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My Workbook On Line for 1st ESO Homework 24 Sheet 1

Vocabulary 20 points
1 Completa las frases con estas palabras.
(6 puntos)
lake  island  forest  ocean  desert  hill
1. A ................................ is a small mountain.
2. Greenland is a country and a big ................................ .
3. It doesn’t often rain in the ................................ .
4. A ................................ is a big area with many trees.
5. A ................................ is an area of water with land all around it.
6. The Atlantic is an ................................ .

2 Relaciona las palabras de A con las de B para formar frases. (5 puntos)

1. You wear a hat
2. People usually wear socks
3. You wear a jacket
4. Boys don’t usually wear
5. Jeans are a type
...... a. of trousers.
...... b. with trainers.
...... c. on your head.
...... d. over a shirt.
...... e. dresses.

3 Rodea la palabra que no encaja. (4 puntos)

1. socks  swimsuit  shoes  trainers
2. lake  valley  river  ocean
3. coat  sweater  jacket  T-shirt
4. shoes  trousers  shorts  jeans

4 Lee las descripciones y completa las palabras. (5 puntos)

1. It’s the area near an ocean. You can walk or sit there. b ..... ..... ch
2. It’s a tropical place with many trees and animals. j ..... ng ..... .....
3. A girl often wears this with a shirt or sweater.
s ..... i ..... t
4. You wear this to go into the ocean.
s ..... i ..... sui .....
5. It’s an area between hills or mountains.
va ..... ..... e .....
My Workbook On Line for 1st ESO Homework 24 Sheet 2

Grammar 20 points
1 Completa las frases con los verbos entre paréntesis. Utiliza la forma afirmativa o
negativa del Present Continuous. (6 puntos)
1. Mum ................................ (have) coffee now.
2. I ................................ (visit) my friend now because she isn’t at home.
3. Lucy ................................ (chat) online with her parents in Italy.
4. We ................................ (ride) on camels. It’s fun!
5. You can walk the dogs now. They
................................ (sleep).
6. Adam ................................ (surf) the web right now because his sister has got his computer.

2 Escribe frases con las siguientes palabras. Utiliza el Present Continuous. (8 puntos)
1. Debbie / read magazines / now / .
2. we / not hike / in the forest / at the moment / .
3. Ed / not tidy / his room / today / .
4. you / wear / your new jacket / now / ?
5. the camels / run / in the desert / right now / ?
6. Miss Smith / teach / maths / at the moment / ?
7. my friends / sit / on the beach / now / .
8. we / not have / breakfast / today / .

3 Completa las frases con el Present Continuous de estos verbos. (6 puntos)

watch  talk  not play  swim  not make  carry
1. Mark ................................ on his mobile phone at the moment.
2. We ................................ the guitar now.
3. I ................................ breakfast right now.
4. The camels ................................ our bags and tents.
5. ................................ the people in the picture
................................ a football match?
6. ................................ Julia ................................ to the island?

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