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Course: ACS800 multidrive

Datalogger Exercise

General Information

This part includes an exercise for APBU-44, PPCS Branching & Datalogger

To make connections from the Datalogger Unit to the ACS600 provided by
RMIO-02 board with optical INT channel.
Measure values from the Datalogger Unit to the PC with DriveDebug program.

Reference documentation
APBU Datalogger User’s Manual

3BSF20 0600 R0401 8-1

Course: ACS800 Multidrive

Exercise 1
Read carefully the exercise instructions and do the measures in the
numbered order.

1.1 Connections to the Datalogger Unit

1. Connect the optic fibers from the INT board of the ACS600 to the
Datalogger Unit CH 1 (V1, V2).
2. Connect the optic fibers between the Datalogger Unit channel CNTL 1 (V9,
V10) and inverter RMIO-02 board channel INVERTER.
3. Connect the optic fibers from the Datalogger Unit channel DDCS (V11,
V12) to the PC Drive Tool communication board optical adapter (NDPC-12
or -02).
4. Set battery pin in switch S3 to “ON” position.
5. Check that DDCS Node Address switch S1 = 0 and S2 = 1.
6. Connect external 24V DC auxiliary power supply to the terminal X1: 1 and

1.2 Starting the system

1. Switch power to the inverter unit. Set parameter 16.03 = 564 to see
parameter Group 112. Set parameter 112.16 = APBU. Switch power off.
2. Switch then power to the Datalogger Unit.
Battery, Power and Transmission LEDs will be on in .
3. After this switch power again to the inverter unit.
Also data Receiving LED will come on.
4. Start DriveDebug program version 2.9 or later.

1.3 Starting and uploading the datalogger

1. In DriveDebug program select Target / Start DriveBDU and after this
The window, which opens is given information about logger status. With
DriveDebug program it is possible to trigger and start the User logger.
2. If User logger is triggered, start it.
3. Start the drive and set the speed up to e.g. 500rpm.
4. Trigger the User logger and upload 10% of the samples.
5. Save it by the default name User logger.txt. If a question appears replace
the existing file.
8-2 3BSF20 0600 R0401
Course:ACS800 Multidrive

6. The following window shows time and the measured signals with the
values. Data info button gives the explanations of the signals.
7. Close the DriveBDU window.

1.4 Looking signals in the graphical format

1. Select from the menu File / Display DriveBDU File…
2. Select User logger.txt and open. List of the measured signals will be
3. From the list select: ia_1(%), ic_1(%) and udc_1(%) and click OK. It is
possible to select maximum six signals.
4. Click by mouse the graphical picture. The signal values and the time in the
cursor line position can be seen in the upper part of the window.
Also keep the left mouse button pressed down and move the pointer on
the graphical picture. The values are displayed continuously.
5. For scaling Y-axis minimum, maximum and middle values can be changed
by clicking the white value area. The signal must first be selected from the
upper list.
6. Save graphical picture. Select File / Save Current Window As…Give
comment: Currents.
File extension is .BMP and can also be opened by some other graphical
programs (e.g. Paint).
7. Close the graphical window and the DriveDebug program.

3BSF20 0600 R0401 8-3

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