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B:Hi everyone

T: I’m Tung
D:I’m Duyen
B: We are …( group name )
T: As you guys know we are going to join a language competition nameFPT EDU
NIHONGOENG with the theme Kyoukai no katana – beyound the boudary
D: And we are very excited to told every one how interested we are
T: In our opinion , this competition is the great opotunity for us to gain a a lot of helpful
D: Not only that we can have the chance to interact with all the student from other campus
like HCM city , Ha Noi , Da Nang < Can Tho and student from other university like
Swinburne, Greenwich university
T: I think this copetition is successful in create a fasinasting playground for the student who
love learning english , we can improve our speaking , listening , comuinication skill which
are very necessary for us in the future
D: As a student of FPT university Quy Nhon AI campus , we feel very grateful when our
school has given us a chance to join this copetition
T: Doesn’t matter what the result is , we will try our best with 100 % effort , because we
know that , lose or win is not the main purpose of the competition , the most important is
what we we learn after the competition and concentrate on our study
D: If we win , it’s gonna be so wonderful, but if we lose , it’s okay we’ll consider that this
competition is the place we gain more experience and try harder next time
T: About the theme of this contest :” Beyound the boudary” we can understand that we push
our limit and achieve something we think that is hard to achieve , don’t be afraid just try
your bét and never give up , one day success wil come to you like a gift for your
D: The limitation are birth to be breake,of couse, this limit is not the limit of law or
something else, this limit is the limit of human ability so we need to go through that to have a
better future or become a better human being
T: No thing is impossible, we can see that in the past, our social are just a small group of
people which the ability to hold thing by their hand and find food with a primity way , our
ancestor use tool made of stone and eat raw meat and vegetable
D: But nowadays , our society become modern and convinience , we can easily buy food in
the supermarket, we can travel to any where in the world by car , airplane , cruise . We even
can stay at home and conmnect wth the world by your phone , tv or laptop
T:But why we can do that? That because we have breake our limit without any fear . If we
scare that we can’t do it , our society will never develop like these day . limit is created by
our mind , in real life , there are no limit for any of us, if we have enough patient and
determination , we will come through it very easy
D:So what is the benefit of beyound the boundary , you can find your self new value and
develop your self to be a better person . You can build your new life and independent life
T:Not only that , you can reach your dream like your dream jobs , your goals you have follow
all your life . Once you push your limit , sucessful is just a matter of time .
D:After all we can see that , breake the limit is not the only way to be success and happy in
life , but it’s one of the best and the most effective way for you to bring you a wonderful life
T; so don’t be afraid of your limitation . Do your best , never give up and stay on what you’re
doing , You won’t be dissapointed
B; that all my group opionion about the contest and the theme , we wish the contest sucessful
and thank you for watching

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