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Title: A House Rental Management System for Improved Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction


In the current scenario, manual house rental management has become increasingly difficult due to the
growing number of tenants, properties, and rental transactions. This leads to a higher likelihood of
errors, inefficiencies, and dissatisfied tenants. A house rental management system can help mitigate
these issues and provide better rental experiences for both landlords and tenants.


To automate the process of house rental management, reducing the likelihood of errors and increasing

To provide an easy-to-use platform for landlords and tenants to manage their rental transactions.

To enhance customer satisfaction by providing real-time updates and seamless communication between
landlords and tenants.

To provide landlords with comprehensive rental analytics and insights to help them make informed


Analysis of current house rental management systems available in the market.

Collection of user requirements through surveys and interviews with landlords and tenants.

Design and development of the house rental management system using appropriate technologies such
as PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Testing and evaluation of the system to ensure its functionality, performance, and user-friendliness.

Deployment of the system and training of end-users.

Expected Outcome:

The expected outcome of this project is the development of a reliable, efficient, and user-friendly house
rental management system that can help landlords and tenants manage their rental transactions with
ease. The system will also provide landlords with valuable insights into their rental properties, enabling
them to make informed decisions.

The house rental management system will bring about numerous benefits for both landlords and
tenants, providing a more seamless and efficient rental experience. By automating the manual process
of house rental management, the system has the potential to reduce the likelihood of errors, increase
customer satisfaction, and provide valuable insights for landlords.

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