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Complete the following task and submit on Managebac when finished.

C. Reflection on Claim
This will be done at the end of the summative process- you will be reflecting on how well you were able to prove
(substantiate) the claim you made in A now that you have done the research.

You can refer to your claim made on your research document for reference where you answered the question: What
do you think are the major population issues in the country?

Now that you have completed extensive research on your country, reflect on the following:
● Was your original claim correct? If not, what did you learn about the major problems?
● Explain what you learned that supports your claim [why that is your countries main problem].
● Finally, reflect on what is like to propose solutions for these problems–what are the challenges?
This was my original claim Algeria having not have enough services for their population, having a high dependency ratio and low GDP. My original
claim was somewhat correct as i got the part where Algeria does not have enough services but i didn’t get the part where Algeria has a high
dependency ratio and low gdp correct. This is because Algeria’s dependency ratio is around 55-60 which isn’t that high therefore i was wrong about
this part. For the other statement which was Algeria having a low GDP i thought Algeria is like Somalia and has a low gdp but after doing more
research on Algeria i found out Algeria has a high Gdp due to petroleum and oils manufacturing.I found out they use this as their main source of
income and thats why they have a high gdp . After some research on Algeria i discovered that Algeria’s main problems were their population growth
and youth unemployment rate. This is because estimates were showing that their population growth will lead them to 72.5 million by 2050 and
Algeria cannot sustain this large of a population therefore this was the first major issue i learned about and was the biggest demographic problem
Algeria has to face. Additionally I found out they had high birth rates, better health care, and lots immigration which is why their population is
increasing and it is not to easy to slow down these factors . For the second major problem youth unemployment i learned this was a huge problem
because Algeria’s futures relies on the young because they would have to grow up and make sure Algeria is a stable place for everyone. Having no
youth employers will impact the country in various different ways such as economically and socially because then the youth will not contribute to
taxes and it can creat social unrest. This will make it challenging for Algeria to creating solutions that are sustainable because some solution may
involve money example if Algeria wants to have more land since their population is increasing they will have to buy the land and they do not have
sufficient amount of money to do so. To add on for their second problem may involve creating sector jobs. Yes they might be helpful but only in the
short term eventually the sector will not need any workers meaning it hasn’t really solved anything .Therefore algeria has to focus on solution that
make sense and they think will work on stopping their rapid population growth and thei low unemployment rates

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