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Do you have a hard time dealing with whatever you’re struggling with, couldn’t get a task done,

feel bad about yourself and then contribute nothing to properly right your wrongdoing and go to bed
feeling guilty? I’ve lived my life the way it is for as long as I remember and there are times when I find
myself being engulfed by my own negative emotions and problems that I can probably assume that it
was my fault. One of my darkest times would be a time where I doubt my own existence every single
day, no actually maybe once in a couple days and I have issues, relationship wise. With schools and stuff
and many other occurrences that I considered very draining to both my mental and physical body. My
old usual self would most likely cope with these hindrance with a self-destructive behavior and bring
myself down even lower. Bottling up my emotions, cut off communications and being a lazy piece of
mess and doesn’t even do well enough at school. I was trapped in my very own cage I’ve created and I
couldn’t bring myself to be happy and end up feeling empty every day. Hi, I’m Biradaht and today I’m
here to share one of my favorite quotes from a videogame character, “If you find yourself in a hole, the
first thing to do is to stop digging.” by John Marston. I’ve stumbled across this quote when I was being
unproductive and browsing the internet very late at night. I have to reread the quote a couple times
before I eventually realized that this is actually very true indeed and I really needed to see it during that
time. Due to it being hugely relatable to the situation that I’m currently going through, my
consciousness started gaining some positivity back and I eventually reached out to one of my closest
friends and we ended up talking for hours and that made me feel a lot better about myself and many
other things in life. So instead of shutting myself down, I decided to not dig a deeper hole and try to
figure out what I should be doing to get me out of this depressing quandary. This concept can be applied
to most of your everyday problems be it, work, classes, friends, family and pretty much everything that
would make your life miserable. I regained quite a portion of my confidence and now doing fairly well in
life for now without overthinking about little details that would occasionally deteriorate my mental
stability. Now that you’ve realized that you should stop causing yourself more trouble, take your time
and contemplate on what is it you should do to overcome the obstruction that you have or might not
have tried to before but being counterproductive will only reward you with nothing. Just being alive is
already tiresome so let’s not burden ourselves with any more of it. Thank you for sparing some of your
precious time to listen to my talk and I hope it would be somewhat helpful for some of you who also
struggles the same way I did as well.

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