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Global Premier Soccer

2015 Curriculum

Sessions When Working In A Small Space

Games In Small Spaces

Passing with interference
Set up/Rules
Create 2 playing areas with cones randomly placed inside the area. Have
a team in each area keeping possession of one ball.
One touch passing
Pass into space to allow team mate to run onto it
‘switch’ one player from each side drops into middle zone to receive pass
from other box and pass new ball into play
Coaching Points
Find space between cones to receive
Play one touch or take two touches

Counter Attacking Warm Up
Set up/Rules
2 playing areas with a team in each. In between 2 areas place a number
of SAQ exercises. Teams pass the ball with their hands inside the area.
On coach command players leave the ball and move across to opposite
area. Each player must move through a SAQ exercise before getting to
other side. First team to get all players across wins a point
Players now pass ball with feet
Teams must make 10 passes before moving to other side
Coaching Points
Weight and accuracy of passing
Quick reaction to trigger
Speed of transition
Games In Small Spaces

Progressive passing game
Set up/Rules
15x15 yard area with 2 central cones.
Have at least 2 players on each outside cone, 1 player on each
central cone. A ball is continuously passed between cone 1 & 2, cones 3
& 4 and cones 5 & 6. Players will moves in a figure of 8
indicated by blue arrows in the diagram. Play 2 touch.
Rotate direction of play
One Touch
Coaching Points
Positive first touch
Firm crisp passes to back foot
Quick movement to next cone

Passing & Awareness
Set up/Rules
Green arrows show passes. Number 1 & 2 pass the ball back and forth in
two touches. 3 & 4 pass the ball back and forth in two touches. Players
move after each pass shown by blue arrows. 3,4 & 5 rotate after each
pass. No player should touch the same ball twice in a row
Number ones now receive and pass to number 2 diagonally opposite.
Coaching Points
Quality of passing
Take touch to commit defender or play first time
Awareness of where you are moving next
Games In Small Spaces

Forward Passing Game
Set up/Rules
2v1 in each zone with extra defenders in central area. Players try and
transfer ball from one target to the other. Team has 6 balls to try and get
from one end to the other. Team who get the most across win. Rotate
attacking and defending teams
Once ball is passed into play it can’t go back to same target player
Coaching Points
Receive to play forwards
Combine with team mate to play forwards
Disguise and creativity to play ball forwards

2v2 End to end game
Set up/Rules
2v2 in central zone with two target players at each end. Teams try and
get ball from one end to the other to gain a point. Target players can
only pass into team who gave them the ball. Target players must play
one pass with each other before playing into central area. Target players
can not play direct to other side.
Team who lose possession rotate out for a target team.
Play can’t go back to same target team twice in a row
Coaching Points
Receive to play forwards
Combine with team mate to play forwards
Disguise and creativity to play ball forwards
Games In Small Spaces

Switching Play
Set up/Rules
5 teams of 3. Each team begins in one box with one team split as shown.
Team must make 3 passes inside box before passing into a new box.
Defenders must be in a box at all times and move into box with ball in.
One box will be without defender. If defending team win possession
they must try and pass to new box and the team giving up possession
become new defenders and disperse.
One player from the box without a defender can move into middle to be
target player and switch ball into any box.
Coaching Points
Speed of play
Take touch to commit defender or play first time
Awareness of box with no defender

Switching Play & Support
Set up/Rules
Create 4 boxes with a 5 yard gap between each box. Red team start in
one box. White team spread into other 3 boxes and blue team start in
box created between other 4 boxes. Red team make 3 passes and switch
to any white player in another box. As ball is travelling, white players get
into box to support team mate and red team spread out so one player is
in each box. 1 defender can go in from middle box. White team look to
make 3 passes and switch to a red player in another box.
5 passes before switch
Coaching Points
Speed of play
Take touch to commit defender or play first time
Awareness of when to support
Games In Small Spaces

Progressive passing game
Set up/Rules
Create four 10x10 boxes. Two teams, one team starts inside one of the
squares with one defender. Team make 3 passes then can move into
another box and play in two boxes. Another defender joins the game to
create 4v2. Make another 3 passes and expand into all four boxes.
Another defender joins to make 4v3. After another 3 passes another
defender joins to create 4v4. If defending team win possession all
players join area and team make as many passes as possible.
One touch play
Coaching Points
Speed of play
Take touch to commit defender or play first time
Awareness of box when to move into new space

Forward Passing
Set up/Rules
3 teams of 4 with 2 target players. One team in each half, one team split
with 2 players in each half. Coach passes ball into each half. Teams must
keep ball away from defenders and try to pass ball to target player on
the outside of other half. First team to get 4 balls to target player wins.
Rotate defending team. Each team defends once. Team with most passes
to target wins.
If defenders win possession they can try and hit target player for an extra
Coaching Points
Speed of play
Take touch to commit defender or play first time
Awareness of when to play forwards
Games In Small Spaces

2v1 Circuit
Set up/Rules
Players work in pairs. Two teams start as defenders, one in each zone.
Game starts with attacking team passing into defending team who pass
straight back to attacking team. Attackers go 2v1 and try to beat
defender and get into second zone going 2v1 to goal.
Add GK’s
Coaching Points
Attack at speed
Beat defender 1v1
Combine with team mate
Clever & Creative play

Attacking 3v2
Set up/Rules
Attackers and defenders line up as shown. Attackers play a wall pass to
begin the exercise. Once the pass is played 2 defenders enter the area.
Attackers try and score, defenders try and win possession and get into
end box.
Challenge attacking team to include overlapping run into attack
Coaching Points
Attack at speed
Beat defender 1v1
Combine with team mate
Clever & Creative play
Games In Small Spaces

2v2 Games
Set up/Rules
3 small fields with different ways to score.
Normal 2v2
2 goals at each end
End line game
3 min games. Team to score most goals after playing on each field wins
Coaching Points
Attack at speed
Beat defender 1v1
Combine with team mate
Clever & Creative play

3v1 - 5v3 transition Game
Set up/Rules
Play 3v1 in small box. If defender wins possession play out to team
mates in larger square who play 5v3. If 3 win possession get ball into
small square and go back to 3v1
One touch play
Coaching Points
Speed of passing
Take touch to commit defender or play first time
Poke tackle to get ball to team mate on outside
Games In Small Spaces

Penetrating passing game
Set up/Rules
Four teams of four. Team in each zone. Team pass the ball in their zone
trying to get ball through to team mates with penetrating pass
One touch
One player can enter zone and try won possession
Coaching Points
Move ball quickly
Clever movement and combinations
Disguise on passes
Exploit gaps or ‘switched off’ defender

Overlap to goal game
Set up/Rules
Ball is passed wide receiver takes touch infield to allow overlap. As ball
passed defender enters the game to create 2v1. If defender wins posses-
sion they try and dribble to end line.
Coaching Points
Attack at speed
Beat defender 1v1
Combine with team mate
Clever & Creative play

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