲事,没人愿意理他。(nosy)
He is nosy and nobody cares about him.

9. 木管五重奏是这次演出的最佳节目。(quintet)-
10. 受惊的牛群向牧场涌去。(stampede)-
11. 中国地形丰富:平原、高原、盆地、山地、丘陵。(terrain)t

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