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• Objective: Use correct and appropriate multimedia resources when orally giving information, instructions,
making explanations, and narrating events in personal or factual recounts.

• Multimedia comes from combining the words multi which means “having many or more than two”, and
media which means “all the means of communication”
• Multimedia is an interactive media and provides multiple ways to represent information to the user. It
provides an interaction between users and digital information as a medium of communication.
Multimedia is used extensively in education and other areas like training, reference material, business
presentations, advertising, and documentaries.
• Multimedia includes newspaper, radio, television, Internet, and social media networks.

Five Components of Multimedia

 Text-it is the most common multimedia element. All multimedia productions contain some amount of
this component. It can have various types of fonts and sizes.
 Graphics-it makes the multimedia application attractive. It represents non-text information, such as
drawings, photographs, charts, tables, graphs, etc. it is used more often than text to explain a concept
and to present background information.
 Audio-it is multimedia application that may require the use of speech, music and sound effects. These
are sounds that can be added and combined with all other media types in so many ways.
 Video-it refers to the moving picture, accompanied by a sound like a television picture. It gives a lot of
information in a small duration of time. This is useful in the multimedia application for showing real-life
 Animation-it is the process of making a static image look like it is moving. It is just a continuous series of
still images that are displayed in a sequence.

Advantages of Using Multimedia

1. User-friendly- It doesn’t take much energy out of the user in the sense that you can sit and watch the
presentation, read the text, and hear the audio.
2. Multisensorial-It uses a lot of the user’s senses while making use of multimedia. For example, hearing,
seeing and talking.
3. Integrated and Interactive-All the different mediums are integrated through the digitization process.
Interactivity is heightened by the possibility of easy feedback.
4. Flexible. Being digital, this media can easily be changed to fit different situations and audiences.
5. Used for a wide variety of audiences-It can be used by various audiences ranging from one person to a
whole group.

Disadvantages of Using Multimedia

1. Information overload-because it is so easy to use, it can contain too much information at once.
2. It takes time to compile-even though it is flexible, it takes time to put the original draft together.
3. It can be expensive-multimedia makes use of a wide range of resources, which can cost you a large
amount of money.
4. Too much makes it impractical-large files like video and audio need large storage. Adding too much can
mean that you have to use a computer with huge storage capacity to store the files.

LESSON 2-Oral Language, Stance, and Behavior in Factual Personal Recounts

• Objective: Use appropriate, oral language, stance and behavior when giving information, instructions,
making explanations, and narrating events in factual and personal recounts

What is Communication?
 Communication is a two-way process by which individuals
exchange ideas, feelings, and opinions.
 Language is a medium of communication. It is a tool that is
used in expressing ideas and emotions to promote

What is Oral Language?

 Is the process of utilizing knowledge and skills to speak and listen effectively through the proper use
of true to life ideas/information, words, grammar.
 This skill will give you the ability to communicate effectively.
 Through oral language, we can also express what we want or feel.
When orally giving information, instructions, making explanations, and narrating events in factual and
personal recounts, the speaker should use the appropriate oral language, stance, and behavior to achieve
understanding or effective communication.
A. Characteristics of an Appropriate Oral Language
An appropriate oral language is;
1. Clear-Using correct grammar, short words, shorter sentences, specific words to enhance clarity. A short
simple sentence is easier to understand than a complex sentence.
Example of short simple word is revived instead of revivify.
2. Direct and conversational-Using words referring to the speaker and the listener, like, I, me, my, mine,
our, ours, us, you, your, yours.
3. Appropriate-Using the language which is appropriate to the listener’s age, education, breeding, gender,
occupation, and occasion. Is it a formal interview? An informal meeting of friends?
B. Non-verbal Behaviors
1. Pitch-The highness or lowness of the voice is useful to use when expressing emotion. Our pitch rises
when we are excited and lowers when we are sad.
Pauses-Pauses are moments of silence between phrases. A pause is used to separate ideas and also to
emphasize word/s. This is particularly useful when giving formal presentations such as an oral report or
telling a story.
2. Space or Distance-Distance or Proximity is the amount of personal space or distance between people
who are talking. The relationship between them, their personalities, and their culture or whether
the situation is personal, social, or public will all affect the amount of proximity needed.
3. Eye contact-Eye contact is the use of the eyes in communication. The level of eye contact often
depends on the relationship between the communicators and affects both the speaker and the listener.
4. Looks and Gestures-The use of a facial expression, head movement, hand gesture, and posture in
conveying meaning. Smiling, head-shaking or waving reinforce what we are saying.
Communication Situations
1. Giving information-Giving something such as facts, knowledge, or beliefs to someone.
2. Giving instructions-Giving orders or directions. We use the imperative form to give orders or directions
in English.
The imperative is a type of sentence that gives instructions that express request or command.
3. Making explanations-Making an overall description of something to make it easy to understand.
Sequential explanations explain how things happen, for example, through various stages in a process.
4. Narrating events in factual and personal recounts. Recounting or retelling a sequence of events, real or
imagined. It's also called storytelling.
A recount can focus on a specific section of an event or retell the entire story.
You can use simple past and simple present tense
What is Stance?
 Stance-is the manner and position in which a person stands.
What is a good stance?
 Keep a good posture when speaking.
 Stand straight with shoulders back, relaxed, and feet shoulder-width apart
 Have some movements (like using your hands and feet like walking etc) but don’t pace or fail your arms
like you are helping an airplane park. Do not cross your arm, put your hands in your pocket, or slouch.
 Face the audience as much as possible and keep your body open.
What is Appropriate Behavior?
 Appropriate Behavior-refers to how you act and deliver a text through different facial expressions such
as happy, sad, angry, surprise, and afraid and body language like maintaining eye contact, showing good
posture and smile, using hand gestures tilting your head to one side.

Characteristics of a Good Speaker

 They have good eye contact with the audience.
 They pause before and after important ideas
 They have a good posture
 They are confident, relaxed, and energetic.
 They have a conversational tone.
 They have speech organization
 They have a main idea like good points.

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