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International Public Announcement

Alena Mikhailovna Borovaya

Blackmailer Alert

- A group of Georgian/Russian citizens are targeting NATO nationals and their friends
and family members to blackmail using personal information

- The o enders hack into victims’ online accounts (such as emails, messaging apps,
social media etc) using Password Resetting phishing emails

- Followed by, the group monitors their victims, read through personal
correspondence seeking information to blackmail with, gathers/downloads data,
contact lists etc to remote devices

- The o enders then create hundreds of pseudo accounts in their victims’ and their
friends and family members’ names and post negative contents on social media

- Subsequently they proceed to intimidate, extort, blackmail their victims and their
family members with these fake accounts by non stop, years on harassment and
threats of leaking personal and private information online, identity abuse and identity

- Their primary objectives seem to be extorting money or help with visa/PR to NATO

- The o enders are not members of the Russian Armed Forces but a group of students
in their early twenties from HSE University

- The o enders do not possess any rearm as of this date


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